Dallas Cowboys Quarterback Tony Romo Set To Retire

Romo retires.


The irrational dislike for Romo increases even more than previously.

lol. smh.
I'll never understand that either.....The guy came on the scene as an UDFA and ended his NFL career holding many of the QB records of one of the most successful and storied franchises in the NFL.

Tony has nothing to hang his head over and he wore the star proudly.
So yesterday Jerry says teams can give him a physical and today he retires? If true that is very strange timing.

Not strange at all. Tony doesn't want to be traded. He wants to be released. This is nothing more than a tit for tat move. If Jerry actually releases him, he will be on a roster within a few weeks. I hope Jerry doesn't buy it or has an arrangement with Romo.
This is a shocker to me, but one tweet from Jane Slater said that Romo is ready to come back if the Cowboys 'really' needed him.
All things considered, I've felt for some time now that retirement might be the smartest decision for Tony.

I'm pleased to see that he's decided to take that route and am hoping he'll render it an ongoing situation.

It's not too difficult to imagine him being highly successful in his new broadcasting career. He's a natural.
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I wonder just how much Romo will be involved with broadcasting football. I can see him going all in with golf though.
the front page of the newyorkpost.com has the news of romo retiring as their top story.
Adam Schefter now texted that an NFL Executive has told him Tony Romo is now every teams emergency back up and if any team's starting QB gets hurt, pay him to come out of 'retirement'.

Who is buying the injury excuse?
This is a legit retirement folks. I tried telling this board back in Feb. that he was seriously considering this and some people were too busy counting draft pick compensation to listen. Then there was the "Jerry bungled this" crowd which was just as clueless. Jerry knew he was seriously considering retirement and knew that he could have his cake and eat it, too. Now Jerry gets to restructure and save cap money and Romo is basically an unpaid emergency QB in case Dak gets hurt and we are a contender.

There's no doubt that the lukewarm market is playing into this at least a little. It helped Tony finalize his decision. Given the physical investment playing would be, he wouldn't want to make that commitment unless someone stepped up and said "you're our guy". That wasn't going to happen and when it didn't that made this decision that much clearer for him. But even before the circus and his market had been established he was thinking hard about retiring. That's why his agent reached out to the networks and why he will be landing a sweet broadcasting gig.
Now that Romo is set to retire, the Cowboys don't have to release him. This way the Cowboys still own his contract if he changes his mind in the next two years. The Cowboys can still get something for him if he want's to make a come back on a different team.
Adam Schaffer now texted that an NFL Executive has told him Tony Romo is now every teams emergency back up and if any team's starting QB gets hurt, pay him to come out of 'retirement'.

Who is buying the injury excuse?
He did play a lousy bunch of golf this weekend. Maybe he felt after that some doubt that he could do another training camp.

As for the Schefter tweet, that is kind of a duh one. Of course he would be that. So was Aikman. He was flirting with the idea of playing with the Eagles and Chargers for a while.
I don't think this was all Romo.

Jones strung this out and allowed Romo to take the wheel. I am guessing that yesterday's "permission" got Romo the answers he needed and he moved on from there. Oh well.

lol I was talking about his whole career here. Led his team to 2 wild card wins. Pathetic. I'm just glad the drama is almost over.