Would you keep it as it is or blow it up?


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Dak dislikers will say blow it up just to get rid of him. And I at times think of this as well. But you can still do that and not blow up rest of the team.
Moving on from Dak is the only thing that moves the needle. Accelerate the process. Try to get good draft position. Don't have to jettison everyone but yes move some talent to free up cap & acquire more picks. Reshuffle & see where things stand.


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Moving on from Dak is the only thing that moves the needle. Accelerate the process. Try to get good draft position. Don't have to jettison everyone but yes move some talent to free up cap & acquire more picks. Reshuffle & see where things stand.
If we move on from Dak, we are 2-3 years away. At that point any NFL GM who has any sense whatsoever would look at valuable players and determine the correct course of action, trade or pay. We simply don't do this, and it always leads to dumping for nickels or just releasing.

big dog cowboy

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If it was up to some of you we wouldn’t have regular season success
Regular season success isn't the goal. It sell baseball caps, t-shirts and helps tv ratings. Yippee.

Chiefs were in the same position we are a few years ago. They moved on from Smith and traded up and drafted a QB. Shock and horror!!!!!

Last time I checked, they are hoisting up multiple super bowl trophies and we are still stuck with the playoff choker. Only we are doubling down now and are going to pay him $55-60M a year??????? Meanwhile in KC they are talking 3 peat.


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Which is what happens when you refuse to rebuild. When a team is trending down, it is absolutely imperative that you trade some valuable players for picks. We never do, and it always leads to mediocrity.

The best teams are retooling constantly. While the Cowboys become increasingly bloated & top-heavy - and a perennial also-ran in the month of January. This may be the year this particular house of cards collapses, inducing an involuntary reset.


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The best teams are retooling constantly. While the Cowboys become increasingly bloated & top-heavy - and a perennial also-ran in the month of January. This may be the year this particular house of cards collapses, inducing an involuntary reset.
Our FO consistently refuses to make the tough decisions.


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This is an approach that just wouldn’t work in the real world.

No teams work this way and it’s a good way to make players across the league think you’re a team that’s mired in the past.
People have convinced themselves that we lost in the playoffs due to effort. It has absolutely nothing to do w/ effort. We played hard the entire time.

I think it's simply due to fans adamantly refusing to admit we lack talent.


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If you think moving on from Dak will bring the Cowboys closer to having a parade you’re just kidding yourself. When you come up with a QB that we can get who’s better let me know. :thumbup:
Opposite. How can you think it won't? We've shown no signs of being a super bowl contender.


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If you think moving on from Dak will bring the Cowboys closer to having a parade you’re just kidding yourself. When you come up with a QB that we can get who’s better let me know. :thumbup:
It has been irrefutably proven that you aren't getting a parade with him. At least you have a chance by shaking things up.


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Yup, so they changed QB's and started building the DLine. Have we done that yet?
No team would change qbs after they led the league in td passes and were the runner up for mvp. That's just stupid.


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Which is what happens when you refuse to rebuild. When a team is trending down, it is absolutely imperative that you trade some valuable players for picks. We never do, and it always leads to mediocrity.
37 wins isn't mediocre.


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Moving on from Dak is the only thing that moves the needle. Accelerate the process. Try to get good draft position. Don't have to jettison everyone but yes move some talent to free up cap & acquire more picks. Reshuffle & see where things stand.
Moving on from Dak leads to being mediocre.


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How do you know that? What has Dak accomplished in 8 years? What scares you so much from moving on from him? Every season ends the same. Only it's much worse now because Dak wants paid. With your plan we are going no where. Exactly where we have been for 8 years.

