What to do at the QB position


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JG is 13 games over 500..... we fight for the Division every year

When only won 4 games when Romo got hurt and we had Brandon Weeden

Why are you so obsessed with throwing this team in the trash??

We have 11m ......make some trades and sack up
I"m not.

I'm only interested in what will work. I watch the OC closely, and I see a system that is not working. So, I think we need to hire a different OC.

Explain to me how that is wanting to throw this team in the trash?


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Use next year to add playmakers on offense through the draft and free agency. Bring in a realistic, competent backup and then...

Give Dak 2019 with weapons and see how he fairs. If it's anything like 2018 has been so far, then you go QB high in the draft in 2020.
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Use next year to add playmakers on offense through the draft and free agency. Bring in a realistic, competent backup and then...

Give Dak 2019 with weapons and see how he fairs. If it's anything like 2018 has been so far, then you go QB high in the draft in 2020.

So he can not throw the ball to higher quality receivers?


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Its funny to watch so many in a panic ready to throw in the towel all used to instant gratification .

Sometimes you just have to be patient and let things play out . There is nobody out there that can snap there fingers and fix this mess . No vet could come here and make the team competitive before, now we have less weapons . Who would even want to come here with this receiving corps and reject Lion coaches

Its way deeper than Dak he is just a product . How many players have we seen come here and regress .
We could have drafted Goff or Wentz and there is no guarantee they would have succeeded here . We don't have so much a bad team at this point as we have a bad franchise that cant come close to making the most of the talent we have.
I am not going to say I have particularly enjoyed watching this year but I have watched things that frustrated me worse in previous years . Im not sweatin it cause there is no sure fire answer anywhere insight just gonna watch and hope for improvement .

Nobody else in the division setting the world on fire so heres to hoping Dak finds what he had in his rookie year that made it a most enjoyable season to watch
u cannot wait any more if u want the #1 pick


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Hopefully they are intelligent enough to know Dak is not the answer. He doesn't have the accuracy or arm strength to stretch a defense. At our current rate of win losses and taking our future schedule into account we should have a top 10 pick. Hopefully we get Justin Herbert before the Giants get him.


we need to tank to make sure we get him


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no we need to buy the best players in the NFL to make a backup qb look average. who cares about getting a real qb.


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Trade him straight up for Mahomes or Mayfield

Send them a copy of his 2016 stats too. That'll will seal the deal.

Like the dak boys say, everybody knows he's great just has bad receivers. So these other Gms will salivate at the chance.

They will feel guilty for pulling off the baddest trade of all time.


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Let Dak finish the season, draft a QB (hopefully in the 1st round) and let them compete.
Of course, non of this would work if Garrett is not fired.


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I would still like to see Dak with a new set of coaches young innovative offensive mind like the guys with the Rams or something that could develop an offense.


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Let him finish out the year and then try and figure out a way to get rid of him for some kind of return although I admit that’s unlikely.

I’d fire Garrett now but that won’t happen. We need to bring in an entire new coaching staff especially on offense with the intention of building around our oline and zeke. That would include drafting a QB hopefully high in round 1.


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No young QB will succeed here with this group of receivers and the coaching staff.

Worst thing that can happen is we draft a QB and he shows some "promise" like Dak did in 2016 then Jerry giving JG another extension. We'll be on this same rollercoaster ride again the following year.

If JG is still going to be around, might as well use the high draft picks on a WR and a TE first. Get the receivers right first.
Don't spend a 1st on a QB until a new HC is hired.
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Sign Fitzgerald from TB - he's a FA after this season. He can be the good pro role model to a QB drafted early in the 1st.

PA Cowboy Fan

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You actually think Garrett is winning a Super Bowl with an offense that can't cross the fifty? Garrett is not Pederson. D can't score 30 a game and the O can't throw for more than 200 yards without it being considered a great game from the QB. You act like you haven't watched Garrett fall apart every year for a dozen years? lol Oddly enough even after Sundays debacle your not convinced. This O is a mess and the finger pointing has already started. I think a top 5 pick is much more likely than any postseason success. Defenses have plenty of tape and these coaches are absolutely dumfounded on how to move forward. The Cowboys after nine years with Garrett should be far and away the better team in the division, but just another year where they look like a complete mess well on their way to yet another January-less season? You can defend it all you want. Good for you never learning a lesson. But it sounds more like delusions of Grandeur?
Garrett isn't winning a SB with any team. He's that bad. We need to clean house.


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I would wait for Tua Tagovailoa. This guy is legit.
agreed but this year and next is going to be brutal to watch in waiting for the 2020 batch of qbs. eason, fromm, tua...lots of hype for that qb draft class.