Xbox One

speedkilz88;5090450 said:
I think they need physical copies to be purchased as christmas gifts etc.

Good call. They aren't giving up on those sales.

Of course, you could purchase a card that has a code for the game........doesn't quite have the same appeal I suppose.
Hoofbite;5090452 said:
Good call. They aren't giving up on those sales.

Of course, you could purchase a card that has a code for the game........doesn't quite have the same appeal I suppose.

I was just going to say that. A code for the game or a $65 gift card, but yeah the gift aspect of the games would be better in physical copies.
So I went to gamestop and got $320 for my Xbox 320 gig slim and some games, which was more than I was expecting. I was going to use that credit for the newest gaming system but I am tempted into using it for a 40 gig fat PS3 to catch up on Uncharted, God of War and inFamous since it is not backwards compatible.

That list, while all of it is obviously not all confirmed and things that could be done, is a whole slew of issues with the Xbox One and Microsoft in general.

Obviously they won't implement all of those things but I'm guessing that a large number of those things are going to be put into effect just the way it's described above.

I'm sorry but if I decide to buy a new system it's definately going to be the PS4. I won't be having anything to do with the Xbox One.
TheCowboy;5091588 said:
So I went to gamestop and got $320 for my Xbox 320 gig slim and some games, which was more than I was expecting. I was going to use that credit for the newest gaming system but I am tempted into using it for a 40 gig fat PS3 to catch up on Uncharted, God of War and inFamous since it is not backwards compatible.


Don't do it.

Be patient and use it on a next gen console.
I have a feeling that all of you guys who get a PS4 will be regretting your decision pretty quick after both systems have a chance to establish.
CATCH17;5091634 said:
I have a feeling that all of you guys who get a PS4 will be regretting your decision pretty quick after both systems have a chance to establish.
We know more about the XBOX One than we do about the PS4. All that was revealed looked horrible about Xbox SO FAR. But that is the thing as it only May. I am a little mad about not playing Uncharted 3 and the end of the God of War series. They were my favorite series when I had the PS3 three years ago. The Last of Us really looks good too.

If PS4 or the Xbox One is at all over $500 then I will definitely not be getting either. I can see it being anywhere from $399-499 at least for the PS4. I expect XBOX to be more expensive as every console comes with Kinect. If it is more than expected than the smarter thing would be is to wait it out for a price drop or for a hardware improvement such as the PS4 slim.
CATCH17;5091634 said:
I have a feeling that all of you guys who get a PS4 will be regretting your decision pretty quick after both systems have a chance to establish.

yeah I won't be getting either at least for a while. I am mostly a PC gamer so there are a few 360 games that I get. I hardly EVER game on PS3, just feels wrong for some reason.

But the kinetic always on thing with the camera and mic.....that's a no go. This licensing crap has got to stop. You buy it but you don't really own it and if you sell it, they want another cut. say what? I think the whole DRM thing is going to slap them in the face hard. PC Gamers HATE DRM and it has killed or slowed down sales of several games just for the DRM alone. All I have to say is welcome to DRM my console brothers. I am glad they are getting it because they carry far more weight than PC gamers do. Their rejection of it may kill DRM.

I will probably get the xboxone a couple years after it releases and has the bugs worked out and all of the other "issues" resolved. But if it is always on the internet and you have to have the camera and mic always on....I won't get it ever.
It would be a while before I got even the PS4. I never buy systems as soon as they come out because 1) they're way too expensive and 2) they always have bugs that need to be worked out before you bother with them.

That said there is absolutely nothing about the XBox One that we've been seen, or told about, that makes it even remotely inticeing to me. I don't claim any sort of brand loyalty when it comes to a gaming console. I just want to play games so I'm not someone who has to be Xbox or has to be Playstation.

I have both the PS3 and the Xbox now, although the PS3 is really for my children.

But it's pretty obvious that Xbox One is going way beyond gaming. It's not even really about gaming it's about a bunch of stuff that I don't need, nor want, an Xbox for.

I'm not interested in the live TV features or the internet features, or any of that other junk. I have cable TV for my TV. I have internet for my internet. I don't need Xbox to do anything more than be a great gaming console for me. I'm not interested in paying all that extra money for junk I don't care at all about.

For example the PS3 has blue ray ability. I have played exactly ZERO DVDs in the system because I don't use my gaming consoles for watching DVDs. I have a DVD player for that.
CATCH17;5091634 said:
I have a feeling that all of you guys who get a PS4 will be regretting your decision pretty quick after both systems have a chance to establish.

Meh, not really. I'll probably eventually end up buying both systems but it's time I buy Sony first. My PS3 is definitely higher quality than my XBOX 360. Only knock I have on it is online play but it isn't that bad.
TheCowboy;5091654 said:
We know more about the XBOX One than we do about the PS4. All that was revealed looked horrible about Xbox SO FAR. But that is the thing as it only May. I am a little mad about not playing Uncharted 3 and the end of the God of War series. They were my favorite series when I had the PS3 three years ago. The Last of Us really looks good too.

If PS4 or the Xbox One is at all over $500 then I will definitely not be getting either. I can see it being anywhere from $399-499 at least for the PS4. I expect XBOX to be more expensive as every console comes with Kinect. If it is more than expected than the smarter thing would be is to wait it out for a price drop or for a hardware improvement such as the PS4 slim.

