Prior to the season the Cowboys didn't just lose their starting RB they lost the leading back in the NFL.
In the first week they didn't just lose their starting WR, they lost the highest scoring WR in the leave last season....and the last five a seasons combined.
The Cowboys didn't just lose their starting QB in the second week, they lost the QB with the highest rating in the league.....and the 3rd in NFL history.
And a lot of fans want to blame this on someone and predict that these are the Cowboys we are seeing. This is a glitch in time. This is a very unfortunate series of events that will pass. The Cowboys are challenged this year but the future is extremely bright once the injuries become history.
They can be a great story this season or its a season of redemption next year.
Either way we are fans, let's support them through a really tough time instead of falling apart and pointing fingers.