News: Can Tony Romo Ever Get The Respect His Play Demands?


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Tell that to the whole team. One man cannot win a ring by himself. But, a team can win and a team can lose. It is not a one man show, and I wish posters like you that make this kind of remark would really learn the word team. smh

Blah blah blah. Bottom line is he needs to win a ring before he gets any type of respect, team or no team.

It's the way it is. Get over it.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Taking out attempts, completions, and yards doesn't make any significant difference compared to what I already posted. In the non-playoff seasons, Romo's ratio is 1:2 (4 TD/8 turnovers). In the playoff seasons, it's 2:1 (8 TD/4 turnovers). This is consistent with the fact that his passer rating is 20 points higher in the six playoff games than in the three non-playoff "elimination" games (2008 at Phi, 2011 at NYG, 2012 at Was). The only way to make it appear as if there is a "tale of 2 Romo's" is to mix in those three extra games.

Postseason TD/turnovers
Brees 24/12
Romo 8/4
Brady 53/28
Rodgers 23/14
Manning 38/34
Rivers 11/12

You and I have been through this same thing more times than I could ever count and none of these stats/passer ratings/QB comparisons that you're so enamored with will ever help gain the respect Romo's play deserves until he wins a ring....fact! All the QB's you mentioned are rated ahead of Romo because all of them have won at least one championship except for Rivers and they all have better playoff resumes than Romo.

If the passer rating stat carried as much weight that you believe it does Romo would have won the MVP last season. At the very least he would have received a lot more than 2 MVP votes. I know you'll never give up this statistical comparison quest you're on but regardless how well Romo stacks up statistically with the top QB's in the league the perception many have of him will never change until he leads the Cowboys to a championship.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Postseason TD/turnovers
Brees 24/12
Romo 8/4
Brady 53/28
Rodgers 23/14
Manning 38/34
Rivers 11/12

Sorry, but you left out his 3 elimination games I told you to include them because those are part of the reason Romo doesn't get the respect his play deserves. Those 3 season finale elimination games were like playoff games and can't be ignored. His playoff/elimination game TD to turnover ratio is 12-12. Although Rivers has a worse TD to turnover ratio he's won 2 more playoff games than Romo and reached a title game.


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Tonys "bad play" in plauoff games is not so bad to show up in stats.
if he misses a wide open WR by just a small amount , it is a big deal, but only 1 inc. pass.
a int at the wrong time can be very bad, but is only 1 int.
Except for the Minnesota game Romo has always had a chance to win games.

And it is not just tony in losing the playoff games , it is the other players and coaches who just dont do quite good enough.
Tony is the one constant and also I include garrett, he was OC or head Off coach and then HC and OC, and the best year was when
garrett was not oc.
Wade Wilson is another constant.

The Cowboys should have beat seattle in 2006, who knows where that would have led, they were pretty good at that point.
2007 they should have beat the giants, if they had maybe all the way.
2014 they should have beat GB , again they maybe go all the way.
So that is 3 blown chances to make a SB run and they dont.

People then look at the most obvious constant which is Romo and Blame him, or say he folds under pressure.

The GB game dallas fans mainly blamed Murray and Blandino not Romo Because Romo had no ints, and played ok, not great but ok.

My view is in the playoffs, your playing the best teams, and best coaches, so you cant be average , and get to the SB.
A Team needs to step it up, and be better than during the season to beat the better teams. That includes coaches.

McCarthy lined up his best WR in backfield and in slot, to get him the ball, garrett did nothing innovative with dez, and as a result only 3 catches
in that game. Things like that can win or lose close games.
Dez should have had 3 catches in the first qtr.
Garrett could have started Randle over 1 handed wore out Murray, and it might have made a difference.
Garret is rarely bold or innovative, and tends to be very predictable, and that wont do well in playoffs.


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Teams don't change their holder during the season unless there's a problem. There has to be some continuity between the kicker and the holder. The holder has to know just how the kicker wants the ball placed it's not something where you just throw in another holder and you're good to go. Don't give me this slick ball crap it's a poor excuse.

Don't give you anything but what you want to hear...never mind, Ace.


rock music matters
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The ring is thing, as they say.

Not saying it's right, because there are 21 other starters plus special teams, but that's how it is.

no it isn't.

that's how some people may view it, but not all. if that is *your* criteria, great. not mine.


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no it isn't.

that's how some people may view it, but not all. if that is *your* criteria, great. not mine.

Well, by now you should know I don't think that way. It's comically silly.

But the thread asked if Romo would get the overall recognition he deserved, not how I felt personally.


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You and I have been through this same thing more times than I could ever count and none of these stats/passer ratings/QB comparisons that you're so enamored with will ever help gain the respect Romo's play deserves until he wins a ring....fact! All the QB's you mentioned are rated ahead of Romo because all of them have won at least one championship except for Rivers and they all have better playoff resumes than Romo.

If the passer rating stat carried as much weight that you believe it does Romo would have won the MVP last season. At the very least he would have received a lot more than 2 MVP votes. I know you'll never give up this statistical comparison quest you're on but regardless how well Romo stacks up statistically with the top QB's in the league the perception many have of him will never change until he leads the Cowboys to a championship.

