YOUR problem is...this is a FAN WEBSITE. We are SUPPSED to cheer them on. And yes....we certainly CAN critique their performances. Fans do that. They even get mad at them. But to take it personal; and go on SEASONS LONG CRUSADES to convince people to hate them as much as they do.../
No sir...not buying it. I DO accept people don't have the same view and opinions I have. You can't survive in this world without that...not sanely and healthy anyway,. I think some people AREN'T healthy/ They think they are so cool and worldly if they don't cheer on their team...with some enthusiasm and forgiveness. They have to tear down others to be happy? Their own "family" and team?
Not saying you have to praise them when it isn't earned. Not saying you have to love all players equally when you don't. But when you can't find it in yourself to give credit for even just one good game.....sick. Poison.
I don't give a dman what you say...that is NOT healthy. They are sick miserable people. Find a team you enjoy. Don't torment yourself and especially OTHER people being that way.
People leave their spouses and families for WAY less...just to find happiness. There's no shame in it. Get out and come back when the team is winning. Be happy.