Never once has been to the playoffs 2 years in a row. And quit being arbitrary in your 3 of the last 6. In his 10 years here, he won 3 division titles. that is 3 in 10 years. That COTY award you want to mention? Lost to a very weak GB team at home in the playoffs and was embarrassed to start the game and not prepared in the least. The same GB team who was ran off the field by Atlanta the next week.
Let's see what else...0 of 4 in win or go home games. 3 straight in 2011-2013. Another one this year against Philly. He had his playcalling duties stripped in 2013 because he was so bad.
2 playoff wins in 10 seasons here. That is anything but good. Doug Pederson in his 2nd season as HC after taking over a depleted team Chip Kelly left, he leads his team to a Super Bowl with a backup QB. Jason's process led us to a decade of nothing.
The Jaguars with Bortles accomplished more in 2017 than Garrett did his whole tenure.
I can go on and on about how bad he was but it's tiring and exhausting. But hey, keep latching onto meaningless stats like COTY and regular season wins and ignoring stuff that actually separates good coaches from the rest. And I thought he was going to be some hot item coach when he left here? Not one team wanted him.