Couple of Tweets from Hardy


Cowboys 24/7/365
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It seems like people don't understand that. What if they were in the same situation? What if they were more innocent than not, and they had the majority of the sports world media vilifying them in public to generate a sanctimonious outrage, inducing a "mob mentality" for agendas, ratings, and clicks, from many people who don't know the entire story saying a lot of horrible things about them? How would they feel and react?
More good questions.


Lost in the Woods
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If we didn't start a RB Zone, we won't start a Hardy Zone. Nothing compares to the RB threads the last 10 months.

In terms of quantity, sure, but the Hardy threads strikes me as singularly crypto-political in content.


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if your hardy, would you be afraid to date or be alone with a girl now ??
They could so easily blackmail or control him by just saying they would file a false DV complaint.
If they did it would derail his career in NFL.


Outta bounds
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I need Hardy talking in tongues on field. Frightful and unpredictable. You need atleast one of these guys on defense. I also want Murry hit so hard that he starts walking to Cowboys bench as Eagle player awkwardly retrieves him.



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if your hardy, would you be afraid to date or be alone with a girl now ??
They could so easily blackmail or control him by just saying they would file a false DV complaint.
If they did it would derail his career in NFL.

I think he just had a baby with someone, but I am not sure what the relationship with the child's mother is like.


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Just watched ESPN discuss the topic. Chris Carter believe or not actually stuck up for Jerry Jones by saying he would not be here if the Vikings owner didn't give him a second chance. All the media is blasting Jones for signing Hardy but how come the media was not blasting the Vikings for given Adrian Peterson a second chance for beating his 4 year old son? They did a little bit but nothing like Jones and the Cowboys are getting. Then again it is the Cowboys and it will sell magazines.


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Anyone that has ever been in a fist fight has done same thing as sick of hearing about this


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I want to see Dallas' response. "Don't mess with my dad"!! Lol

Time is his best friend. Just conduct yourself like you should and this eventually goes away.

I hope we see many more tweets from the monkey. It is amusing.


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You love this guy?

Wow. His PR people finally got to work. Over a year after his actions. What a prince!

Nobody really knows what happened with Hardy and the girl. There is zero proof of anything other than the fact that he had some guns laying around.


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Nobody really knows what happened with Hardy and the girl. There is zero proof of anything other than the fact that he had some guns laying around.

From what I can tell, and I am certainly no expert, the photos seem to fit both Hardy and Holder's version of events. In either case there would be bruising as in the photos. The one exception would be the choking claim. The photos seem to indicate that was not what happened.

But again, I'm not an expert and can't say for sure. Hardy may be lying. Holder may be lying. They both may be lying.


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I'm not talking about most NFL players. He's being accused of assault and the first thing he talks about is Brady's wife. He has to know what the fall out is going to be. He should have said exactly what he said in those tweets. He's going to be under a microscope . He has to be smarter than that. If it was somebody else who said it I wouldn't have cared and I don't think anyone else would have either.

I loved the comments about Brady's wife.

There is Zero proof that Hardy ever didn't anything wrong with the girl.

There is a ton of proof that the Patriots are cheaters and there is a lot of evidence that Brady cheated with the air pressure issue.

Do you know how many women have been beaten by fans of teams the Patriots beat because they were cheating?


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Ben got accused TWICE of rape. He only got off because he paid his way out. Of course you can't take pictures of the horrible mental scars and anguish left on a rape victim so no one cares because it doesn't sell or generate clicks.

Isn't that what Hardy did? Paying his way out?


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From what I can tell, and I am certainly no expert, the photos seem to fit both Hardy and Holder's version of events. In either case there would be bruising as in the photos. The one exception would be the choking claim. The photos seem to indicate that was not what happened.

But again, I'm not an expert and can't say for sure. Hardy may be lying. Holder may be lying. They both may be lying.

I find it funny or sad that people believe that the photos prove something.


Outta bounds
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I find it funny or sad that people believe that the photos prove something.

I literally didn't see one single thing in all of those pictures that I didn't fully expect to see. They contained exactly what they should have for what went down that night.

The big bruise on her elbow was there because she drove her elbow backwards into Hardy's friend's face, so I knew that was there.

Hardy and his friend said that she drove the toilet lid down on her own arm... those were there.

They said she jumped up and fell down in the shower, and those bruises were there.

Holder said that Hardy's friend grabbed her and pulled her out of the room to stop her from hitting Hardy... and those an her arms were there as well.

Pretty much exactly what I expected to see.

How the media or anyone else is shocked, disgusted, or outraged by those pictures simply makes no sense. Unless this is the first thing they've seen, heard, or read about the case, which is unlikely.


Outta bounds
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I find it funny or sad that people believe that the photos prove something.

For me, this is the biggest thing that I would like people to address. These bruises prove nothing because if things went down exactly as Hardy and his friend said... those are the bruises you would expect to see.

Now if Hardy did just decide he was going to beat her, she would have bruises but almost certainly would have been more on her face. I'm sure she would have them on her arms, back, etc. too... but around her head and face would certainly have borne more of the brunt than those pictures show.

So really, there is nothing that can be derived from those pictures other than we know things got physical one way or another.


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I literally didn't see one single thing in all of those pictures that I didn't fully expect to see. They contained exactly what they should have for what went down that night.

The big bruise on her elbow was there because she drove her elbow backwards into Hardy's friend's face, so I knew that was there.

Hardy and his friend said that she drove the toilet lid down on her own arm... those were there.

They said she jumped up and fell down in the shower, and those bruises were there.

Holder said that Hardy's friend grabbed her and pulled her out of the room to stop her from hitting Hardy... and those an her arms were there as well.

Pretty much exactly what I expected to see.

How the media or anyone else is shocked, disgusted, or outraged by those pictures simply makes no sense. Unless this is the first thing they've seen, heard, or read about the case, which is unlikely.

I wonder how much race factors into this issue. He's black, she's white. A lot of fans probably still have an issue with that even in 2015.