Would you trade Zeke for a 2nd round pick?


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Cooper is an elite player and WR. He had to play all but 5 games with a back up and couple of games with deep back ups. With Dak he averaged right at 100 yards per game. A pace that would have led the league.
With the 14th most targets he produced the 9th most catches and 12th most yards. He had 92 catches with only 3 drops. An area that DAL struggled in as CeeDee and Gallup both have focus issues at times.

Amari's deal was designed to restructure.
Moving his cap hit out is exactly what you do.
Then in the final year you release him wiping off the 4th year and 20M while eating some dead money versus that wipe.

Credit card style cap spending is generally a bad idea. It's what caught up with Philly.
BUT if there is a time you do it,. it is in a pandemic reduced cap after you have negotiated a 100+BILLION broadcast rights deal to start in 2023.

Amari's cap hit in 2020 was only 14th highest at WR.
It'll be even lower in 2021.

Stop watching these dudes pockets. It's silly and pointless because they don;t get all the money on these deals most of the time.
It's cheaper to restructure Amari (7M cap hit) than it is trade him(8M cap hit).

The 2024 salary cap may well be DOUBLE this year's cap and you can afford to eat dead money then.
Since were discussing hypotheticals, what if these players tell Jerry to piss off on restructuring?
Your talking about another pandemic season and their agents aren’t going to lose or push money into future years when who knows if there’s even going to be future years of football?
I’m not seeing it.


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Cap hit aside, I wouldn’t do it, at least for 1 more year. Maybe it’s wishful thinking more than anything else, but i sense that Zeke is truly embarrassed about this year. His pride took a serious hit. He stood up (figuratively) in post-game interviews and faced the tough questions. I fully expect next year will be a different, bounce back year. Not just for him, but the whole team.


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Look at his contract.
Thats money you should be happy to pay. Did you read the tweet? Dude gave up 20 yards a game. Yeah he had some handsy games with some penalties...but that's money well spent. Now do Zeke.


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Cap hit aside, I wouldn’t do it, at least for 1 more year. Maybe it’s wishful thinking more than anything else, but i sense that Zeke is truly embarrassed about this year. His pride took a serious hit. He stood up (figuratively) in post-game interviews and faced the tough questions. I fully expect next year will be a different, bounce back year. Not just for him, but the whole team.

It got to the point he stopped doing feed me. At least I stopped seeing it. I believe Zeke is aware of the talk and hopefully comes into next season ready to prove himself all over again. I still think he can recapture his 2016 form if he has the right regiment. He needs an off season working on his speed, like Archuleta did back in the day.


Taco Engineer
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Thats money you should be happy to pay. Did you read the tweet? Dude gave up 20 yards a game. Yeah he had some handsy games with some penalties...but that's money well spent. Now do Zeke.
Cool story, let me know when you pay anything.


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Since were discussing hypotheticals, what if these players tell Jerry to piss off on restructuring?
Your talking about another pandemic season and their agents aren’t going to lose or push money into future years when who knows if there’s even going to be future years of football?
I’m not seeing it.

There is no downside for the player. They get cut a check immediately.


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I still haven't gotten over the Roy Williams (WR) trade, but Jerry has my attention with the bad ink he put to paper with 2016 class.
That hands of stone trade was one of the worst all time. A wide receiver who literally couldn’t catch the ball.


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The Jags got 2 firsts and a fourth for Ramsey.

What would we get for Zeke?

sorry man facts are the Jags let him go..who cares for what hes no longer on the team and wasn't asset large enough for them to want to pay..why?? game changing DBs and S i thought they were priceless hard to find unicorns ie Jerry gets flack for not getting enough and yet the jets allow Leonard and Adams to leave and Jags let a lot of talent walk on DL and Ramsey..BTW we lit him up twice that we played them once the rams and once with the jags jand really Gallup beat him in that first game and got cheap call..Ramseys isnt special, hes good ill give you that but his career in the NFL isnt better then Zekes, they are about the same and thats about it..

if they were special and in their primes, why let them go?

ramsey is NOT on the team he was drafted by, thats the point and absolute fact..so why draft player that high you dont intend to keep if they are successful?

who cares what someone would give us for zeke hes played very well his first 4 seasons and this years means nothing given the circumstances. Get past the hate the draft was 2016 is far in the rearview and Ramsey's is not Jag anymore.

keep dwelling on the past, have hate for your own team and its players and drool over others.

sounds like you need to drop the act, you like others are not DC fans , you are fair weather fans who like to ***** and complain whine like little snowflakes..you simply like to join the little hate club and feel wanted in a small hate group..


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I'd trade him for a 3rd if we can get cap relief with it.

Zeke, ac, Jsmith, and Dlaw will be with us at min. for 2021.. get used to it..wishing him away will not happen and zeke will have a solid to great 2021..he did all he could with bad OL, no threat at QB, a defense that couldn't hold many people under 30points and Played from behind a lot(means run game isn't used much, and zeke was banged up bit..

this is not EE, 2019 maybe but that a solid year and if our OC didnt abandoned the run and pollard and zeke was used 10 more run game , you'd see this decline of EE is overblown..

haters couldnt wait for year like this and ignore the facts of this season..


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Giving guaranteed money to human turds like Zeke is just bad business. We are getting what we deserve.

Chuck 54

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Trade Zeke for a #2 pick? No way....when healthy with a little blocking, he gives our offense an identity.

Trade Zeke’s contract for a #2 pick? Very tempting, and yes, the two should be discussed separately. Our RB is more valuable than a number 2, but you can find power RBs who will pass protect, and you should never give another RB that kind of contract.


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sorry man facts are the Jags let him go..who cares for what hes no longer on the team and wasn't asset large enough for them to want to pay..why?? game changing DBs and S i thought they were priceless hard to find unicorns ie Jerry gets flack for not getting enough and yet the jets allow Leonard and Adams to leave and Jags let a lot of talent walk on DL and Ramsey..BTW we lit him up twice that we played them once the rams and once with the jags jand really Gallup beat him in that first game and got cheap call..Ramseys isnt special, hes good ill give you that but his career in the NFL isnt better then Zekes, they are about the same and thats about it..

if they were special and in their primes, why let them go?

ramsey is NOT on the team he was drafted by, thats the point and absolute fact..so why draft player that high you dont intend to keep if they are successful?

who cares what someone would give us for zeke hes played very well his first 4 seasons and this years means nothing given the circumstances. Get past the hate the draft was 2016 is far in the rearview and Ramsey's is not Jag anymore.

keep dwelling on the past, have hate for your own team and its players and drool over others.

sounds like you need to drop the act, you like others are not DC fans , you are fair weather fans who like to ***** and complain whine like little snowflakes..you simply like to join the little hate club and feel wanted in a small hate group..
This makes no sense.

Especially considering all the off-field problems we've had with Zeke.

So we don't get the on-field production that every team with Ramsey has gotten.

We get off-field issues that aren't nearly as prevalent with Ramsey.

And we can't even trade Zeke for a fortune like the Jags were able to do.

How in the world are you a stan for Zeke given this fact pattern?

Go away.