The butt hurt for Bautista in this thread. He deserved what he got. He's a little ***** who complains about every little thing. And post game said he was intentionally trying slide in hard (intent), Odor took exception when Bautista starts jawing and doesn't leave the field, and bows up like a fight is going to happen and was about to take a swing as well until Odor beat him to the punch literally. Most of the baseball community (fans, players, managers, and umps) enjoyed what the little ***** Jose deserved.
That being said Odor has done the same multiple times (while it was still legal) and if he does an illegal slide he better be prepared for someone to get at him as well. Honestly I wish he would tone it down a bit, but as far as last night he was completely justified, the slide could have meant his season or career but was quick enough to get out of the way.
As far as the Rangers being cowards, no idea how. They left the Jays with the opportunity for Jose to have a dirty slide, and to throw at Prince in the bottom of the 8th. And Prince like the veteran he is just laughed it off, Jose was the one who got his feelings hurt.