News: Zeke investigation complete

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Hardy was suspended an entire season.

He was found not guilty in court.

IIRC He was put on the exempt list, where he still got to collect a salary. But yea, he was "suspended" in terms of not being able to play.
Fight it! Fight it! Fight it!

If the NFL is allowed to continue this farce, it will never end, and players throughout the league will be the victims of similar witch hunts.

Close Pandora's Box now.

Don't show up for the Week One game. Then let Goodell and Mara tell NBC why they don't have a game for them.

That ship, I'm afraid, has sailed stash. The time to fight has come and gone. I don't think Jerry will fight this. If he does, I don't believe he can win. He needs more support from other owners and I don't see that happening.

Not sure what you mean by that?
You know Brent was suspended after serving a prison stint, right?
Not like the NFL didn't punish Josh Brent for his actions. Unless you think they should of permanently banned him.
Got hit with a 10 game suspension after being reinstated almost 2 years later.
Should have never been reinstated, plain and simple. You said it, he did prison time for KILLING someone. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right.
There is no way this could hold up in the Supreme Court if it was ever to be taken that far.

The NFL is effectively an exceptional "legal" monopoly. Something is ***-backwards if it can live by its own "legality" over and above the "legality" of the country that gives it such authority.
Does Zeke have any recourse here? I mean I'm absolutely dumbfounded that it would be coming to this.
Donte Stallworth killed a guy while driving under the influence. Came back after a suspension(16 games)
Leonard Little killed a woman while under the influence. Came back after a suspension(8 games)
Correct and I don't agree with that either and you're only supporting my point that the NFL is inconsistent with their punishments and the Cowboys aren't the only ones.
Should have never been reinstated, plain and simple. You said it, he did prison time for KILLING someone. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right.

Well, does the NFL have a rule in the CBA for banning a player from ever returning and what is the criteria? (I don't know).
Playing in the NFL is a privilege, and obviously teams still saw value in Brown, Stallworth and Little to continue to employ them even after those incidents.
I watch with a rational and realistic mindset. So I will either be par for the course or pleasantly surprised. As opposed to pissed off because they are worse then expected. This was going to be a touch year anyway with the schedule we have. But all these suspensions are completely out of control. They will hurt us.

How boring. You should watch with hope and an expectation that the team will succeed. "Pleasantly surprised" is not having to deploy your umbrella on an overcast day.
Hardly thrilling, what's the point in watching?
Can we just get this over with.

I'm just tired of hearing about it, why we it has taken so long is beyond me.

I really do hate having to even think about this so long.......and why Josh Brown got away with so lil just doesn't make sense.
CC is a former Buckeye just like Zeke. He might have some info from sources in Columbus. This would explain him hinting that there is more info coming out that the general public is not aware of that the NFL now has possession of. Hope he's wrong or misinformed.
I really hope the league in an effort to not tarnish the brand opened a witch hunt into one of its biggest star player on its most popular team that went all the way back to Ohio State....I wonder if they will bring up the time a girl accused him of cutting in line in the middle school cafeteria?
The purpose is to protect the leagues brand..How is spending over a year with a team of investigators digging up crap from years past protecting the brand? Its hurting the brand.
Correct and I don't agree with that either and you're only supporting my point that the NFL is inconsistent with their punishments and the Cowboys aren't the only ones.

Different CBAs for both incidents, and different Commish for both cases.
Leonard was in 1999 and Stallworth was in 2009.

I wasn't disagreeing that the NFL is inconsistent. My post was over you thinking Jerry pulled strings to get Brent back in the NFL, even though 2 recent players had killed someone while DUIing, got suspended but still were allowed back into the league.
It doesn't have to be illegal for the league to suspend.

The league can, literally, suspend for whatever reason without any consistency because the players union was dumb enough to agree to those terms.
:hammer: Thanks. Peeps are getting confused here. The legal system means nothing. The NFL can determine it was detrimental conduct/behavior
CC is a former Buckeye just like Zeke. He might have some info from sources in Columbus. This would explain him hinting that there is more info coming out that the general public is not aware of that the NFL now has possession of. Hope he's wrong or misinformed.
CC used to work in the league office, thats where he got his info.
We'll see how this turns out.

I personally don't see grounds (with what we know) for a suspension. It's just not there.

HOWEVER, I'm for whatever suspension will get Zeke to stop the ridiculous, unprofessional behavior. It's already old, and he just got here.
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