If you want exclusives Sony definitely puts out the better games and always have. Problem is I am too big of a Halo fan.

BraveHeartFan;5091744 said:
It would be a while before I got even the PS4. I never buy systems as soon as they come out because 1) they're way too expensive and 2) they always have bugs that need to be worked out before you bother with them.

That said there is absolutely nothing about the XBox One that we've been seen, or told about, that makes it even remotely inticeing to me. I don't claim any sort of brand loyalty when it comes to a gaming console. I just want to play games so I'm not someone who has to be Xbox or has to be Playstation.

I have both the PS3 and the Xbox now, although the PS3 is really for my children.

But it's pretty obvious that Xbox One is going way beyond gaming. It's not even really about gaming it's about a bunch of stuff that I don't need, nor want, an Xbox for.

I'm not interested in the live TV features or the internet features, or any of that other junk. I have cable TV for my TV. I have internet for my internet. I don't need Xbox to do anything more than be a great gaming console for me. I'm not interested in paying all that extra money for junk I don't care at all about.

For example the PS3 has blue ray ability. I have played exactly ZERO DVDs in the system because I don't use my gaming consoles for watching DVDs. I have a DVD player for that.

I agree with all of this except for the Blu Ray ability on PS3. Blu Ray on PS3 is not just for movies, it is also for gaming. Every single PS3 game comes on a Blu Ray disc which is one of the huge reasons why PS3 outperforms the Xbox 360. Blu Ray discs allow for more storage, better image quality, audio quality, etc... So while you may not be watching movies you are still using the Blu Ray aspect for gaming. You will never see a PS3 game with 2 discs.
ChldsPlay;5090344 said:
Mostly paranoia and useless whining in that there article.

MS has actually patented to tech for kinnect to spy,.. errr i mean monitor licenses. They wouldn't do that if there where not at the very least flirting with the idea so.

Or to put it another way there's an active camera and mic in front of your TV watching you masturbate.
RastaRocket;5091836 said:
If you want exclusives Sony definitely puts out the better games and always have. Problem is I am too big of a Halo fan.

I agree with all of this except for the Blu Ray ability on PS3. Blu Ray on PS3 is not just for movies, it is also for gaming. Every single PS3 game comes on a Blu Ray disc which is one of the huge reasons why PS3 outperforms the Xbox 360. Blu Ray discs allow for more storage, better image quality, audio quality, etc... So while you may not be watching movies you are still using the Blu Ray aspect for gaming. You will never see a PS3 game with 2 discs.

The benefits of bluray at least for the current gen is highly overrated. A lot of the PS3 games that would be on multiple discs on the 360 have mandatory installs that take much longer then it takes you to get up from your seat and swap discs. The worst example i can think of is MGS4 which had installs of several minutes between each chapter.

The read speeds of the bluray drives at the time the PS3 was produced was no where near as fast as DVD so you either had slower loading times or mandatory installs. Very few games was this actually a benefit FF13 which was awful anyways looked much better on the PS3 because it didn't have to compress the video in the hours upon hours of cut scenes but for the most part it didn't matter.

it was extremely rare that multiplatform games looked and played better on the PS3
I wonder when XBox will even talk about the gaming aspect of the console. Blu-Ray comparison is out of the question now that xbox is playing catchup and the One will have it. PS4 caught up with party chat so now it is more of an even battle.
I doubt any launch games for either system will be as good as GTAV, The Last of Us, and Beyond: Two Souls. My PS3 still has some time left for me.

I'll probably get a Xbone or PS4 a year or so after launch. Also read that Sony is keeping quite on their used game policy.
Lodeus;5091917 said:
I doubt any launch games for either system will be as good as GTAV, The Last of Us, and Beyond: Two Souls. My PS3 still has some time left for me.

I'll probably get a Xbone or PS4 a year or so after launch. Also read that Sony is keeping quite on their used game policy.

MS wouldn't be doing this without being fairly sure Sony is doing the same.
The pressure is probably on from the likes of EA and Activision.
What a nice gesture it was by EA to drop their online pass system, but now we know why. They also dropped support for the WiiU which has no DRM crap on it which is pretty telling.

Hopefully Sony has the balls to stand up to the likes of EA and say no to this crap. They would survive even without the 3rd party software from these companies, MS can't
Ren;5091867 said:
MS has actually patented to tech for kinnect to spy,.. errr i mean monitor licenses. They wouldn't do that if there where not at the very least flirting with the idea so.

Or to put it another way there's an active camera and mic in front of your TV watching you masturbate.

Ren;5091950 said:
MS wouldn't be doing this without being fairly sure Sony is doing the same.
The pressure is probably on from the likes of EA and Activision.
What a nice gesture it was by EA to drop their online pass system, but now we know why. They also dropped support for the WiiU which has no DRM crap on it which is pretty telling.

Hopefully Sony has the balls to stand up to the likes of EA and say no to this crap. They would survive even without the 3rd party software from these companies, MS can't

I thought I heard that EA will do Xbox only exclusives? Maybe that could be a good sign.
Lodeus;5092134 said:
I thought I heard that EA will do Xbox only exclusives? Maybe that could be a good sign.

Ha EA is such trash. Screw that company and their licenses.

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