What team will have the guts to draft Sam? What round

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He'll get boatloads of endorsements assuming he makes any NFL roster. It wont hurt him that bad, the wage scale isn't a vast sea of difference from rounds 3-7.

We'll see, .. it will be interesting.
Smart move. Team with strong coaching and vetetan leadership is a good fit.

He won't be the only gay player in the league though. He'll be the only openly gay one

Maybe other guys will come out. That basketball player did.
Where you are projected to go and where you actually go are two different things. You mean it is not uncommon for talented guys not be drafted where they are expected be I am sure Floyd and Rodgers would have something to say about that. I have no issue with him coming out but now it brings his draft status into question with another variable that should not make a difference. So unless a team picks him where he is PROJECTED, the questions will come in why did you draft him in the 7th instead of the 5th, was it because he was gay. How can you say that if he is UD and does not get signed as a UDFA it will because he is gay. I am sure there are hundreds of guys that did not get drafted that never got signed maybe he does not have the talent. Personally I think this move was to force a NFL franchise to draft or UDFA sign him. Think of the can of worms he has opened here. Lets say he sucks and gets cut think about the fall out there.

Good points. This is going to be an issue for the team that drafts him. Say he's drafted in the 4th round as projected by Kiper. But the guy can't play at this level, whether it's due to his size or whatever. 4th rounders get cut all the time.

But if the team cuts him, they will have the extra burden of explaining why he was cut, with a big portion of the population automatically accusing the team of homophobia. The guy has pretty good credentials, so chances are he will have a decent NFL career. But if he can't play, the team will be put in a precarious situation.

The team doesn't just draft the player, they will also draft the politics that will inherently come with the player.
SD handled Teo pretty good, they could prolly deal with this and it wouldn't be as big of a story out that way.
Personally, the fact that he's handling a delicate issue with bravery and class moves him up on my draft board. Assuming I had a need for a player of his type in the first place. I'm really glad to see this.

Repectfully disagree.

He should not be moved up or down a draft board based on the past 2 days. His place on a draft board should be based on his size and abilities on the field only. Just my opinion.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- After 12 seasons and 713 NBA appearances, Jason Collins came out the closet.

He hasn't played in the league since.

I don't know a thing about him. I just remember seeing him coming out all over tv & in the papers.
Well, I'll just wish this guy good luck with the progression of his chosen profession. Hopefully he doesn't have to deal with heavy handed scrutiny of the things he says in the future, as some do in his defense.
There are a lot of assumptions going on, the assumption that nobody in the locker room will care is far fetched at best. Chances are not only will one care, but many will. The NFL is a reflection of society, that being said there is a fairly substantial part of society that would not/is not okay working with a gay coworker. It's not as if he's the best DL entering the draft this year, he's not even top 10, so when it comes time to draft, if there is a close choice on players you can bank that Sam will be the one not chosen. Regardless of your personal views it will come with headaches and way too much media coverage.
Interesting question on a couple of levels. Everything I've seen on him is that he would have gone in the 3rd - 5th round as a situational DE pass rusher. IMO Dallas drafts a DT and DE fairly early in the draft, if they fill those spots and Sam drops a round or two because a lot of teams don't want the media distraction - I would be all over drafting him in the 6th or late 5th. Remember Dallas has an extra 7th and two compensation picks on the way.
Gay people exist, what a novel idea...

I played rugby with a gay guy on my team, you know what? It didn't impact team chemistry, his performance on the field, or any sport related issue.

Sure there would be stories on it at first, then people would stop caring like everything else.

If he can play and be a stud in the NFL as a pass rusher, then draft the man.

If he can help a team win what does it matter?

It doesn't but he made about himself not his talent. Now if he falls after the combine, the whispers will be because he is gay, or if he gets drafted in the 7th not the 5th, or he IDFA, or if he gets cut. He has made it about him and not the team. IMHO he is building the grounds of an excuse if he fails.
It doesn't but he made about himself not his talent. Now if he falls after the combine, the whispers will be because he is gay, or if he gets drafted in the 7th not the 5th, or he IDFA, or if he gets cut. He has made it about him and not the team. IMHO he is building the grounds of an excuse if he fails.

Good post.

I love the mentality. What does it matter? Why is this an issue?

Uh, he announced it. Ask him why he made it an issue.
Where you are projected to go and where you actually go are two different things. You mean it is not uncommon for talented guys not be drafted where they are expected be I am sure Floyd and Rodgers would have something to say about that. I have no issue with him coming out but now it brings his draft status into question with another variable that should not make a difference. So unless a team picks him where he is PROJECTED, the questions will come in why did you draft him in the 7th instead of the 5th, was it because he was gay. How can you say that if he is UD and does not get signed as a UDFA it will because he is gay. I am sure there are hundreds of guys that did not get drafted that never got signed maybe he does not have the talent. Personally I think this move was to force a NFL franchise to draft or UDFA sign him. Think of the can of worms he has opened here. Lets say he sucks and gets cut think about the fall out there.

I do love that you've somehow made this about how it is a ploy to force a team to draft him.
Based on his history of doing things in the off season to draw attention, I can see Jerry Jones drafting him for that alone.

To him, it's show business - not football.
It doesn't but he made about himself not his talent. Now if he falls after the combine, the whispers will be because he is gay, or if he gets drafted in the 7th not the 5th, or he IDFA, or if he gets cut. He has made it about him and not the team. IMHO he is building the grounds of an excuse if he fails.

I don't know I think it is better to get it out there than to allow rumors or someone else putting it out there. At least now he does not have to hide the person he is with as if he is ashame of it. Only issue I see is with his size but if he can overcome that and produce on the football field then the rest of this is his own person life. Hell I can think of a lot worse things than a gay player like having a player who abuses drugs and could hurt the team with suspentions or guys making it rain at the local strip club and causing problems.
It's a way for the NFL to target another demographic. Somebody will draft him. And he'll make the 53 man roster. I ga-ron-tee!
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