When I look at the playoffs the last couple of years and see all the starting QB's younger than Dak I get sick. Those teams are trying to win. They are making moves. Some QB's are on their 2nd teams and making the playoffs. Meanwhile we just sit still and watch the world go by. DUMB.
because there's a lot of history that getting too or winning the super bowl is very difficult. i know people don't want to go over this as a comp but Peyton manning drafted 1998 , first SB was in 06/2007 was regular season KING but 3-6 to start his playoff career.. Indy waited 9 YEARS and were patient and finally got the team right and Manning got his Career narrative back on track., many talked about him like dak and PM was far worse in making mistakes ie TD-INT ratio was reckless with the ball at times etc etc...

also, somehow you have qbs like Farve and brees play 19 that NINETEEN years to only have one SB WIN umm they don't grow on trees the brady and Mahomes are outliers, not blueprints to nfl success when it comes to SBs. Many others like say Stafford took leaving and year 13 to get his. a lot of qbs didn't get their big game wins until after year 8 or longer. even Elway needed a better team to win it all..yes they got there but took hof rb and more shall i say Elway friendly offense to add to great d etc to actually win it..

i said this before they're far longer droughts in the nfl and sports in general than the cowboys are experiencing. Thats why not saying the FO should be that patient, but most data support the grass isnt always greener trying to get rid of very successful qb to make change for the better,20 teams in the league fight yearly to hover at 500 or below.

sure, blow it up to what win the draft and offseason but take 5 years to get back to regularly being in the playoffs like we are now.

this is team issue not qb issue its bigger than that and if they can just have a year where it comes together in all phases, well we have seen it, streaks finally busted after 60 years , 51 years etc etc.

look we all know the dallas cowboys have had a multitude of reasons it's not really the QB as the largest issue, it is expecting the qb to be perfect to make sure he covers up 14 penalties, poor refs, bad play calls, bad gameplans, no run game, OL inconsistent, and yes we have seen bad defense. Daks not off the hook he couldn't overcome pressure of bad teams but far worse areas OF TEAM Play to be blaming the qb all the time.

Thats a fact we can at least agree on no matter who well the offense or Dak would have played last game, would have taken like 35-32 type effort and might have still lost as the D sucked bigtime from the first snap to the last! they wanted or expected Prescott to play like the Seattle game and hope to hold on for win in shootout!! teams typically dont win when their defense plays like that but they should win say like the ravens d played in the playoffs and the rs, one guy gets an mvp with the best d, best run game production and can't score10 points and the other is to blame for his teams' deficiencies.

each playoff game was lost differently, most were a breakdown in many areas and the qb wasn't the real main breakdown.


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Moving on from Dak leads to being mediocre.
This is something I've been torn on. On the surface I completely agree, and common sense tells us that a better QB means a better team. When you start to dig a little deeper though are the Cowboys much worse without Dak? The post season to this point has certainly been similar to a mediocre team in the postseason. I look back to this past season and wonder how many games would have been different had the Cowboys not had Dak? I think the Seattle game certainly turns to a loss. Maybe the Detroit or Charger game gets flipped to L? On the flip side is it possible the Arizona game turns to a W? Are there any other games that we should beleive would have resulted in a different outcome with a replacement level QB? I'm just not sure how much different the Cowboys would be from a W/L perspective minus Dak. I think that would be completely fine if the post season performances were there, but for the most part they simply haven't been.


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People have convinced themselves that we lost in the playoffs due to effort. It has absolutely nothing to do w/ effort. We played hard the entire time.

I think it's simply due to fans adamantly refusing to admit we lack talent.
While I do think they overlooked GB, the problem was one glaring weakness that was exploited by a good coach. It wasn’t an effort thing, there was nothing they could do to stop it.

It’s not as if they didn’t try to bring in DTs, they just failed miserably with all of them. That’s a lack of talent in the front office.


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This is something I've been torn on. On the surface I completely agree, and common sense tells us that a better QB means a better team. When you start to dig a little deeper though are the Cowboys much worse without Dak? The post season to this point has certainly been similar to a mediocre team in the postseason. I look back to this past season and wonder how many games would have been different had the Cowboys not had Dak? I think the Seattle game certainly turns to a loss. Maybe the Detroit or Charger game gets flipped to L? On the flip side is it possible the Arizona game turns to a W? Are there any other games that we should beleive would have resulted in a different outcome with a replacement level QB? I'm just not sure how much different the Cowboys would be from a W/L perspective minus Dak. I think that would be completely fine if the post season performances were there, but for the most part they simply haven't been.
i disagree all of our losses and that Seattle win, all had one big thing in common BAD DEFENSE. Only way to turn them into wins, is giving dak a better OL, better run game and trying to outscore the other team, that's not recipe for success. we handed that D a 1-point lead and 4mins to win the game but they got walked down the field like it was practice same in that lions game lucky for us the bad call and bad d didn't lose the game, easily could have..

