Dez getting in fights misguided leadership? Another Dez thread **merged**

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Dez has done things detrimental to the team. Anything that brings attention to him in a negative way is detrimental to the team. The incident with his mom in 2012 was detrimental to the team as was him walking off the field during the Green Bay game with over a minute to play. The situation in the mall with the security guard where his pants were too low causing Dez to use abusive language resulting in him getting banned from the mall was detrimental to the team because it made news and anything a player does that brings a negative light on them brings a negative light on their team. When you represent a franchise any incident is going to be detrimental to your organization. I didn't start this thread so I'm not the one who singled Dez out. When NFL Network came on the air prior to the brawl they singled Dez out saying something looked like it was about to go down. They showed Dez jawing with the Rams while his teammates were doing drills. Dez looked like he was itching to get a fight started. Constant jawing at players raises tension and disrespectful comments can lead to fights. Trash talking usually doesn't lead to punches it's disrespectful comments that lead to punches and Dez admitted with the Patmon fight that he jawed with him pretty good and he obviously must have crossed the line with some of his comments.

Dez has trouble letting things go. After he and Patmon exchanged punches on the field Dez was still mad on the sidelines and came after Patmon throwing another punch. Prior to the Rams brawl Dez kept on antagonizing the Rams corner while the player was retreating. This caused Jeff Fisher to step over to Dez. Fisher being in the area makes me believe Dez set everything in motion for that brawl. He raised the tension level on both sides with his continuous jawing and it set the foundation for what we saw. It's one thing to show passion but you don't want to come off looking like a trouble maker. There's no place for starting fights and having brawls if you're going to be a good team you have to have discipline. You have to practice like you play. You have it twisted the motto of this team isn't to fight on the field. Both teams looked like losers throwing punches and indiscriminately decking anyone who was in the area. One player was just standing there and got blindsided the whole situation was embarrassing.

I disagree with your assertion that those things are detrimental to the team. Have you forgotten that anything any Cowboy does gets blown up nationally? His actions certainly did not hurt the franchise. You are not able to point to one instance to show that his actions impacted the team in anyway. Again, I want Dez calling out his teammates for not practicing hard during drills and bringing intensity to practice. You say things like Dez, "looked" like he was itching to start a fight, which is just an ignorant statement. Dez has "looked" angry several times on the sideline, but when the audio is actually played its productive. The Patmon, fight was two competitors going at it. Its similar to a situation you would have with a brother.

As far as letting things might want to worry about your inability to let things go until they actually become issues. I have not twisted anything, but I will spell it out for you since you have a hard time understanding...the Fight motto this team uses means to go out there and fight everyday on every play. Do not back down and have your teammates back....All things that Dez does....end of discussion. Again, if you are embarrassed by someone who competes then I feel sorry for you.
I disagree with your assertion that those things are detrimental to the team. Have you forgotten that anything any Cowboy does gets blown up nationally? His actions certainly did not hurt the franchise. You are not able to point to one instance to show that his actions impacted the team in anyway. Again, I want Dez calling out his teammates for not practicing hard during drills and bringing intensity to practice. You say things like Dez, "looked" like he was itching to start a fight, which is just an ignorant statement. Dez has "looked" angry several times on the sideline, but when the audio is actually played its productive. The Patmon, fight was two competitors going at it. Its similar to a situation you would have with a brother.

As far as letting things might want to worry about your inability to let things go until they actually become issues. I have not twisted anything, but I will spell it out for you since you have a hard time understanding...the Fight motto this team uses means to go out there and fight everyday on every play. Do not back down and have your teammates back....All things that Dez does....end of discussion. Again, if you are embarrassed by someone who competes then I feel sorry for you.

Tennis players or golfers, or posters that have never played a team sport don't understand what the word "fight" means. You have to fight to win, that is the nature of the game. Hang in there, FAN.
Tennis players or golfers, or posters that have never played a team sport don't understand what the word "fight" means. You have to fight to win, that is the nature of the game. Hang in there, FAN.

I disagree with your assertion that those things are detrimental to the team. Have you forgotten that anything any Cowboy does gets blown up nationally? His actions certainly did not hurt the franchise. You are not able to point to one instance to show that his actions impacted the team in anyway. Again, I want Dez calling out his teammates for not practicing hard during drills and bringing intensity to practice. You say things like Dez, "looked" like he was itching to start a fight, which is just an ignorant statement. Dez has "looked" angry several times on the sideline, but when the audio is actually played its productive. The Patmon, fight was two competitors going at it. Its similar to a situation you would have with a brother.