See post #89.


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Sorry, but you left out his 3 elimination games I told you to include them because those are part of the reason Romo doesn't get the respect his play deserves. Those 3 season finale elimination games were like playoff games and can't be ignored. His playoff/elimination game TD to turnover ratio is 12-12. Although Rivers has a worse TD to turnover ratio he's won 2 more playoff games than Romo and reached a title game.

Man I'm sorry, but this made me laugh out loud. Are you including the elimination game that Kyle Orton, and not Tony Romo started? By all means, please clear that up for the class. It really doesn't look good claiming to be unbiased when you attribute Romo in an elimination game that he didn't even play in.

And are you including only games lost? Because when the Eagles were 9-3 last year, basically every game was considered an "elimination game". Along with the NFC Playoff hunt that was just crazy this year, and tiebreaker scenario in which we undoubted had to "win and in", those should by all means be considered "elimination games".

Is there anyone out there that didn't think if we lost one of those we'd probably not get in? That's all everyone was talking about. It was a given.

Romo's TD/int ratio during those 3 games before we clinched before our game Week 17?


And a passer rating averaging about 135 or something ridiculous. That's all that really needs to be said. Frankly, it's hard to evaluate your QB's decision making prowess when your OL is getting him killed (in some cases not even getting out of their stance. See: Colombo, Playoff game, Minnesota). Or his OL is just one of the hottest piles of garbage i've seen in recent memory and no one knew how to stop a max blitz (See: OL Week 16, vs. Commanders 2012). Some of the blame for that Commanders game goes on Romo, but the entire offense deserves blame for that game, from the OL to Romo to the Coaches. They were horribly prepared. I'm pretty sure Phil Costa also started that game, oh how far we've come.

Romo played fine in the elimination game vs. the Giants in 2011. 2/1 and 289. He could have thrown for 350, we weren't winning that game.

I think that just about sums that up.

Back to the OP. For "perspective's sake" he's going to need a ring, at least from the general populace. You know, the guys that talk about football from their high school days, when they could eat without getting winded, and always talk about how it was a team game in a wise, knowing voice like it's some secret no one knows about. Then as soon as we lose they harp on Tony's one mistake, after our defense gives up 40 points and we lose by 2.

I know he's elite. If he's not "elite", at the very least he's on the cusp. Anyone that thinks differently doesn't really watch Cowboys games or know much about football in general, in my oh so humble opinion. It's not his fault his teams have sucked recently (last year excluded obviously)


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Dallas has a far better record when Romo is the QB without Dez than with Dez.
Although this is a true statement, it's clear we wouldn't blame Dez here.

Some just don't get it's a team game when we discuss Romo.
So maybe this will add a tiny bit of perspective.


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Dallas has a far better record when Romo is the QB without Dez than with Dez.
Although this is a true statement, it's clear we wouldn't blame Dez here.

Some just don't get it's a team game when we discuss Romo.
So maybe this will add a tiny bit of perspective.

Blame whatever you want but Dez sometimes completely disappears in first half. Sometimes for entire games.
That's on Dez.


Research Tool
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Sorry, but you left out his 3 elimination games I told you to include them because those are part of the reason Romo doesn't get the respect his play deserves. Those 3 season finale elimination games were like playoff games and can't be ignored. His playoff/elimination game TD to turnover ratio is 12-12.
Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's own beliefs or hypotheses. Romo's ratio is 8/4 in the six playoff games, and 4/8 in the three regular season elimination games. The only way to conclude that Romo's performance drops off in the postseason is to redefine "postseason."

That means lumping in playoff teams with non-playoff teams, with the only common denominator being that a loss ended their season. Is this justified? Compare the teams Romo had for these games minus Romo and the pass offense. Combining the Cowboys' season rankings in pass defense and rushing TD, these are the teams Romo has had to work with:

2006 12th (20th, 3rd)
2007 8th (5th, 10th)
2008 21st (20th, 22nd)
2009 16th (16th, 15th)
2011 28th (25th, 30th)
2012 28th (29th, 27th)
2014 9th (13th, 5th)

Playoff seasons are in bold. Romo had 4 TD/8 turnovers in these games in years when the rest of the team ranked 21st or worse (non-playoff teams). He had 8 TD/4 turnovers when the rest of the team ranked 16th or better (playoff teams). We can't just assume that this is a coincidence. On the surface, it looks like Romo has played better when he's had good teams, and has tried to force the issue when he's had bad teams.

The average point margin in the three regular season "elimination" games when he committed his turnovers was -13.75 points. Up until 2012 in Washington, it was actually -21.4 points. Until that game, he'd had zero turnovers when the opponent had less than a 13-point lead in the game. So while it's safe to say that Romo was pressing in that game in Washington in 2012, there's no evidence of a pattern in either of the other games.

In order to conclude that Romo plays poorly in "elimination" games, you'd have to show that his performance depends on the mere fact that it was an elimination game -- and that it doesn't depend on factors like the score of the game, or the quality of the team around him.


