I agree that getting a monkey doesn't make you dumb. I'm more interested in him giving away the monkey, a fact I recently just learned. The monkey thing and the going back and forth with Db's and such is a concern to me because it shows that he's impulsive. The reckless spending, the lawsuit with the governor or whoever that person is, all that stuff shows impulsive type personality. Which is fine off the field. I could care less what he does off the field. On the field it could be a problem. Like the time he ran out out in the playoff game to argue a PI call. If the refs were on their game they should have flagged him for 15 yard unsportsman like conduct penalty. That's the impulsivity that concerns me. Jawing with Norman while the play is still continuing and he could have helped tackle the DB that picked off Romo is impulsive.
I would like to see a more stabilized Dez for the team's sake and for his own sake. I worry about him and his impulsivity after he retires. I'm scared he'll be broke within 2 years of being retired. I really don't want him to be one of those guys that has trouble the rest of his life post football.