I'm currently being investigated for employment by the US Border Patrol (background checks)... it's getting to the point where you can't even beat down an illegal alien anymore w/o getting a write-up.
Seriously though, people don't have the same respect for law enforcement officers that they used to have. SOme of that is the agency's own fault though. I know locally the last two police chiefs have been corrupt. The FBI is investigating the current one for embezzlement (sp?), I think.
There's a LOT of corruption in the local police dept, sherrif's dept, and the fire dept (to an extent). IT's bad in this crap town. I have almost no respect for the local police and sherrif's depts. Other then the officers that I know personally. When the chief of police is breaking the law instead of preventing it (aka the OPPOSITE of his job) then it makes the dept look bad. Not only that, but the chief has also been in multiple car wrecks in city vehicles where he had been drinking (at least) and nothing was done about it. It was all swept under the rug.
FINALLY it's gotten to the point where the FEDs are getting involved.
That said, when I go out of town to San Antonio (or wherever) I have complete respect for those guys. Same with our federal agencies and state agencies.