What does Jason Garrett actually do?


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Do we know what the ones do that aren't involved in calling plays? Unless some film crew follows them around, I am not sure what they do except oversee a pretty large coaching staff.

What do you think Kingsbury is going to do? He didn't even know what coaches to try and hire.

As far as that clapping thing, works OK for Belichick and Saban and a hundred other coaches and has nothing to do with his coaching, anymore than Carroll chewing gum like a Valley Girl. Hank Stram used to carry a rolled up "something" in his hand and pound his palm with it as he would say "ok boys, lets matriculate it down the field".

That HC job is one tough SOB, just ask the 6-9 HC's that will lose their jobs after or during this season. There was a reason why coaches like Jim Johnson and Monte Kiffin turned down interviews for HC jobs, they knew they were not cut out for it, just like Linehan and Marinelli and a long list of coaches had to find out the hard way but 98% of them have to go for that brass ring, not to mention just oodles of money.

I think Garrett is a good strategist and has a locked down mind for order with his coaching staff. My only problem with him has been that sideline management during games when the tactics must be brought into play and the tough decisions made with little time to do that.

However, even what some here consider the best candidate to replace him screwed the pooch at the end of that Rams game. That bad call didn't cost them that game, Payton's bad calls at the end did and I find it surprising that he's just slid on by that because the guys doing the game were totally bewildered by those three calls.


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Considering he spends 80-90 hrs a week there, he must be doing something


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Reminds me of union members at our business who think the CEO does nothing. :muttley:

Just punch the clock, do your task for 8 hours, go home, and stop worrying about things above your pay grade.


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whatever he does , its not working .

we've made the playoffs thrice in 10 years , thats an nfl record .


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Reminds me of union members at our business who think the CEO does nothing. :muttley:

Just punch the clock, do your task for 8 hours, go home, and stop worrying about things above your pay grade.
Yeah, I'm a small business owner, and I get accused of doing nothing and being rich!!!!


"We Are Penn State"
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The bad thing about Garrett is that it's a double-edged sword with him this year. He sucks, and well, we get to watch a lame duck season. Or he takes this team super deep into the playoffs and we might get stuck with him longer. Pick your poison. LOL
garrett says yes in the day time.
at night, it is no, no, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes!
He is our head coach in training...and it shows. At least he doesn't ice his own kickers anymore.


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It's not his offense.
It's not his defense.
He doesn't call plays.

What does he actually do that any figurehead like Switzer or Campo couldn't do?
It wasn’t Jimmy Johnson’s offense. Or defense. He didn’t call plays .... nor does Bellichick.

Are you not aware that this isn’t uncommon?

Or that there are people in charge of others in all kinds of organizations and business that don’t directly design and carry out certain tasks.

There are fair criticisms of Garrett, but this isn’t one of them


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There will never be a deep playoff run as long as JG is here...the guy should not even be allowed to coach a dodgeball team. JG should have been fired after the Rams debacle. And all the coaches needed to be turfed, other than maybe Richards.


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Biggest problem w/ JG is his personnel choices. No, Jason, I have not forgotten Escobar, and the fact that he was your pick. One of the worst picks in franchise history.


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Garrets biggest asset is managing the circus that is the cowboys. Managing the shoot from the hip jerry, hard knocks stephen, and entittled players who make more than he does. Most of these popular college coaches wouldnt last 2 years trying to lead this locker room. And stop trying to sell me the crap that jerry will let a coach he doesnt even know have more power than garrett who he sees as family. Garrett is great at managing players, bringing the locker room together. And now that linehan is gone youll see a bigger involvement with the offense that helps young moore.


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A waterboy can bring the locker room together .

The title is hierarchical , not merit based.

'everybody to the locker room now' - ordered the head coach .


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Garrets biggest asset is managing the circus that is the cowboys. Managing the shoot from the hip jerry, hard knocks stephen, and entittled players who make more than he does. Most of these popular college coaches wouldnt last 2 years trying to lead this locker room. And stop trying to sell me the crap that jerry will let a coach he doesnt even know have more power than garrett who he sees as family. Garrett is great at managing players, bringing the locker room together. And now that linehan is gone youll see a bigger involvement with the offense that helps young moore.
I don't think any of us really know what it's like to HC under the Joneses. We had that FA DB for almost a season and when he left he said some team meetings were held up because the Joneses were running late, he was amazed at that.

Probably the worst thing to happen to any future HC was Parcells. He was so over the top on control and took over as the face of the team that Booger will never allow that to happen again. It was worth it to get the new digs but I don't think he thought it would be that bad and to make it worse, here was another HC the local media loved.

If Garrett does not get extended, our best hope as fans is Payton because he already has a relationship with Booger and doesn't have to establish trust. The worst would be Riley or any college guy wanting to break into the NFL, Booger would manhandle him.

While it was embarrassing for both of the men, I think Campo and Phillips were happy as hell to get out of that mess. I don't know if you ever caught the Ticket with their fake Booger and Wade but it was fall down funny and completely emasculating to Wade Phillips. He had to cringe if he ever heard it.


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Jason Garrett is Motivation

For all his faults he’s never lost the team not once

I heard that before a million times. Have we become so accustomed to mediocrity that we make excuses as lame as this?

My baby brother is lazy and can't do anything. But at least he can tie his shoes.


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All I know is I don’t see adjustments when the current game plan is going south. I’m not going to knock him because I’ve never been an NFL HC but I can comment on what I do I see.

His job as a HC should have a plan B when things aren’t going right and this has happened many times under his watch. No adjustments.

This is what sets BB and the other greats apart. Teams like the Pats play a different game plan in the second half and it throws the opposing teams off. Guys like JG sit back and assume things will go right the entire game. Think again, Red.


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Tell me how he has lost games for this team. And don't tell me it was the iced his own kicker. Because if you didn't I send we were going to get a penalty. And we would have been out of field-goal range

He has lost games many times with this coaching. The Lions game with Calvin Johnson is an example.

Garrett is good at motivational speaking.

But when it comes to the feel of the game and situations where he has to decide the best outcome for the team, he feels far short of that.

With Garrett same wrinkle, same game plan every time.

With other coaches like Bellicheck, different wrinkle and different game plan all the time.

This is where Garrett will never be a good coach.


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I don't think any of us really know what it's like to HC under the Joneses. We had that FA DB for almost a season and when he left he said some team meetings were held up because the Joneses were running late, he was amazed at that.

Probably the worst thing to happen to any future HC was Parcells. He was so over the top on control and took over as the face of the team that Booger will never allow that to happen again. It was worth it to get the new digs but I don't think he thought it would be that bad and to make it worse, here was another HC the local media loved.

If Garrett does not get extended, our best hope as fans is Payton because he already has a relationship with Booger and doesn't have to establish trust. The worst would be Riley or any college guy wanting to break into the NFL, Booger would manhandle him.

While it was embarrassing for both of the men, I think Campo and Phillips were happy as hell to get out of that mess. I don't know if you ever caught the Ticket with their fake Booger and Wade but it was fall down funny and completely emasculating to Wade Phillips. He had to cringe if he ever heard it.

hmmmmm bro, i dont think the jones made garrett do these things:
1. manage the clock badly
2. ice his own kicker
3. have a predictable offensive with minimal motion where the players are pissed because the other side knows what is going to happen before the play starts
4. not make half time adjustments
5. completely rely on a system that requires superior players in every position instead of outscheming others.