As far as letting things might want to worry about your inability to let things go until they actually become issues. I have not twisted anything, but I will spell it out for you since you have a hard time understanding...the Fight motto this team uses means to go out there and fight everyday on every play. Do not back down and have your teammates back....All things that Dez does....end of discussion. Again, if you are embarrassed by someone who competes then I feel sorry for you.

Any player especially a star player is going to make news if they're charged with assault regardless of the team they play for. How can a player being charged with assaulting their mom not be detrimental to their team? Dez is a high profile player who entered the league with character concerns which caused him to drop in the draft. Even 6 years into his career the Cowboys still had concerns about him which is why it took so long to come to terms on a contract extension. Anything Dez does is going to be scrutinized. His poor handling of the situation in the Mall a few years ago with his pants being too low is what caused that to make news. He could have walked away from that without anyone ever knowing about it had he not lost his temper. With the character concerns surrounding him situations like that are detrimental to the Cowboys because this brings unwanted attention to the team and adds to their concern about him. They put their faith in Dez on draft day in 2010 and anything he does that puts a negative spotlight on him that has the media focusing on his character rather than his play on the field is detrimental to the Cowboys. When Dez walked off the field 2 years ago vs Green Bay with over a minute to play that shed a negative light on him and had the media focusing on his character again.

It forced Jerry and Garrett to answer questions about it. It made everyone question Garrett's authority and say what you will but situations like that are detrimental to the team. If walking off the field during the game wasn't detrimental to the team Dez wouldn't have apologized for it. I'm not saying all the chatter Dez does on the sidelines isn't productive but the shouting match he got into with Witten 2 years ago couldn't have been productive or Ware wouldn't have grabbed him and told him to knock it off. There's never been a report of Dez throwing a punch until the past week where he's been involved in two fist fights. That's concerning considering he just signed a big contract and according to Jerry there's no conduct clauses in his contract. Reports were Dez didn't want to sign a contract with personal conduct clauses which makes you wonder why. All I know is he can't be throwing punches in games or he'll get tossed and that will be detrimental to the team.

He can't be throwing punches off the field or it could lead to an incident and that will be detrimental to the team. He can't just loosen up because he's got all this money now because the fear was that things would blow up with him once he got paid and now all of a sudden with no history that we're aware of, of him throwing punches he's starting to throw them. A player can have their teammates back without throwing punches. Dez has got to learn to control his temper or something could happen during a game or off the field that could lead to big trouble for him and the team. Some of you have a hockey mentality that's not going to fly in the NFL. I'm a big Dez Bryant fan and like with Romo I point out all the bad and good with players but some here make it appear all I talk about is the bad to give them a reason to scream my username. Like I've said there's a lot of good with Dez but he has to control his temper because all it takes is losing it for one split second that can lead to a lot of trouble. Those who try and spin I'm anti-Dez and anti-Cowboys due to the concern I'm showing have agendas.
Again, if you are embarrassed by someone who competes then I feel sorry for you.

Where did I say I'm embarrassed by someone who competes? That's just another ridiculous spin. I said the brawl was embarrassing watching players take cheap shots at players who weren't even looking. Some of the players on both teams were just looking for anyone in the vicinity to take a shot at. Everyone was looking to take a shot at Joel Ross #29 because he was one of the smallest guys out there. He got leveled by one player and when he got up his head was on a swivel and got blindsided by another player. Nothing good comes from fights like that it makes everyone look bad and you could lose a valuable player to injury for the season. Dez's hand could have ended up in a cast for most of the season and if that happened none of you would have been defending his actions.
Talk about taking things completely off the reservation.

I wish more people would play organized sports growing up. Then they could relate better to that part of human culture. :(

Well, only a wimp would just stand around and watch his teammates get the hell knocked out of them. Dez is not a wimp, and neither was Irvin...or the 90's Cowboys! This not a game for sissies with make believe cars! lol
Where did I say I'm embarrassed by someone who competes? That's just another ridiculous spin. I said the brawl was embarrassing watching players take cheap shots at players who weren't even looking. Some of the players on both teams were just looking for anyone in the vicinity to take a shot at. Everyone was looking to take a shot at Joel Ross #29 because he was one of the smallest guys out there. He got leveled by one player and when he got up his head was on a swivel and got blindsided by another player. Nothing good comes from fights like that it makes everyone look bad and you could lose a valuable player to injury for the season. Dez's hand could have ended up in a cast for most of the season and if that happened none of you would have been defending his actions.

