You ain't even seen ugly yet!

Blast From The Past

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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Wait until Dak gets extended, throws two (2) picks, and gets bounced early again next January. Everyone here says to those who say they are "done" with this team, "Oh, you will be back, cheering them on again next year." And history dictates they are 99% of the time correct. But for the first time in over two (2) decades, I really think Booger and Chuckles have severely read this fan base wrong. Apathy is real, and it's here!!! Before every season opener, I used to have the first 5 to 6 games memorized....home and away. Haven't done that for years now....why bother. And for the first time ever, I could not be more disinterested in ANY draft talk...seriously, what's the point. Any Cowboy fan with half of a brain can tell where this is headed....again, and again, and again. I love this site too much to quit it, but I seriously just don't give two S's about this organization anymore. And extending Dak will be the tipping point....and that's just not an idle threat.
After three 12 win seasons wearing bags over fans heads at home and away games with the name "Cow Bags" emblazoned in bold letters by a red sharpie on the fronts wouldn't be appropriate at this point in time.

Mannix, I sense your ultimate frustration with this team as well as every Cowboys fan anywhere. We are a long suffering fanbase. It is real and should be acknowledged.
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I choose to support the site I like.
But I refuse to allow someone of your caliber to tell members to leave.
You don't got it man and I'm figuring you never had!!!
Now back to your Dak doll and Kurt Warner Videos.....
The best thing Kurt Warner could do is ask Linda Warner to talk Dak out of Dallas. She seems to have the power to do


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Why haven't you left yet???

You promised several times in recent years you were leaving the Cowboys if they did X, Y and Z. Well, they did all 3 in successive years, so why are you still here? We're tired of hearing your whining and empty threats.

Just leave.


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I choose to support the site I like.
But I refuse to allow someone of your caliber to tell members to leave.
You don't got it man and I'm figuring you never had!!!
Now back to your Dak doll and Kurt Warner Videos.....
:muttley: :muttley: :muttley:


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For the first time in 53 years I legit dont think I'll bother watching games. I dont know until it happens, but this is new territory. This is worse than the late 80s as far as I am concerned. They can be 7-0 with a 200 point + point differential, the last undefeated team, #1 in offense and #1 in defense, lead the league in turnovers and I will think "eh, so what, they will lose in the playoffs anyway" I've been around a long time and never felt this apathetic. I was more excited when Paul Palmer and Alonzo Highsmith were their running backs, remember that team?
It's February and you're posting in a Cowboys football forum. You'll be watching :laugh:


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Mayfield would be half the price and 2 years younger.
Agreed. Baker probably in the $34m range I’m thinking. Who would be better behind center? Baker has lots of that Ferguson vibe, just sayin.

America's Cowboy

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Dak and his losing/choking ways has ruined the franchise over his last 8 years.

And without a doubt, you have been labeled the biggest hater on this site, but I still get a chuckle out of your post, so you have that going for you!
Nah, this Cowboys franchise is thriving big time under Dak. It's your fragile and hateful feelings that have contributed to the ruining of this site. The Cowboys move on as by far the most successful sports franchise in the world while you continue with your hate. Pretty sad. Might be time for you to follow another team. Cowboys don't need and won't miss you!


Loud pipes saves lives.
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Nah, this Cowboys franchise is thriving big time under Dak. It's your fragile and hateful feelings that have contributed to the ruining of this site. The Cowboys move on as by far the most successful sports franchise in the world while you continue with your hate. Pretty sad. Might be time for you to follow another team. Cowboys don't need and won't miss you!
It's simply a matter of you not understanding my definition of success. Maybe you're just young and never experienced it? Hope not, those were the thriving times.

Glad your happy, you must be related to the family.

America's Cowboy

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It's simply a matter of you not understanding my definition of success. Maybe you're just young and never experienced it? Hope not, those were the thriving times.

Glad your happy, you must be related to the family.
I'm only 10 years younger than you, so I know what you're referring to, but the team has been successful. It just hasn't won a championship in 28 years. That's every team's ultimate goal, but not winning a championship doesn't mean the team is not successful. Guess you don't understand sports or business...and you probably never will at your age.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Nah, this Cowboys franchise is thriving big time under Dak. It's your fragile and hateful feelings that have contributed to the ruining of this site. The Cowboys move on as by far the most successful sports franchise in the world while you continue with your hate. Pretty sad. Might be time for you to follow another team. Cowboys don't need and won't miss you!
Only 2 hate words?
Common now A/C you're slacking big time! :muttley:


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If the Cowboy do the one and done again next January, this place will


LOL, you will see the Horsemen and CC going off.


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The fact that you’re here in February writing “apathy” is real and it got 5 pages of replies on a forum with thousands of posts per day about the team after said loss shows that it absolutely is not.


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it will be over by game 5. The choker will be booed out of the stadium. Looks like more camping trips with Sean.
I'm hoping he retires and saves everybody 5 more wasted years of our lives watching the loser choker. Please retire loser, you're jason garrett of QB's.


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I have no issue with him as an owner or as a person.Just think they are too involved with the team which create a bad culture .
His ownership value should be judged almost SOLELY on his ability to delegate authority to a REAL GM.

Like I've posted many times before, if this was a company that was based on playoff success, a board of directors would have booted him out as CEO a decade ago....

It's more like a dictator in a banana republic than a real company