Different kind of Dak thread


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I was in favor of his last contract but not this next one. That's not to say I'm now anti-Dak. You could say that I'm anti-Dak's agent.

I don't understand how you give someone a "raise" after not accomplishing the goal that justified giving him his last raise. Moreover, why does the market value a 9 year veteran that was given elite tools like an All-Pro offensive line, a league leading RB, and plethora of Pro Bowl receivers but still couldn't get it done with multiple opportunities.

Granted he didn't have all of this every season but certainly enough to come away with playing in at least one conference championship game.

The Cowboys had their share of heartbreakers, which team doesn't? However, elimination in the wildcard or division round all five opportunities isn't a trend. It is a plateau.

What frustrates me the most, what makes me want to scream "WHY!" more than anything else concerning the QB position for the Dallas Cowboys is this:

Why is there never any open competition for the starting QB position ever? Why is the starting QB given so much comfort and job security? Why is this franchise's management so sensitive to the starter's feelings of insecurity that they don't bring in another QB capable of pushing him to get better or get out?

Why is drafting a QB somewhere in the 1st three rounds of the draft considered a threat?

I'm not talking about signing another veteran to a wasteful contract, I'm talking about drafting a future viable alternative every third season. It would not waste money because the leverage of having another alternative would drastically reduce the starter's contract demands.

Fans are upset at Dak. His contract situation is not the real problem, merely a symptom of the real problem. That real problem is incompetence and lack of practical experience at the GM level. Jerry Jones doesn't have decades of experience and success at all the levels prior to reaching GM. He has no credentials.

Worse, he has no vision, no innovative blueprint for success. He typically just floats around, attempting to copy success elsewhere. However, he simply lacks the talent to evaluate and respond to football related issues. These contracts are his mess.
Listen up. This man KNOWS how to argue a point. Well said. I think MOST of the fan base agrees with this point of view.

I also think most of the fan base would be patient with Dak if he came at a discount to build a stronger team around him but very very few are in favor of another market setting (or top 5) QB deal.

Those that are willing to pay the next market setting deal are, from what I can tell, in the minority.

And for all intents and purposes paying Dak a top 3 deal is “paying Dak what he wants” however you want to slice it. lol.


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  1. exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

Cherry picking is your strong suite. You only posted what suits your agenda.

Like i told ya....say you are right...thats perfectly fine with me

You intentionally made a claim not to be taken seriously.
Thank you for admitting it.


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Cherry picking is your strong suite. You only posted what suits your agenda.

Like i told ya....say you are right...thats perfectly fine with me

You intentionally made a claim not to be taken seriously.
Thank you for admitting it.
No problem. Glad I can educate. :huh:


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Cherry picking is your strong suite. You only posted what suits your agenda.

Like i told ya....say you are right...thats perfectly fine with me

You intentionally made a claim not to be taken seriously.
Thank you for admitting it.
Some call it a "little white lie".
No clue why the lie has to be called "white".
Of course, the English language has been under attack
for the past 4-5 years, at least.


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I have been thinking about the Dak divide of this fan base. I have referred to it in other threads. But one thing I notice that really hasn’t been discussed with any sort of depth is the analysis of the schools of thought regarding the various positions.

For instance you have the pro-Dak, anti Dak’s and those in between. Obviously there is evidence to support the anti-Dak crowd’s position. And it rationally follows that there is a reasonable basis for those that are somewhere in between.

But what I have a harder time understanding are the die hard Dak proponents that want Dak re-signed for essentially whatever he wants. There is obviously no merit to a point of view that refuses to acknowledge that at times Dak has played pretty poorly, especially big/important/playoff games. I don’t see how anyone could allege the contrary with a straight face.

They act like the entire Cowboys organization would cease to exist if Dak isn’t signed at whatever cost it takes. How does a person come to such a conclusion? Blind fandom? Fourteen years old with a complete lack of objectivity? A lack of understanding of the salary cap? Inability to reason?

I’m not trying to insult posters with that viewpoint. What makes the pro-Dak crowd ignore what most people consider relevant facts to come to their conclusions. It seems like these posters are the most entrenched in vitriol towards other posters as well?

What makes people be so hateful over discussions on a message board? It is as if someone else’s opinion amounts to an attack on the player directly, or a direct affront to the pro-Dak crowd.

I’m not saying that people are not entitled to their opinions one way or the other. That’s what makes this place great. I just marvel at the lack of civility here at times over simple discussion.

To be clear, I am not saying the anti-Dak crowd is right and the pro-Dak crowd is wrong (and I really don’t have a dog in this fight) but it’s hard for me to fathom that the pro-Dak crowd can’t at least understand why the pro-Dak crowd can’t at least see why the anti-Dak crowd has soured on Dak.

