Would you keep it as it is or blow it up?


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how do you know who would do good until you got him here? sheesh, just say I'm in love with dak, and I have his jersey. I might stalk him and get his signature one day once this ankle monitor is off.

The defense sucked but lollipop arm Rush won 5 games with it. wow, how did that happen is he a lighter load? hum......


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Still 37 wins in 3 years.
It's impressive but you have to build off that. If you don't, it's all for nothing. Nothing is where we are now. The off season could change that.


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They're in the same exact position every year. Do just enough to draft in the 20s... and repeat. There's no blowing this up. Doesn't really make sense to do that with the clowns who run the show here. You have any faith at all they can rebuild from scratch even with a load of picks? It's an interesting scenario considering the contract situation of some of these guys and how that is going to be an issue... but it just won't happen.


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My question is....Would you keep it as it is... patch it up and run it back? or would you rather blow it up and try to rebuild it back?

Scenario 1 - extend Dak and some other players, then try to sign some FA's, and of course the draft, and run it back, hoping for a better outcome?

Scenario 2 - trade off all your valuable pieces such as Dak, Micah, Diggs, Martin, and Lamb, I can easily see a 1st rounder for each of them except for Martin, that could be potentially 4-1st rounders and more, plus our own 1st rounder which translates to 5-1st rounders with the possibilty of trading down and acquiring more picks...can you imagine the haul of players we could potentially get?

I know the first thing someone will say is Dak has a no trade clause, but I'm pretty sure if you told him, we are blowing it up and the players above are going as well, I think he would waive the trade clause.

I doubt Jerry given his age would go for such a plan, but if we hit on some players in the draft with that haul, it might not take as long as you think, Jimmy did it in 3 years just trading Hershel.

Blast away
option 1 isnt going to get it done.
option 2 patch it up and run it back?............ is what jerry is doing, he is patching the holes in his team, it wont get it done.
option 3 jerry just cant do that, it isnt in his wheel house. He always thinks he is close, even with 8-8 teams lol.
so with a normal team, 3 would be a option, but with dallas it isnt.

I thought they had a great chance to hire BB and see if he could get it done with what they have, but jerry wasnt interested in that option,
too cheap to pay for bill and mike to do nothing for his last year.
I think BB could have got this team at least TO a SB and maybe win it , in his first year.
But jerry wanted to stay with the guy who called 3 pass plays, when it should be 3 runs lol. Then led the team to the biggest loss in
a long time with the GB WC loss.

Having BB as HC would have fit right in with dan leaving, and the defense would be much better in 24.
Can zimmer do same? I dont think so, but it is wait and see.

I would have loved to see what BB would do with this current team, but jerry didnt want to fool with that.
Jerry likes to wash rinse and repeat each year lol.
I am sick of that, and so are other fans if you watch the vids. in my moose thread.


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They're in the same exact position every year. Do just enough to draft in the 20s... and repeat. There's no blowing this up. Doesn't really make sense to do that with the clowns who run the show here. You have any faith at all they can rebuild from scratch even with a load of picks? It's an interesting scenario considering the contract situation of some of these guys and how that is going to be an issue... but it just won't happen.
Didn't the Chiefs used to be in that position for many years?


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Dak will make more money in the same 10 years of Patrick Mahomes' contract than Patrick Mahomes will earn from KC. Mahomes signed a 10 year contract worth $450 million or $45 million per year. Dak's new contract will blow that away on an annual basis. Dak got $40 million from Jerry for 4 years and will be extended for probably close to $60 million for the next 4 or 5 years. If Dak signs a 5 year Deal for $280 million he will average almost $50 million over 9 years.

I realize a top QB costs money, but the Chiefs will be paying Patrick Mahomes on the $45 million per year deal for another 8 years while Dak will be bleeding the Cowboys dry.

Look, I am in favor or extending Dak and trying to make this team work with the core of what they have. But if they have to pay him $60 million and pay CeeDee and Micah, they will be hard-pressed to fill all the holes they have in the roster. They would need an incredibly lucky draft and even that might not get them to a NFCC game.
False. Mahomes current contract, reworked prior to the start of last season, is $52.65 million APY, second only to Burrows current deal. Slightly ahead of Herbert and Jackson. Dak won’t get $60 million, either will Tua, but they’ll both be joining the “$50 million club”, both slightly ahead of Hurts’ deal. Unfortunately that’s just reality.


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It's impossible to keep it as it is. It's a certainty that we are losing players and coaches and it's already happening. So the premise of the thread question is faulty. But it is always possible to blow it up. But when we have talent under contract, why would you do that? Even as flawed as the tread question is, it makes no sense to me.


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Since the Herschel Walker trade I don't recall a time when Jerry traded any player for a high draft pick. Am I mistaken?
Nope. And try this on for size.

Chargers offered him starting CB Antonio Cromartie for backup RB Tashard Choice.

2nd for Mike Jenkins after we'd just drafted his replacement and signed Carr.

2nd for Marty Bennett after he'd already proven how weird he was.

Doesn't matter what's offered, we covet our own players.


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I know, sad, isn't it? And then we don't even try to address the areas that make us lose in the playoffs every year, year after year. Yup, clown show.
What do you think they were doing when they drafted a dtackle in the 1st and a linebacker in the 3rd and traded for Cooks and Gilmore?


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Where did I say I’m satisfied? If it was up to some of you we wouldn’t have regular season success, which means we would be missing the playoffs. Name me a QB we can get that’s better than Dak and I’ll be happy to make a change. Problem is none of you can name a better QB we can get, you just want to roll the dice in the draft and hope.
Unlike you, I'd be looking for a new QB and not sticking with a perpetual choker who gobbles up cap room. Of course I can't name one. That's why you have to search for one. But yeah, I'd sacrifice a year or two and miss the playoffs for the long-term gain of the team because I understand that sometimes you have to do that to improve, and not be afraid to make changes, especially when the status quo has choked time and again. But go ahead, defend the choker. I'm done with you. bye.


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What do you think they were doing when they drafted a dtackle in the 1st and a linebacker in the 3rd and traded for Cooks and Gilmore?
What do you think they were doing when they overdrafted an unneeded TE in the 2nd? Clown show.


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I believe Dak's "window" has all-but-closed, and am disturbed there is no clear succession plan.

Will we soon see the next great QB in Dallas, or is the franchise headed for a long, nomadic wander in the desert as it experienced post-Aikman/pre-Romo?


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I believe Dak's "window" has all-but-closed, and am disturbed there is no clear succession plan.

Will we soon see the next great QB in Dallas, or is the franchise headed for a long, nomadic wander in the desert as it experienced post-Aikman/pre-Romo?
Which is what happens when you refuse to rebuild. When a team is trending down, it is absolutely imperative that you trade some valuable players for picks. We never do, and it always leads to mediocrity.