Dez's hand could end up in a cast just from playing a MAN'S game! He is representing Dallas Cowboys football and it has not cost the team anything and his motives are not from being dumb or being a thug. He has a score to settle.

Go Cowboys and go FANS!
I disagree with your assertion that those things are detrimental to the team.

If a player being charged with assault against their mom isn't detrimental to a team then what the heck do you consider detrimental to a team?
Claiborne got injured in a scuffle with the Raiders during a joint practice last summer. He had just returned from a shoulder problem and ended up injuring his other shoulder in a fight. It cost him all of preseason and contributed to a disastrous 2014 season. Losing a player during a game happens we can all live with that but if Dez was lost for part or most of the 2015 season due to a broken bone in his hand from punching a player during a fight at practice everyone in Cowboys Nation would be chastising him for not handling the situation better and that's a FACT!
If a player being charged with assault against their mom isn't detrimental to a team then what the heck do you consider detrimental to a team?

Really? Did he just do that? Hmm, I thought that was done and over with?

Did his mom come asking for more money and that is why he is sticking up for his team because he is mad...again?

The Dallas Cowboys would not have invested so much money to him if they thought he was a determent to the team. He is an asset.
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Claiborne got injured in a scuffle with the Raiders during a joint practice last summer. He had just returned from a shoulder problem and ended up injuring his other shoulder in a fight. It cost him all of preseason and contributed to a disastrous 2014 season. Losing a player during a game happens we can all live with that but if Dez was lost for part or most of the 2015 season due to a broken bone in his hand from punching a player during a fight at practice everyone in Cowboys Nation would be chastising him for not handling the situation better and that's a FACT!

That is not a could that be a fact if it has not happened. Dez might being doing something with his boy and break a hand and not everyone in Cowboys Nation would chastise him for that. There is no fact.
I disagree with your assertion that those things are detrimental to the team. Have you forgotten that anything any Cowboy does gets blown up nationally?

So let me get this straight if a star player from another team gets charged with assaulting their mom it's not going to be that big a deal nationally only if it happens to a Cowboys player? Cowboy FANS always try and lessen the severity of something regardless what it is making it appear it wouldn't make news anywhere else but with the Cowboys. Most here tried to blow off what happened between Dez and his mom 3 years ago with one FAN saying "so what she's a drug addict and a hooker and probably deserved it." Comments similar to that were posted on the board most were blaming Dez's mom. Do some things get blown up bigger with the Cowboys? Sure, but any incident involving a star player being charged with assault especially against their mom is going to be big nationally. We saw the situation with Peterson and his son that got real big and he doesn't play for the Cowboys but he's one of the most high profile players in the game.
The bigger the star the bigger the story regardless what team they play for. Deflategate wouldn't be any bigger a story in Dallas if it involved Romo than it is in NE with Tom Brady.
So let me get this straight if a star player from another team gets charged with assaulting their mom it's not going to be that big a deal nationally only if it happens to a Cowboys player? Cowboy FANS always try and lessen the severity of something regardless what it is making it appear it wouldn't make news anywhere else but with the Cowboys. Most here tried to blow off what happened between Dez and his mom 3 years ago with one FAN saying "so what she's a drug addict and a hooker and probably deserved it." Comments similar to that were posted on the board most were blaming Dez's mom. Do some things get blown up bigger with the Cowboys? Sure, but any incident involving a star player being charged with assault especially against their mom is going to be big nationally. We saw the situation with Peterson and his son that got real big and he doesn't play for the Cowboys but he's one of the most high profile players in the game. me how it actually effected the Cowboys franchise positively or negatively??? You cant, because it didnt. The Cowboys are bigger than any one person or event. All news is good news because it makes people talk about us. Cowboys fans are still going to love the team no matter what and haters are going to hate. Then there are "fans" like you.
If a player being charged with assault against their mom isn't detrimental to a team then what the heck do you consider detrimental to a team?

