Video: Anybody else tired of hearing about Dak's "leadership"?

Being a good leader in sports usually means holding teammates accountable, being a galvanizing and motivating presence, and setting a good example for work ethic.

It isn’t something that is necessarily measurable, but rather something that is experienced firsthand and therefore judged best by those nearest to him.

If you’re tired of hearing about how great of a leader he is, that’s fine. But if his teammates say he’s a good leader, he’s probably a good leader.
He leads everywhere except the pocket.
He let us off a cliff in the 49ers game and the Tampa Bay game let's hope for much better against the lonely lions defense. pat...pat
Getting hurt is sacrifice? Sorry but he was rewarded with $126M guaranteed and got the 4 years he demanded in his new contract AFTER this injury. So your point?
He was playing for peanuts and you want him to continue with that? Regardless of what you think Dak earned the contract. If not he wouldn't have got it. Money talks and they paid up. Did Emmitt not want to get what he had earned? Why does the money bother you anyway? We solidified the position. What damage has his contract done to the current roster? Everyone is getting paid big money to play the game. It is what it is.
You can doubt it all you want but I guarantee that anyone who called out the leadership BS would suffer consequences of some kind. You just can't speak out against an established narrative. Doesn't matter if its a sports team, a corporate setting or even a family setting.

Not to mention guys like the ones you mention likely also realize that there is really no upside to speaking the truth other than to satisfy some personal, ego driven itch. They know it will be detrimental to their goals as well as team goals. So they go along to get along.

Except for guys like TO. How'd that work out for him?
teammates speak truth.
its not espn calling dak a leader.
its coming from the lockerroom.
now....guys in green bay on the other hand will suffer the knife in the back treat ment from fraudgers.
there's a track record with him that drips with blood.
but thats not going on here.
not with the qb anyway.
maybe with stephen...or jerry.
but not the qb.
It's amazing to me how the people who allegedly can't stand Dak Prescott constantly put themselves in front of situations where they have to read and/or hear other people talk about Prescott, or hear directly from Prescott himself.

If you're "tired of hearing about it" then stop listening to it.
He was playing for peanuts and you want him to continue with that? Regardless of what you think Dak earned the contract. If not he wouldn't have got it. Money talks and they paid up. Did Emmitt not want to get what he had earned? Why does the money bother you anyway? We solidified the position. What damage has his contract done to the current roster? Everyone is getting paid big money to play the game. It is what it is.

His rookie contracted is league mandated so stop with the peanuts BS as every rookie not in the 1st round earns what you call peanuts.....and if you call earning over $4M in 4 years peanuts then you must have inherited a fortune.
An opinion based on things you made up. It’s not that hard. If you have no idea maybe just focus on something else. You’re personally offended by people that know him refuting your baseless speculation. It’s weird and sad. Find a hobby
Oh so now im offended? And you sit there lecturing me about "making stuff up".

So what have i...."made up"?
Nothing....i gave an opinion is all. I even already said its not fact but opinion. Like yours.
C'mon Risen, even you know better. Leadership and ability are two totally different things.

If we are talking ability, then ok. That is in question? leadership is not.

You can't be a great leader if you've never led a team to win anything substantial. What's he won? A bad division title every 2 or 3 years? Tony Romo did that and everybody called him a bad leader.

The Prescott leadership thing is simply all they have left to feel good about him. They can't possibly pretend he's talented anymore so let's say we all agree he's a great leader. Makes being stuck with him feel better.
The local media is soft on him for a reason, and it's obviously not why you think it is.

It's called access media. If they cover him in a bad light, or interrogate him with questions he doesn't like, or they ambush him somehow, then he won't talk to whoever that was the next game or give them a quote on the cakewalk/fashion show or whatever before the next game that he wins. The reporters, unless they're independent guys, have to maintain the access to the player. Otherwise, there is no story.

This is common in other beats, too, that are more serious, outside of entertainment and sports: reporters ask softball questions rather than the tough ones, so they don't lose access to the subject/source of the story.

As far as Dak goes, though, I'm not sure anyone could do anything right for some of his haters. And, surely, he'll never do anything worthy of their praise, outside of winning a Super Bowl. And even then, the same people who hate him now will still hate him and say he only did it because of the defense. He can't win with some of you. Thankfully, there are those of us who see this fact and the divide isn't quite as large as it is loud, and annoying.
I understand access journalism. But Dak is the QB of America's Team, he's going to have to talk to the media regardless of how they treat him. He doesn't seem like a guy who leaks things to them behind the scenes if that is what you're referring to. If requesting the media hold a 7th year player accountable every so often for the results he produces classifies me as a "hater" so be it. I am a hater of people who talk but don't walk. That is what Dak's career is morphing into. Only rubes will continue to gobble up all of these glowing remarks without getting anything tangible in return.

Team chemistry has been a huge reason they've managed to win with a minimally skilled backup QB.

The Cowboys had many years under Garrett where they underperformed relative to their talent level. They did not have great team chemistry in many of the pre-Dak years. Team chemistry has taken another leap forward with McCarthy and Quinn.

Remember the TO vs Romo/Witten years...

The Dez fighting with Ware/Witten on the sideline.

TNew fight with Dave Campo on the sideline.

Greg Hardy slapping the clipboard out of the coaches hands.

It was obviously terrible on defense in 2020 with DC Nolan.
Ok, I agree. Now where are the results? We're approaching the backend of Dak's career, isn't it time to show something for this awesome culture he has helped create?
teammates speak truth.
its not espn calling dak a leader.
its coming from the lockerroom.
now....guys in green bay on the other hand will suffer the knife in the back treat ment from fraudgers.
there's a track record with him that drips with blood.
but thats not going on here.
not with the qb anyway.
maybe with stephen...or jerry.
but not the qb.
I don't know man...
It's never worked that way in ANY locker room, meeting room, deer camp, etc that I've ever been in.

What do you think would happen if James Washington was critical of Dak's leadership? Probably not going to end well for him.

Now what do think would happen if Parsons spoke critically about Dak's leadership? Definitely plays out differently but the end result is negative for everyone involved.

The point is... no matter how true it may be, there would be consequences for saying it.

Romo didn't take the leadership role seriously enough. He was criticized here on this forum and in the media. Can you provide one example of a teammate who spoke critically about his lack of leadership qualities? It would have been well deserved criticism yet we never heard a peep out of the locker room. Ya just can't do it.

Wait! Maybe TO did! How'd that work out?

Wise words passed down from the elders...

"Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see."
Year 7, yet the DFW media seems to still be obsessed with this topic. These two clips are just nonstop slobbering over his leadership skills. Idk why the DFW media is so soft on him. I get he's good guy, respectful of the media, but it's year 7. What good is this mystical "Dak leadership" without results? Garoppolo, a guy who has never been exalted for his leadership skills, totally outplayed Dak in the playoff game. That is what matters moving forward - results.

CC: DFW media

I need to hear less talking from every player:facepalm: Days before the Eagles game Tank on there telling the media to just watch what the defense is gonna do in the Philly game. After further review of that game:facepalm: Just play hard and great then tell me how great you played after the game. Before the game??? It's just all BS talk....Leadership is the same. You can't back it up with results????? Doesn't matter eithier way.
Doesn't matter what you think dude. You're not part of the team and no one is forcing you to watch player interviews. Oh and 'X' person being better than 'X' person doesn't make them a leader, your philosophy on leadership is extremely flawed. Please stop complaining about media that is voluntarily available.

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