Twitter: Dak’s improvement by year


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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If you fans truly believe that our QB and offense is the biggest weakness on this team then you’re frikin idiots. Lol

I have never said that either. The entire team played a part, not just one side or the other. I have never once put the blame totally on Dak, but he didn't exactly help things either. Neither did Zeke.

Appreciate you stooping to the level of the other name callers on CZ and calling me an idiot. I thought you were better than that, but apparently not.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I am a huge huge huge Eco fan. I'm reading The Prague Cemetery right now.
For the hundredth time, lol.


Well-Known Member
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He’s getting better and better and will be top 5 by the end of the year.

Rockport I like him and glad he is "hopefully" on the verge of great things.
but i really wanna see a deep play off run.
tbh idc if its down:
To him
Dan Quinn
Our dynamic offence
Or all of the above.

A deep play off run pls with him at the helm will make me think we can get there or there abouts for a SB consistently for years <----- hmm am i naive to think that ... we'll see.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Rockport I like him and glad he is "hopefully" on the verge of great things.
but i really wanna see a deep play off run.
tbh idc if its down:
To him
Dan Quinn
Our dynamic offence
Or all of the above.

A deep play off run pls with him at the helm will make me think we can get there or there abouts for a SB consistently for years <----- hmm am i naive to think that ... we'll see.
I’m with you. I’m confident he can do as long as the defense improves.


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It was still a stupid contract to hand out. I don't expect anyone to agree... Once Dak is gone and still hasn't won any hardware for the team, his homers will turn on him and say the contract he was given in 2021 was dumb and how it hurt the team. His homers wanted him signed no matter the cost and they got their wish.
I disagree...his homers will blame the defense, coaching, weather, special teams, starting field position etc as they have done over the previous 4 years


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I disagree...his homers will blame the defense, coaching, weather, special teams, starting field position etc as they have done over the previous 4 years
Lol. There was too much pollen in the air! Did you see the haze? How can anyone field an offense in that hay fever?!


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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I disagree...his homers will blame the defense, coaching, weather, special teams, starting field position etc as they have done over the previous 4 years

You see, this is the thing about the homers - they will defend their player vehemently and will shower any person who doesn't feel the same as them with all manner of hate, bullying, name calling, etc.. Case in point is Dak right here in this very thread. But almost every time a favorite player leaves, the homers instantly turn on them and swear they never really liked said player.

The same thing will happen to Dak once he is gone, especially if he leaves in FA or a trade. You can bank on it.


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I’m with you. I’m confident he can do as long as the defense improves.
Cool, and another thing...

You once quoted and posted from the live game stream thread. The sigifance of it was that when we were losing all the posters were giving the team HELL.
We won the game....... you reposted the HELL, the posters did not like it, neither did the admins and it was removed.
That move you pulled was the best thing I have ever seen on this forum, its showed some of the posters for what they are and thei excuses trying to deny that they had said the HELL was even more laughable because what they said was right there in front of them (all-be-it-briefly before removal).
Thats going off-thread a bit woopsie daisey. Go Cowboys!


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Correct, simply saying "they don't win therefore they are all losers" doesnt really solve the problem now does it.

Much to the dismay of some fans analysis there can be productive and even great talents on lesser successful teams. Stats is one way of identifying them.


Well-Known Member
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You see, this is the thing about the homers - they will defend their player vehemently and will shower any person who doesn't feel the same as them with all manner of hate, bullying, name calling, etc.. Case in point is Dak right here in this very thread. But almost every time a favorite player leaves, the homers instantly turn on them and swear they never really liked said player.

The same thing will happen to Dak once he is gone, especially if he leaves in FA or a trade. You can bank on it.

To be honest acr...thats exactly what people here say wont happen...of course if he leaves the Cowboys he is dead to me....I root for the Cowboys not Dak. But as long as he is our QB and is getting better I'm going to back him and hope he brings it home.

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I love when these fake analysts post these ratings like were all supposed to bow down to those numbers as if they are scripture.

What the hell is an efficiency rating and who gets to decide it? Give me his PFF grade while you're at it. That'll surely change my opinion on the stiff.


Well-Known Member
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I love when these fake analysts post these ratings like were all supposed to bow down to those numbers as if they are scripture.

What the hell is an efficiency rating and who gets to decide it? Give me his PFF grade while you're at it. That'll surely change my opinion on the stiff.

Ooh damn its a party now.....Risen I thought you were overseeing the Wentz banner move.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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I love when these fake analysts post these ratings like were all supposed to bow down to those numbers as if they are scripture.

What the hell is an efficiency rating and who gets to decide it? Give me his PFF grade while you're at it. That'll surely change my opinion on the stiff.

There's only one person bowing down to those numbers since he keeps posting something new (and equally irrelevant) every day. Mr. OP? You know who you are.


Well-Known Member
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There's only one person bowing down to those numbers since he keeps posting something new every day. Mr. OP? You know who you are.
Shame we can’t let his threads fall off of the front page instead of keeping them at the top of the page. Which means he’s winning.