Even the great heel champs won on their own from time to time, and when they did have run-ins it promoted the story. Rollins run-ins might as well be midgets on unicycles for as much as they add to the story. The Authority is full of has beens and never were, it at least was compelling when they had Orton. Kane and J&J security is on par with the dying gasps of the nWo, at least the nWo was a faction to contend with.
I do agree with the run-ins adding to the story.
The problem has been the last couple of run ins have seemed to add to the story of his opponent, rather than to him or to him and his opponents feud.
Jon Stewart just seemed to be something they were setting up to do wit Cena. Which I'm guessing will not end at this point, due to them clearly moving him away from Rollins.
The last PPV run in was to set up Taker and Brock again. So again that didn't really do anything for Rollins. I feel for the guy cause he's gold, IMO, and he's doing the best he can with what they're giving him.
But it's pretty clear they're not booking him to be The Guy. They're booking him as a place holder champion until they decide to give it back to Brock or have Sheamus or Cena take it back.