Now, now. Take a deep breath.
It is not that Zeke is not allowed to be positive.
But fans here are a lot smarter than to buy into that yearly bag of sheet tha Jerry, Dak and Zeke spout --- what a coincidence! --- every year about this time.
Show me the moves, Zeke, you washed-up mass of souet on me maple tree....
But to be clear, JC academics and farm implement conventioneers, Zeke deserves and should be allowed to spout cheerleader schtuff.
But, too, allow fans the grace to roll their yellowish eyeballs.
Thus, we appreciate your efforts but you are well compensated well, I hear.
Thus and hence, be brave, Cowboys. Be youthful and positive but never overconfident.
Forward, boys, don't step there where the horses were bedded...biscuits and tea at 11.