In my opinion, this really doesn't matter one way or the other. I don't love the idea of him risking injury but the possability of that was probably minimal so I guess it's all relative. As far as him hurting his status, I don't think thats really a concern. He will be evaluated on his body of work, while at Texas. He will be evaluated on his last season, particularly. He will be evaluated on the combine, his Pro Day and his personal workouts. This made for TV thing will never even come into play.
As for staying, I'm sorry but I don't agree. Can anybody on this board honestly tell me that the coaching staff at Texas would help him correct anything he's currently doing incorrectly? I just don't see it.
The team that drafts Young will not do so based on his ability to to start right now. It will do so based on his potential and projected success two or three years down the road. I see no reason he should wait to start his development, as an NFL QB, for another year.
I guess I just don't believe he has very much to gain by staying. I would stress that I also believe Young is a bit of a different animal here. His situation is very unique, IMO. Normally, I would be a major proponant (sp?) of staying in school but not in Young's case.