dcfanatic Is On Life Support & Not Expected to Make It


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Man, I started following Dc around 2007 and I'll never forget his T.O. Rants. I used to workout while listening to his podcast with Hostile and guys like Shango and a few others he would have on the show. The guy was a true Cowboy fan. I remember driving in my car listening to Sirius radio and Dc actually called on that radio station talking about the Cowboys. I was like wow Dc is everywhere. Also can't forget the Desean Jackson anti-gay story that Dc broke and it eventually got picked up Nationally.

It's gonna suck not listening to Dc before and after every game. It really was a part of my everyday check list.

My prayers are with you Dc


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DC Fantaic was a regular caller on 1660 ESPN Central Texas. Don't know when his last callin was.


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He was fun to follow on twitter last season.

We didn't see eye to eye all the time on his twitter, or on here when he was here, but I always respected him. He was a great Cowboys fan and he would fight for his opinion and stance on a subject probably harder than anyone I've seen on these forums.

A good guy, a good fan, a fun and frustrating person to debate with, and he will definitely be missed. RIP DC.


The Duke
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Anybody have any more background on what precipitated the illness?
I've been trying to get more information since last night. This is what I know, and it is not a whole lot. He's had health problem off and on the last 3 years related to his kidneys. I could be wrong, but I think he is a diabetic. He was having some problems so he checked into the hospital. On top of that pneumonia hit him. He was doing fair yesterday, but took a real bad turn last night and the Doctor told TJ (Duke) that there was nothing they could do.

If TJ lets me know any more I will be sure to share it.


Fattening up
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I've been trying to get more information since last night. This is what I know, and it is not a whole lot. He's had health problem off and on the last 3 years related to his kidneys. I could be wrong, but I think he is a diabetic. He was having some problems so he checked into the hospital. On top of that pneumonia hit him. He was doing fair yesterday, but took a real bad turn last night and the Doctor told TJ (Duke) that there was nothing they could do.

If TJ lets me know any more I will be sure to share it.

It sounded like it might have been complications from pneumonia for some reason the way it was described. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.


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I've been trying to get more information since last night. This is what I know, and it is not a whole lot. He's had health problem off and on the last 3 years related to his kidneys. I could be wrong, but I think he is a diabetic. He was having some problems so he checked into the hospital. On top of that pneumonia hit him. He was doing fair yesterday, but took a real bad turn last night and the Doctor told TJ (Duke) that there was nothing they could do.

If TJ lets me know any more I will be sure to share it.

It sounded like it might have been complications from pneumonia for some reason the way it was described. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

My father in-law recently went through a similar thing Kidney failure, pneumonia, induced coma then sepsis followed by stroke - in a 2 week timeframe that was it. Totally feel for this guy and his family. It is gut-wrenching to sit and watch someone deteriorate and then pass - I almost think it is better to have it instantaneous. Flip side, the whole family got to be in the room and hold and comfort each other.

As awful it has been for us, he was 77. DC is way too young and that has to be doubly painful on the family. All condolences I can give, I wish him peace and no suffering


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Do not know him, but anybody going through that....goodness, i hope his family will be okay.

Gemini Dolly

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DCfanatic was always respectful towards me in our interactions on twitter. this hurts. im going to miss him.


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He loved the Cowboys, I really looked forward to his podcasts and opinions on the team. I was a regular visitor to his site and appreciated all he did for us. It's a sad day, my prayers are with him and his family.


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You will be missed by many. I praying now for you, your family, and friends. My heart goes out to the everyone who knows him personally.


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Having lost a sibling recently, I know how hard this can be. Prayers go out to him and his family.


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Thanks, Hos, for passing along the information!

I know he'll have a seat next to god watching their favorite team from the heavens!


To The Moon
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Many have read his blog or heard his podcasts. He was controversial at times. He is still too young to be cashing in his chips.

His brother posted this on Facebook and his website I think.

Unfortunately I have some terrible news to share. Brian Gallagher aka DC Fanatic has taken a turn for the worse. I met with his doctor and nurses today and due to his condition there is nothing more they can do for him. His blood pressure has gotten so low that they can no longer do the dialysis on his kidneys. His lungs are too damaged from pneumonia to take him off the respirator and had to be put into and induced coma. I was appointed as his medical proxy and have the most difficult task of deciding when to let him go peacefully. He has told me many times that if it ever came to this and that there was a time when he could no longer be him to not make him hang on. To be fair to everyone who knows and loves him I am allowing a few days for you to make your peace with him and tell him how much he meant to you. If you can make it in the next few days to Orange Regional Medical Center in Middletown, NY I suggest you do so. If not, I understand and so does he. His condition is very delicate and they do not know how long he will make it on his own. As per his wishes I signed a DNR so time is sensitive. I am truly heartbroken and am devastated that I even have to say these words. I want my brother back! But I also will not let him suffer. Be at peace and we will always be together.. Duke..

I just pray that the Lord comforts Brian in his time of need. That goes for his family and friends. His will be done.


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I am truly hurt by this devastating news, DC was one of the most realest cowboys fan. He always provide Cowboys nation with great up to date information from is blog or his twitter account. DC was one of a kind, he will be truly missed, may God bless DC and his family.


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A true fan - he never backed off his convictions, criticisms or compliments. His commentary will be missed by this life long fan. Go with God, DCFanatic.