I think most of the anti-Dak crowd understands and acknowledges that Dak has some positive traits and has done some good things but have, for various reasons, come to the conclusion that Dak isn’t the guy from their point of view.

It would be nice if this topic can be discussed here calmly and rationally without this thread devolving into chaos and vitriol. Thanks in advance.
Very well said.

What you're pointing out makes the majority of good posters ignore the Dak threads. Maybe a comment or two, but the threads always turn into really dumb repetition of mostly lame points.


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I am pro Dak, and I think Dak can win the SB… I just don’t think there’s any chance that will happen in Dallas. This is because of a combination or roster building philosophy, cap mismanagement, organizational culture, Dak-friendly coaching atmosphere (bring in Josh McDaniels, force him to look at the position in unique ways), and outside pressure (he’s the John Cena of the NFL. He tries to be liked, but he’s at the top of the company as QB of the Dallas Cowboys; if people don’t get what they want then everything he does will be a mistake).

I also believe Dak would be better on a run-heavy, timing route focused, defensive organization. This is not a knock on Dak, these are things that would help him when the playoffs come around. This is how Russell Wilson won, this is how Cam almost won, this is how SF is getting to NFCCGs. In your playoff game, GB played better defense. GB ran the ball better. Dak shouldn’t have needed to throw that much, those turnovers didn’t need to happen.

I think a lot of people are being hoodwinked by passing stats. He threw more picks in 2022 so he’s worse. He put up bigger stats in 2023 so he’s better. Hes the same guy. Dak isn’t gonna change a lot year to year when he’s already been in the league for 8 years. The scheme changed, but beyond that they just asked him to throw more times. Dallas led the league in Passing attempts per game in 2023. Did this shift improve the team overall from 2021 and 2022? No.
It's the same problem we've had since the Rams bludgeoned us in 2018. We can't run or stop the run come playoff time. Dak is a good qb, but he's not Mahomes and he can't overcome those inadequacies. I would be fine keeping him, IF we actually made attempts to remedy that. Clearly they aren't, therefore we may as well move on.


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AC has been very clear about wanting Dak to take a pay cut. During Dak's current contract negotiations, AC didn't want him to break the bank either...and AC is about the biggest Dak fan on this board.
This is true. AC is about the biggest Dak fan on this board and I can think of at least 3-5 times that he stated in conversations with me that Dak should take a pay cut/team friendly deal.


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I was in favor of his last contract but not this next one. That's not to say I'm now anti-Dak. You could say that I'm anti-Dak's agent.

I don't understand how you give someone a "raise" after not accomplishing the goal that justified giving him his last raise. Moreover, why does the market value a 9 year veteran that was given elite tools like an All-Pro offensive line, a league leading RB, and plethora of Pro Bowl receivers but still couldn't get it done with multiple opportunities.

Granted he didn't have all of this every season but certainly enough to come away with playing in at least one conference championship game.

The Cowboys had their share of heartbreakers, which team doesn't? However, elimination in the wildcard or division round all five opportunities isn't a trend. It is a plateau.

What frustrates me the most, what makes me want to scream "WHY!" more than anything else concerning the QB position for the Dallas Cowboys is this:

Why is there never any open competition for the starting QB position ever? Why is the starting QB given so much comfort and job security? Why is this franchise's management so sensitive to the starter's feelings of insecurity that they don't bring in another QB capable of pushing him to get better or get out?

Why is drafting a QB somewhere in the 1st three rounds of the draft considered a threat?

I'm not talking about signing another veteran to a wasteful contract, I'm talking about drafting a future viable alternative every third season. It would not waste money because the leverage of having another alternative would drastically reduce the starter's contract demands.

Fans are upset at Dak. His contract situation is not the real problem, merely a symptom of the real problem. That real problem is incompetence and lack of practical experience at the GM level. Jerry Jones doesn't have decades of experience and success at all the levels prior to reaching GM. He has no credentials.

Worse, he has no vision, no innovative blueprint for success. He typically just floats around, attempting to copy success elsewhere. However, he simply lacks the talent to evaluate and respond to football related issues. These contracts are his mess.
Well done.


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I haven’t read the entire thread so far, just a couple pages. But for me I feel my views on Dak are very similar to my views on Micah. IMO the reason why Dak is so polarizing is because it’s a deeper issue than Dak. Dak is the scapegoat for the Jones family and what this franchise has become.

Dak and Micah are the human embodiment of everything I hate about the Cowboys the last 10-14 years. There’s a lot of word salad, brazen talk, cute little phrases said to the media, promises to do better and a whole lot of talking about money. Couple this with a few highlights on the field and no real winning going on. I just described Dak and Micah and well as Jerry and Stephen. Our organization is built to make highlights and fill up the stadium but not to compete at a high level.

Dak and Micah get crapped on because they put on a good show but there’s nothing of substance won on the field and they want to make history with their paychecks. I feel they are more competitive with their salaries than their play on the field. Just like Jerry and Stephen are happy to win the most valuable franchise award every year.