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He needs to win a ring to get respect only by those who don't know football and get their takes from the national media.

Call it whatever you all want to call it.

ESPN, NFLNETWORK, Majority of the news Article's won't show him the Rodgers/ Brady type of respect until he wins.(And don't say they don't matter, because as soon as they bash 1 of our chosen 1's, we all start flailing around) Sure on here we can act like he's some type of God, and anyone who does not agree or follow or lead is a complete jack ***, who doesn't know ****, and needs to be lynched, but that is in our little Cowboys Zone world on the internet.

He's not getting bashed as much, because he has improved, he's winning, and some people are noticing he's not as bad as the late 4th quarter Int's and fumbled snap made him out to be. To be fair all those little things, they have a reason to feel the way they do about Romo, and calling him a choker in the past. It's the damn truth. Overall though, if he goes through a slump, he won't get a pass like Brady or Rodgers, because he does not have a ring yet. It's reality, almost every source will bash him.


Well-Known Member
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Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's own beliefs or hypotheses. Romo's ratio is 8/4 in the six playoff games, and 4/8 in the three regular season elimination games. The only way to conclude that Romo's performance drops off in the postseason is to redefine "postseason."

That means lumping in playoff teams with non-playoff teams, with the only common denominator being that a loss ended their season. Is this justified? Compare the teams Romo had for these games minus Romo and the pass offense. Combining the Cowboys' season rankings in pass defense and rushing TD, these are the teams Romo has had to work with:

2006 12th (20th, 3rd)
2007 8th (5th, 10th)
2008 21st (20th, 22nd)
2009 16th (16th, 15th)
2011 28th (25th, 30th)
2012 28th (29th, 27th)
2014 9th (13th, 5th)

Playoff seasons are in bold. Romo had 4 TD/8 turnovers in these games in years when the rest of the team ranked 21st or worse (non-playoff teams). He had 8 TD/4 turnovers when the rest of the team ranked 16th or better (playoff teams). We can't just assume that this is a coincidence. On the surface, it looks like Romo has played better when he's had good teams, and has tried to force the issue when he's had bad teams.

The average point margin in the three regular season "elimination" games when he committed his turnovers was -13.75 points. Up until 2012 in Washington, it was actually -21.4 points. Until that game, he'd had zero turnovers when the opponent had less than a 13-point lead in the game. So while it's safe to say that Romo was pressing in that game in Washington in 2012, there's no evidence of a pattern in either of the other games.

In order to conclude that Romo plays poorly in "elimination" games, you'd have to show that his performance depends on the mere fact that it was an elimination game -- and that it doesn't depend on factors like the score of the game, or the quality of the team around him.

Nice work, but you also excluded spotlight games, do or die games, lights shine bright games, when it matters most games, and a host of other games dreamed up by loonies attempting to make the Cowboys look bad. Please include them.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Romo needs a ring to get the respect his play deserves. If he never win a championship he'll be best remembered for his ill-timed flubs primarily the bobbled snap in Seattle during the 06 playoffs. So far that gaff has been the signature play of his career and started him on a path of some notable mistakes that created a stigma that only a championship will erase. It's going to be unfortunate if he's mostly remembered for his bad plays because he's been a very good, consistent QB over a long period but the reality is it's going to take a championship to overcome the choker label that's been following him since 06.

That whole fiasco was a Parcells flub.

Your starting QB is a place holder?

That was straight up Bill Parcells, old school stubbornness.


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Call it whatever you all want to call it.

ESPN, NFLNETWORK, Majority of the news Article's won't show him the Rodgers/ Brady type of respect until he wins.(And don't say they don't matter, because as soon as they bash 1 of our chosen 1's, we all start flailing around) Sure on here we can act like he's some type of God, and anyone who does not agree or follow or lead is a complete jack ***, who doesn't know ****, and needs to be lynched, but that is in our little Cowboys Zone world on the internet.

He's not getting bashed as much, because he has improved, he's winning, and some people are noticing he's not as bad as the late 4th quarter Int's and fumbled snap made him out to be. To be fair all those little things, they have a reason to feel the way they do about Romo, and calling him a choker in the past. It's the damn truth. Overall though, if he goes through a slump, he won't get a pass like Brady or Rodgers, because he does not have a ring yet. It's reality, almost every source will bash him.

I believe in my take 100% because it's just the truth.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Man I'm sorry, but this made me laugh out loud. Are you including the elimination game that Kyle Orton, and not Tony Romo started? By all means, please clear that up for the class. It really doesn't look good claiming to be unbiased when you attribute Romo in an elimination game that he didn't even play in.

I'll be getting the last laugh because you must be have been sitting in the back of the room shooting spit balls instead of paying attention. I didn't include the elimination game Orton played in 2013 I included the 3 elimination games Romo played in 2008 vs Philly, 2011 vs the Giants and 2012 vs Washington. If you get out your calculator that comes up to 3 season finale elimination games Romo played in...class dismissed! :laugh: