And your point is?

Do you wish to engage what I'm saying, or what you would make me out to be saying?
I'll say it again. I don't mean that he is to live, breath, eat, and drink football. I mean, I want a guy who loves the game more than he loves the perks that come to him because of the game. I want a guy who understands how important this season is, both FOR HIM, and for this team. I want a guy who understands he is at the doorstep of a great possibility both for himself and for his team, so that what is uppermost in his mind is not beauty contests and the latest celebrity party, but being a great QB and leading his team to a great year. I want a guy who knows what Lab already pointed out, "I haven't really done anything yet."
So, I'm not saying 100% football, I'm saying, understand what is right in front of you and do everything in your power to make sure you make the most of it on the football field.
And I'm also admitting that ALL OF THIS MAY ALREADY BE THE CASE! He may have his mind in the exact right place. Goodness, I know I don't know the guy. I haven't had a single conversation with him. EVER.
All I was saying is that when I keep hearing about some party he has attended, or some beauty contest he's judging, it concerns me as a Cowboys fan.
Is that allowable?