Xbox One

I thought I was seeing a distorted picture on Engadget. I didn't think it was actually leaning like this.

It reminds me of a sandwich, a KFC Double Down sandwich or two DVD players glued to each other.
Honestly I have no idea what Microsoft is going to do now. To me it isn't even a competition. They just got blown out of the water.

XBone = made for publishers. PS4 = made for consumers.


Also, 399!!! That's a pretty big difference for someone like me.
MS F'ed up

No one in their right mind will pick a xbox over a PS4
pupulehaole;5098422 said:
lol @ ppls overreactions.

lol @ consumers letting Microsoft take a dump on them.

Oh, and welcome to the new XBox terms of service.


Bring on always connected Kinect that I will never use!
Ps4 is cheaper at the moment, follows the current used game model and it doesn't require a check in every 24 hours.

Unless something big happens between now and the holidays, I'm going with the PS4.
Got rid of my 360 years ago. Gave it to my nephew. Been using a PS3 for all my family's entertainment needs.

Looks like I'll be getting the PS4.

Not sure what MS was thinking with XBoxOne.
I think Sony did a good job. I was shocked that they didn't follow suit with the DRM stuff simply because of the money involved. Billions over the course of the consoles life. So kudos to them.

I've been on the 360 since it launched. I think it's interesting that there are people saying they have both consoles and don't play the XBOX because I know a handful of people who are in the exact opposite boat.

The price difference doesn't really matter to me. I play enough that $100 isn't really a big deal. Over the life of the console it's next to nothing so if the console is worth the cost, I'll pay it.

The only real problem I do have with the price is that I don't think it's worth the cost. I don't care at all about the Kinect. Never did, and unless they really wow the hell out of me I never will. I bought one of the newer and quieter models and it came with a Kinect. I gave it to my brother along with my older box and he doesn't even use it and he's pretty much the exact person that they would be targeting it to. I don't want it because it's not interesting to me. None of the motion-control stuff is outside of Wii Bowling. I don't want it and don't want to pay for it. I especially don't want it if it is required to do anything other than point at the wall. For that matter, I don't want Blu-Ray either. Why? Anyone who wanted it already has it. I doubt there's enough people out there who actually waited until it was in the XBOX before buying it.

Cut these two things out and drop the price. They aren't things I anticipate using and I don't care to have either of them. I know Sony said Blu-Ray was a part of the PS3, in part, because of the game size but if you have to install the game to drive anyway on the XBOX and get boned over on trading it in, stuff the game case full of regular discs and let me install them. Or, just rid of the damn drive all together for one of the versions and have download only.

Looks-wise neither company hit it out of the park. Both designs look dated. They both look like the runner-up design for the current generation console. Had you made each of the next gen console designs the current model and the current model what would be coming out in the future, I might actually be impressed. As it is, both companies took a step backwards in design, IMO.

I didn't really care for the used game thing because I assumed Sony would follow suit so I thought it was inevitable either way. Just too much money not to try to get a piece of and it's actually kind of odd that XBOX is willing to limit the use of games but leave the decision to the developers. I guess Sony clarified that they will keep their same model as the PS3 has which currently does the same thing......XBOX does as well because I've bought games that have access codes as an insert. I think Crysis 2 or Homefront had one but can't remember, both of them were sent to Amazon quickly.

But after Sony has said they won't have any restrictions, I'm slightly peeved that MS will be going that way. Not because used games are something I buy all the time. I usually only buy a few games a year and play them until the newer version comes out. I do however trade games in like Crysis 2 which was sent to Amazon about 1 day after I saw that they had done nothing to fix the stupid connection problem that haunted the first game.

Not to mention, without the stupid restrictions on used games they wouldn't need to validate anything on a regular basis. I'm always connected so it's not a problem for me but you're just putting barriers in place for some people just for the sake of doing so.

While shocked, I am glad that Sony took the route they did because it puts the burden on MS to either pull the plug on their stupid restrictions or be mocked and ridiculed for it as they deserve. I honestly thought that Sony would follow because of the money but I'm glad to see that they aren't totally selling their fanbase out.

I can't say that I'm even thinking about getting a PS4. I only enjoy gaming with a group of friends and the people I game with are the same people I gamed with on Mech Assault for the original XBOX so it's been like 9 or 10 years. That said, I don't think my "group" of friends (most of whom I actually know outside of gaming) would all jump ship to the PS4 so I'm kind of left with having fewer people to play with which immediately kills every bit of appeal for me.

No doubt, I believe that Sony has the more appealing product right now. They've avoided trying to force things on the customer like XBOX is doing with the stupid Kinect system and they don't have unnecessary barriers to playing games.

But, I just doubt that I will buy one because I would lose a good amount of the multiplayer aspect that draws me to gaming in the first place. I have zero interest in playing with randoms and I'm no longer in the prime demographic for gaming and have no interest in playing with prepubescent teens.

Ultimately for me, MS may not see a guy jump ship to PS4 but they may just see a guy who doesn't buy their system at all. If I can't enjoy the multiplayer aspect as much because many of the people I have gamed with for years won't be joining PS4 for whatever reason, I'm not interested in playing games. I'm also not interested in just bowing to every single whim that MS wants to implement. So it kind of comes down to the XBOX One proving itself to be worth all the hassle, removing all the hassels, or I may just not buy the thing at all and stay on the 360.

One thing I am excited about with the One is that you can buy a game and anyone who is attached to your family can play it on their box. Not sure if PS4 will have something similar but I think that's a really awesome idea.

Should be interesting to see where MS goes. I think they need to ditch the Kinect to lower the price point and drop their DRM crap and connectivity requirements with it.
I really don't understand what Microsoft was thinking this time around, it's almost as if they traded development teams with Sony circa 2005.
NIBGoldenchild;5099025 said:
I really don't understand what Microsoft was thinking this time around, it's almost as if they traded development teams with Sony circa 2005.

Steve Ballamer is in charge he is an idiot CEO

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