Did it effect the play on the field? No. Did it effect the locker room or other players on the team? No Did it effect the amount of seats sold to any game? No Did it effect the Cowboys being one of the top franchise in sports? No

And your point is what?
Where did I say I'm embarrassed by someone who competes? That's just another ridiculous spin. I said the brawl was embarrassing watching players take cheap shots at players who weren't even looking. Some of the players on both teams were just looking for anyone in the vicinity to take a shot at. Everyone was looking to take a shot at Joel Ross #29 because he was one of the smallest guys out there. He got leveled by one player and when he got up his head was on a swivel and got blindsided by another player. Nothing good comes from fights like that it makes everyone look bad and you could lose a valuable player to injury for the season. Dez's hand could have ended up in a cast for most of the season and if that happened none of you would have been defending his actions.

Your posts say it talk about things you make up in your mind, things that could have happened...guess what they didnt. You are so concerned about his actions being "detrimental" to the team but what measure do you use to prove your point?? Things in your own mind. me how it actually effected the Cowboys franchise positively or negatively??? You cant, because it didnt. The Cowboys are bigger than any one person or event. All news is good news because it makes people talk about us. Cowboys fans are still going to love the team no matter what and haters are going to hate. Then there are "fans" like you.

This thread died a few days ago and you want to continue? Dude, anything that's a distraction is detrimental to ateam and there were a lot of things going on that were causing the Cowboys to miss the playoffs every year. I'm certainly not blaming Dez but there were distractions and coaching issues that we didn't see last season. We've seen better coaching decisions from Garrett, more maturity from Dez and a more disciplined team. Answer the question if a player being charged with an assault isn't detrimental to a team then what do you consider detrimental?
Any player especially a star player is going to make news if they're charged with assault regardless of the team they play for. How can a player being charged with assaulting their mom not be detrimental to their team? Dez is a high profile player who entered the league with character concerns which caused him to drop in the draft. Even 6 years into his career the Cowboys still had concerns about him which is why it took so long to come to terms on a contract extension. Anything Dez does is going to be scrutinized. His poor handling of the situation in the Mall a few years ago with his pants being too low is what caused that to make news. He could have walked away from that without anyone ever knowing about it had he not lost his temper. With the character concerns surrounding him situations like that are detrimental to the Cowboys because this brings unwanted attention to the team and adds to their concern about him. They put their faith in Dez on draft day in 2010 and anything he does that puts a negative spotlight on him that has the media focusing on his character rather than his play on the field is detrimental to the Cowboys. When Dez walked off the field 2 years ago vs Green Bay with over a minute to play that shed a negative light on him and had the media focusing on his character again.

It forced Jerry and Garrett to answer questions about it. It made everyone question Garrett's authority and say what you will but situations like that are detrimental to the team. If walking off the field during the game wasn't detrimental to the team Dez wouldn't have apologized for it. I'm not saying all the chatter Dez does on the sidelines isn't productive but the shouting match he got into with Witten 2 years ago couldn't have been productive or Ware wouldn't have grabbed him and told him to knock it off. There's never been a report of Dez throwing a punch until the past week where he's been involved in two fist fights. That's concerning considering he just signed a big contract and according to Jerry there's no conduct clauses in his contract. Reports were Dez didn't want to sign a contract with personal conduct clauses which makes you wonder why. All I know is he can't be throwing punches in games or he'll get tossed and that will be detrimental to the team.

He can't be throwing punches off the field or it could lead to an incident and that will be detrimental to the team. He can't just loosen up because he's got all this money now because the fear was that things would blow up with him once he got paid and now all of a sudden with no history that we're aware of, of him throwing punches he's starting to throw them. A player can have their teammates back without throwing punches. Dez has got to learn to control his temper or something could happen during a game or off the field that could lead to big trouble for him and the team. Some of you have a hockey mentality that's not going to fly in the NFL. I'm a big Dez Bryant fan and like with Romo I point out all the bad and good with players but some here make it appear all I talk about is the bad to give them a reason to scream my username. Like I've said there's a lot of good with Dez but he has to control his temper because all it takes is losing it for one split second that can lead to a lot of trouble. Those who try and spin I'm anti-Dez and anti-Cowboys due to the concern I'm showing have agendas. one really cares about what you like or dont like. You are of no consequence. However, making assertions without actual facts is an example of why social media has lead to the dumbing down of America. You can not establish one metric of proof to show how his actions have been detrimental to the team. Its detrimental because you say so?? Ok.
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