By more accurate, I mean that he consistently makes throws that are more catchable (i.e., his throws are not in the dirt and they don't sail over a receiver's head). Quinn's accuracy is so spotty that he struggles to hit wide open receivers in the flats at times.
As a side note, I didn't watch Russell closely in 2005 so I can't really speak to what happened then. Before the 2006 season I had a close friend that graduated from LSU tell me Russell would be a top 5 pick in this year's draft. I thought he was nuts. So I watched him closely all season and came away very impressed.
Quinn may look the part, but Russell has the better arm, accuracy, and mentality. Quinn could certainly improve and may have more upside (whatever the hell that means), but as of right now, Russell is the better QB. Sure it's just my opinion, but besides posting the better stats he put up, what else can I offer?
P.S. The movie "300" *****' rocked.