Xbox One

Yeagermeister;5088693 said:
I don't own any original xbox games so I don't need the 360 to be backwards compatible.
I meant the Xbox One and the PS4 are both not backwards compatible.
A few more details on used games emerges.

The stage lights had barely dimmed at the Xbox One event before the internet started tripping over itself with questions about how the second-hand market was expected to operate -- or if there was going to be one at all. Microsoft assured us there would be, but aside from whispers of a used game "activation fee" the finer details were kept under wraps. We may know a little more now, however, as MCV claims to have heard specifics from retailers who have been briefed by Redmond on the trade-in process. Allegedly, shops that wish to buy and sell a title will need to be hooked up to a Microsoft database so that access to the game can be removed from the previous owner's account and transferred to a new one. A retailer can sell the game for whatever it likes, but the system will ensure that a cut goes to publisher as well as Microsoft. It all sounds fairly logical, but who knows? The truth could be even more complicated.
I thought there was no disc to buy the game.

If there is no disc how is there a used game?
I am not going to pay some to spy on me either. Yep I hope the XBOX one is a flop it will make me laugh if Sony beats them out of the market because they thought they where so smart
Ren;5088976 said:
Doesn't seem like to much of an annoyance now but 10 years from now when they shut down the servers that check to see if you can play your games how are you going to play your games you bought?

They'll just throw out a patch that plays whatever disc is put in.
TheCowboy;5089103 said:
I meant the Xbox One and the PS4 are both not backwards compatible.

that's what may prevent my husband from buying it.
kristie;5089892 said:
that's what may prevent my husband from buying it.
All the achievements/trophies earned for each system will be transferred to the new system if that helps any.
TheCowboy;5090007 said:
All the achievements/trophies earned for each system will be transferred to the new system if that helps any.

I'll admit to not being a hard core gamer, but if there's one thing I couldn't care less about, it's trophies and achievements. I know some people are heavy into that sort of digital slap on the back, but I've never seen the point.
Well now that the dust is settled I'm definitely buying a PS4 first. Screw microsoft and their load of crap. I'm joining the rest of the world and buying the quality system.
TheCount;5090015 said:
I'll admit to not being a hard core gamer, but if there's one thing I couldn't care less about, it's trophies and achievements. I know some people are heavy into that sort of digital slap on the back, but I've never seen the point.
I hear you man. I enjoy them only to get the most out of a game. Since I am switching from XBOX I am starting out with nothing already. I can't remember the sign-in details of when I had my PS3 3 years ago.
RastaRocket;5090052 said:
Well now that the dust is settled I'm definitely buying a PS4 first. Screw microsoft and their load of crap. I'm joining the rest of the world and buying the quality system.

What are you referring to? I haven't been looking into the updates so not sure of all the "crap"?
Ren;5088963 said:
This isn't even the worst thing about xboxone IMO

Kinnect is basically a cctv camera in your living room and they intend to use it

That's pretty disturbing

Not even sure it would be practical to do it.

Whatever your paying for (UFC, WWE, or whatever) is readily available through multiple other avenues, legal and otherwise. They'd lose business implementing that and I'd just turn the towards the wall.

I probably wouldn't buy the next system if they confirm they will monitor stuff like that.
TheCount;5090015 said:
I'll admit to not being a hard core gamer, but if there's one thing I couldn't care less about, it's trophies and achievements. I know some people are heavy into that sort of digital slap on the back, but I've never seen the point.

Same here. If random achievements don't unlock some kind of in game content, I'm not interested in them at all. I don't see the point.
TheCount;5090015 said:
I'll admit to not being a hard core gamer, but if there's one thing I couldn't care less about, it's trophies and achievements. I know some people are heavy into that sort of digital slap on the back, but I've never seen the point.

I'm in agreement for the most part. The only thing I like about the trophies is pointing out areas of the game I might have missed otherwise. It increases the chance I'll play the game multiple times after I finish it. It's not the trophy I'm after, but the part of a game I missed.
Hoofbite;5090071 said:
What are you referring to? I haven't been looking into the updates so not sure of all the "crap"?

RastaRocket;5090259 said:

Quite the list. I think it's pretty early to say what each console may have or may not have. The PS4 is largely an unknown still.

While MS has said that there will be mandatory installs of games, used game fees and a couple of things, PS4 hasn't commented either way that much. Given the uproar over that stuff, they're really wasting a golden opportunity to take advantage of the situation by saying they won't follow that path.

Here's something that says they are looking into used game DRM.

The reality is, they're probably gonna follow that path on used games. What's the alternative if both systems have limitations on used games? There really isn't one. So either they try to capture some of the audience by being the platform that allows used games openly or they go down the same route and milk the community just as MS is going to do.

The key factor is whether or not they can sway enough people to jump ship from the XBOX to earn more than the potential used game market has to offer. Given that both companies will likely lose money on the hardware at launch (or at least make minimal amounts on them), it's a risky move to assume that you will sway enough people to join PS4. Used games is a much safer route to go because the PS fan base is big enough to guarantee what amounts to massive profit by charging for an activation code on used games.

A couple years ago used game sales crossed 100M copies annually. Sony and MS probably dominate Nintendo. If Sony can tap into what might be 30-40M copies of used games and charge even a small fee for activating, that's serious money.

When you factor in the potential loss on the console itself for the first year or two, now we're talking about having to capture enough of the market to have accessory, content and game sales make up for the money that is lost from the used market and the money that is lost from console sales.

It's almost impossible to imagine that Sony wouldn't tap into the used market. It's so huge and it doesn't require a lot on the manufacturer's part to operate.

IMO, it's not a matter of "if" they will do it. It's a matter of "when" they will announce it to the world. There's just too much easy money to be made by ripping the community off like MS is going to. It sucks but it is what it is.
June 10th is the date for the PS4 hardware announcement for anyone interested. My theory on used games is that I would rather have all games be downloaded rather than a physical copy. Each game should have a 30 minute maximum trial if this is the case.
TheCowboy;5090440 said:
June 10th is the date for the PS4 hardware announcement for anyone interested. My theory on used games is that I would rather have all games be downloaded rather than a physical copy. Each game should have a 30 minute maximum trial if this is the case.

I don't necessarily mind either way but I wouldn't expect that to be the only route. Any time a person doesn't go into the store to buy a game, the companies lose out on an opportunity to sell accessories. You might have the option but they're going to have discs as well. At least they should, you'd be dumb not to. Accessories are where they get a good portion of the profits and if you decrease the number of people going into stores, those accessory numbers will fall.

I'm not really all that concerned with backward compatibility. I generally don't go back and play a game after a new console is out. There are a few exceptions.

Shining Force is a game I have played recently on the iPhone and it was a Genesis game.

One thing I do want though is for my Marketplace purchases to carry over. Trials HD and a few other games should work on the next Xbox.
I think they need physical copies to be purchased as christmas gifts etc.