fine like thew worst d I've ever witnessed in playoff game by the cowboys. 14 penalties killing one game, defense bad in 16 and 18 also one pretty consistent thing in most of the losses was lack of physical OL or a above aver run game and for sure the gameplans and play calling all have been questionable at best. these are team losses and no way a better qb alone changes those games IMHO


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This team will never rebuild while Jerry is still alive. I'm not even sure Stephen will be any different. Cowboys stay relevant enough to pack the stands and sell jerseys. All the matters to Jerry he could care less about the superbowl regardless of what he says.

We do little if nothing with FA majority of the time and we stick with our own guys way to long. Most teams will sell elite pieces for high draft picks or pick up 2 or 3 players that can make an impact immediately then pick up key pieces in FA. We do the complete opposite and when we do occasionally trade players away we give them away for a bag of chips

Jerry would rather give the bag away to 3 or 4 superstars then replace one or two of them for multiple players or picks that can contribute right away in the areas we need help


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i disagree all of our losses and that Seattle win, all had one big thing in common BAD DEFENSE. Only way to turn them into wins, is giving dak a better OL, better run game and trying to outscore the other team, that's not recipe for success. we handed that D a 1-point lead and 4mins to win the game but they got walked down the field like it was practice same in that lions game lucky for us the bad call and bad d didn't lose the game, easily could have..

fine like thew worst d I've ever witnessed in playoff game by the cowboys. 14 penalties killing one game, defense bad in 16 and 18 also one pretty consistent thing in most of the losses was lack of physical OL or a above aver run game and for sure the gameplans and play calling all have been questionable at best. these are team losses and no way a better qb alone changes those games IMHO
I agree the defense needs improved, if not overhauled at this point, and these are 100% team losses and not on any one player. I guess my point goes back to how much did Dak actually impact this season? The guy put up all pro worth stats, and I'm not denying that Dak played at an extremely high level for the majority of the year. Where I go back and forth is in how different would the Cowboys 2023 season had been with Cooper Rush at QB? The vast majority of games were blowouts and the Cowboys had 11 games where the opposing team was held to 20 points or less. One one hand I think its a fair argument that the Cowboys could have still won 10-12 games last year with Rush or Lance at QB and Daks money could be better spent on filling out the rest of the roster. On the other hand it's probably fair to say that the Cowboys defense holding teams to less than 20 that many times and them replicating the number of turnovers/defensive scores again seems slim. I truly go back and forth on that.

And for the record that's not me just wanting to bash Dak. I ask similar questions about almost every QB who gets or is about to get record money as I'm just not a fan of paying QBs that much unless their name ends in Mahomes.


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This team will never rebuild while Jerry is still alive. I'm not even sure Stephen will be any different. Cowboys stay relevant enough to pack the stands and sell jerseys. All the matters to Jerry he could care less about the superbowl regardless of what he says.

We do little if nothing with FA majority of the time and we stick with our own guys way to long. Most teams will sell elite pieces for high draft picks or pick up 2 or 3 players that can make an impact immediately then pick up key pieces in FA. We do the complete opposite and when we occasionally trade players away we give them away for a bag of chips

Jerry would rather give the bag away to 3 or 4 superstars then replace one or two of them for multiple players or picks that can contribute right away in the areas we need help
I don’t know how much longer they are going to stay “relevant” if they don’t either start using FA or have a few miracle drafts in a row.

Guys like Tyron, Martin, Lawrence, LVE are close to being done, and the guys drafted to replace that group aren’t cutting it.

The way this is headed….in a year or two they will have a few very expensive marketable stars and little else. The coaching will always be subpar for reasons we all well know.

If Washington and NY ever get their acts together it’s over for a good while.