Xbox One

Impressive E3 conference for Xbox. Dead Rising 3 looks good, Project Spark looks intriguing and Halo looks good. The other games except maybe for Forza 5 don't really interest me. $499 price point is steep. Otherwise Xbox stepped it up!

Now the PS4 conference will be interesting. I would be SHOCKED if it was over $400. I'm guessing $349 or $399. PS4 may have to step up their game because now I think Xbox has the advantage.
Smith22;5098093 said:
Does Sony come out at 399? 450?

Both will most likely be overpriced. From what I have seen so far the games aren't much more advanced than any current console games. Might as well wait for the price to go down.
TheCowboy;5098099 said:
Impressive E3 conference for Xbox. Dead Rising 3 looks good, Project Spark looks intriguing and Halo looks good. The other games except maybe for Forza 5 don't really interest me. $499 price point is steep. Otherwise Xbox stepped it up!

Now the PS4 conference will be interesting. I would be SHOCKED if it was over $400. I'm guessing $349 or $399. PS4 may have to step up their game because now I think Xbox has the advantage.

LOL; you really think Sony is going to have worse graphics or something? Most of those games will be on PS4. It will more than likely be over $400.
TheCowboy;5098104 said:
Advantage as in popularity vote with as much revealed as they have shown. I'm not saying that it is the best console, I am just saying what the other million gamers might say.

What popularity vote? The tweet count on Spike TV? That means nothing. XBox is highly controversial right now of course it will have more tweets negative and positive.
RastaRocket;5098105 said:
What popularity vote? The tweet count on Spike TV? That means nothing. XBox is highly controversial right now of course it will have more tweets negative and positive.
The link I posted is an example. I know you're for PS4 and so am I but are you 100% sold on the PS4?
TheCowboy;5098104 said:
Advantage as in popularity vote with as much revealed as they have shown. I'm not saying that it is the best console, I am just saying what the other million gamers might say.

Meh, this is their 2nd press conference and we don't even know what PS4 looks like yet. Of course you wouldn't invest in something you have not seen. It will be like any other generation of consoles where sales are pretty evenly split.
TheCowboy;5098106 said:
The link I posted is an example. I know you're for PS4 and so am I but are you 100% sold on the PS4?

No not yet, I am just very unhappy with the DRM and Kinect sensor. I doubt I buy anything right away especially after seeing how the games look basically the same.
RastaRocket;5098107 said:
Meh, this is their 2nd press conference and we don't even know what PS4 looks like yet. Of course you wouldn't invest in something you have not seen. It will be like any other generation of consoles where sales are pretty evenly split.
Fair enough. Other than the console reveal I am interested to see what they have to say about online play and what is going to happen to PlayStation Plus. Also the price and any more games.
If PS3 can add a simple feature like party chat it will greatly enhance the online experience. One thing that I was happy Microsoft did is finally switch to real money not those stupid points that you have to buy in packages.
Also, 2 free games per month until the xbox one launches for xbox gold members
RastaRocket;5098109 said:
No not yet, I am just very unhappy with the DRM and Kinect sensor. I doubt I buy anything right away especially after seeing how the games look basically the same.

They want me to spend $500 on a piece of crap really something that locks me down so i can not do a dam thing and always have to be online. Why I can do everything cheaper with a Xbox 360 and I have Rokku, Boxee, Google TV etc that i can do all the entrainment stuff with and not spend and an arm in a leg oh and I am not force into a box where I can not upgrade the harddrive without Microsoft.

I will stick to gaming on my PC and my kids are going to get stuck with a xbox 360 for now and maybe a PS4 in the future.

No i do not use steam because I hate that model.
Here we go Microsoft is dodging the media on the XBOX one. The console is dead at $500 (we know that cost is due in part to kinetic being required).

A the gaming community is all up in arms and what entertainment people would spend $500 when they can get more for less. Really Microsoft you have just killed a market you where dominating and gave it back to Sony in the biggest disasters yet at Microsoft how does Balmer still have a job that guys is a moron. Hell this has shades of Microsoft ME and Vista

Microsoft cancels their post-E3 conference round table.

Wait now they are canceling one on one interviews as well
Kangaroo;5098165 said:
They want me to spend $500 on a piece of crap really something that locks me down so i can not do a dam thing and always have to be online. Why I can do everything cheaper with a Xbox 360 and I have Rokku, Boxee, Google TV etc that i can do all the entrainment stuff with and not spend and an arm in a leg oh and I am not force into a box where I can not upgrade the harddrive without Microsoft.

I will stick to gaming on my PC and my kids are going to get stuck with a xbox 360 for now and maybe a PS4 in the future.

No i do not use steam because I hate that model.

What don't you like about Steam? Is it the fact that you don't "own" the game really?

I find that part kind of annoying but they also put out some incredible deals.
RastaRocket;5098182 said:
What don't you like about Steam? Is it the fact that you don't "own" the game really?

I find that part kind of annoying but they also put out some incredible deals.

Yep I do not own the game. let me clarify i play MMO's so i am not 100% against it I know what i am buying. Now none MMO's I hate not owning I like to play offline. I buy digital downloads that I own. I bought a Splitter Cell this weekend I play offline solo I have it on my PC and another one in the house that my son plays on. I am fine with that model i own the content and I down load my copy.
Time for Sony to deliver! I have faith in you Sony. Please don't be like MS!
Well, you've got a couple of choices with the PS4 and XBone.

You can get a rectangle with tons of vents or a rectangle with a blue line.
The PS4 doesn't look like a VCR so that's a plus.

The redbox could be interesting.

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