That summarizes why I am not a fan of Dak and Micah and hope they leave because I feel we have to suck for a couple years and the Jones need to have a a half filled stadium, lose nationally televised games, and become irrelevant before our franchise can regain some positive momentum.


Well-Known Member
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I have been thinking about the Dak divide of this fan base. I have referred to it in other threads. But one thing I notice that really hasn’t been discussed with any sort of depth is the analysis of the schools of thought regarding the various positions.

For instance you have the pro-Dak, anti Dak’s and those in between. Obviously there is evidence to support the anti-Dak crowd’s position. And it rationally follows that there is a reasonable basis for those that are somewhere in between.

But what I have a harder time understanding are the die hard Dak proponents that want Dak re-signed for essentially whatever he wants. There is obviously no merit to a point of view that refuses to acknowledge that at times Dak has played pretty poorly, especially big/important/playoff games. I don’t see how anyone could allege the contrary with a straight face.

They act like the entire Cowboys organization would cease to exist if Dak isn’t signed at whatever cost it takes. How does a person come to such a conclusion? Blind fandom? Fourteen years old with a complete lack of objectivity? A lack of understanding of the salary cap? Inability to reason?

I’m not trying to insult posters with that viewpoint. What makes the pro-Dak crowd ignore what most people consider relevant facts to come to their conclusions. It seems like these posters are the most entrenched in vitriol towards other posters as well?

What makes people be so hateful over discussions on a message board? It is as if someone else’s opinion amounts to an attack on the player directly, or a direct affront to the pro-Dak crowd.

I’m not saying that people are not entitled to their opinions one way or the other. That’s what makes this place great. I just marvel at the lack of civility here at times over simple discussion.

To be clear, I am not saying the anti-Dak crowd is right and the pro-Dak crowd is wrong (and I really don’t have a dog in this fight) but it’s hard for me to fathom that the pro-Dak crowd can’t at least understand why the pro-Dak crowd can’t at least see why the anti-Dak crowd has soured on Dak.

I think most of the anti-Dak crowd understands and acknowledges that Dak has some positive traits and has done some good things but have, for various reasons, come to the conclusion that Dak isn’t the guy from their point of view.

It would be nice if this topic can be discussed here calmly and rationally without this thread devolving into chaos and vitriol. Thanks in advance.
I've explained this, but you may have missed it.
Dak's friends, family, and agent have pro-Dak propaganda flooding the internet because of the money he stands to make with another contract.
We're not talking about people who want to see the Cowboys do well; we're talking about people who stand to gain if he is re-signed for a huge deal. Vice Versa, the money they stand to lose if he is let go is an issue as well. '
It's not a simple fan disagreement; it's all about money. The people you see who will defend Dak and trash anyone who makes a valid point to the contrary are most likely on the payroll in some fashion.
It's propaganda.


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I've explained this, but you may have missed it.
Dak's friends, family, and agent have pro-Dak propaganda flooding the internet because of the money he stands to make with another contract.
We're not talking about people who want to see the Cowboys do well; we're talking about people who stand to gain if he is re-signed for a huge deal. Vice Versa, the money they stand to lose if he is let go is an issue as well. '
It's not a simple fan disagreement; it's all about money. The people you see who will defend Dak and trash anyone who makes a valid point to the contrary are most likely on the payroll in some fashion.
It's propaganda.
:laugh: Another form of scare tactic….

Oh it’s big bad propaganda that’s causing the divide lol…..

big dog cowboy

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Serious question for both sides of the Dak argument.

If Dak signed for $25 million per year would you take the contract for the next three years?
No. That doesn't make him a better QB.

No matter his pay, do you think he can win 3/4 games in a row in January in the playoffs? Exactly.

The only people who want the Cowboys to lock up Dak are the fans of the other 31 teams.


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I think you are delusional and are putting words into peoples mouths. I have never heard one person say pay Dak whatever he wants.

Just like no one has heard Dak's camp demand $60M. Nothing has been made public.

Dak just like all players has his strengths and limitations.

The bigger issue is not necessarily moving on from Dak. It is the fact they GM Jethro has no replacement plan.

The same delusional fans say Dak fans only care about Dak and not the team. It is the contrary, with out Dak, no legitimate replacement, the team is significant worse. So the anti-Dak fans are the ones who don't care about the team. They have blatantly said we would rather go 0-17 than lose in the playoffs with Dak.

How do you come to such conclusion of what Dak supporters are thinking when none of what you have written above has been said.

What makes Dak hatters think 90% of our fans dislike Dak, when he continues to be top 10 in jersey sales heading into year 9?

Your intro and conclusion sound nice. Stop pretending you are in the middle, when you are clearly not.
:hammer: :hammer: