DMN Cowlishaw Blog: Cowboys' Crayton calls out (Aaron) Rodgers

Gemini Dolly

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I have no issues with Crayton or his mouth. A lot of people like to mention his performance on the Giants game and that "route" towards the end. However, he wasn't the sole reason we lost that game. Its a team thing, remember? Crayton is a solid receiver on this team and he has helped us more than hurt this team if you really think about it. So he likes to talk trash for time to time, no big deal in my eyes.


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dargonking999;2177050 said:
Maybe someone should call him out on his career season? Maybe someone should call out the defense? Or how about Romo? Maybe the OL? How about Barber? oh i know, how about the coaching staff?

Just shut your trap and read.

How's that?

So now you can post opinions, but other people can't?

How come you're the first to defend one of the players when they are questioned on their actions?

What are you some sort of Dallas Cowboys Sheriff or something?

You make people not want to post here with crap like that.


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theebs;2177103 said:
well thanks crayton. Dallas hasnt even been on the radar. now this will be on sportscenter.

Way to go. Marginal players shouldnt talk as much as he does.

Its old already and the season hasnt started yet. he should just worry about his own job.

This stupid thing was on SC too. It was a 15 second clip, lol.

I think Crayton does it because no one pays attention to him.


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WoodysGirl;2177117 said:
250+ media credentials issued, nationally recognized superbowl contender, about to have the world watch behind the scenes action on HBO, but this team is under the radar? I don't think so.

It's funny, people are spazzing over him talking, but can they dispute what he said? Yeah there was a bit of smack talk involved, but for the most part, I think what he said was true.

Under these conditions then he should have an 8 hour sit down and start talking about every player that puts on a helmet. Let's get his opinion on every single player in the NFL who has ever played the game.

When did Crayton become a QB talent evaluater? or an analyst? or columnist?

Why don't all the players come out all the time and start telling it like it is about other players?

Maybe because some of them respect their fellow players. The sad part is that Crayton isn't even going to have to line up opposite Rodgers and battle him.

Instead he gets perfect passes from Romo so of course he looks good.


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dcfanatic;2177489 said:
This stupid thing was on SC too. It was a 15 second clip, lol.

I think Crayton does it because no one pays attention to him.

No one pays attention to Patrick Crayton? Overreacting to something Patrick Crayton says is probably the #2 passtime on the board. People might not appreciate him, but they pay attention to anything he says so that they can immediately let him know whether or not he should have said it.


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stasheroo;2177250 said:
As much as the crew who cheers his stupidity.

The media know they have an easy mark in Crayton who'll give them stupid comments they can run with, much like they used to set up Owens in the past.

Difference is that Crayton is still a :mule: who doesn't get it.

I love how some people on here are saying he was only giving his opinion because he was asked about it, lol.

They didn't even listen to the audio, lol.

The question was about the young WR's on the Cowboys and about them looking to get another WR to replace him. He just went off into some BS because he was trying to be the 'cool guy' in front of the media.

Then when they tried to tell him it was going to be bulletin board material he said the question was asked. What question was asked about the GB/Favre situation? None.

Bottom line. He thinks he's more important than he really is, lol.

He stands there like he's on the level of a Terrell Owens, lol.

It's going to be funny when Hurd or Austin take some of his playing time as the #2 WR this season. I will laugh my arse off if he's not even starting anymore by the time we play GB.


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dcfanatic;2177492 said:
I love how some people on here are saying he was only giving his opinion because he was asked about it, lol.

They didn't even listen to the audio, lol.

The question was about the young WR's on the Cowboys and about them looking to get another WR to replace him. He just went off into some BS because he was trying to be the 'cool guy' in front of the media.

Then when they tried to tell him it was going to be bulletin board material he said the question was asked. What question was asked about the GB/Favre situation? None.

Bottom line. He thinks he's more important than he really is, lol.

He stands there like he's on the level of a Terrell Owens, lol.

It's going to be funny when Hurd or Austin take some of his playing time as the #2 WR this season. I will laugh my arse off if he's not even starting anymore by the time we play GB.

You're right. I didn't read the OP too carefully. Not that I have a real problem with him offering his opinion, either. But it does look like he led the interview onto the topic of GB, regardless of where it was heading.

Whatever your personal opinion of Crayton, he's an elite athlete in the relative scheme of things. He's probably been the best player on his team from Pop Warner until the time he actually made it to the NFL. He's been the team leader and QB in college. He's a starter now on the #2-3 offense in the league last year. He's a solid NFL player. I don't understand why you expect someone like that not to have an ego or an opinion. And I imagine Hurd and Austin will be quite happy to someday get to where Crayton is already.


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stasheroo;2177296 said:
Show me where he mentioned this stupid smack and I'll give it some credence. Otherwise, the point stands.

It has nothing to do with the Packers being mad. It's one man making comments about someone else's business and something that doesn't concern or involve him.

Again, Rogers could stoop down to Crayton's level and ask him about his last game.

But Rogers has too much class for that.

Unlike Crayton apparently.

They don't get the respect aspect of all this. Not only did Crayton call out Rodgers, but he called out the GB GM Murphy and their coach Mike McCarthy (he didn't even know his name in the interview).

For some reason some people don't think that makes his look like a classless ******* to the rest of his peers in the league.

They assume he should act like us fans, lol. Next thing you know PC will sign up here and start trashing the Skins with us and they will love it.

Then when Crayton gets the boot from Dallas because Hurd, Austin or some future draft pick takes his job then we'll see how many calls he gets from around the league.

Anyone want a loud mouth WR? You know the one who dropped that big pass against the Giants in a playoff game a few years ago, lol.

And I know the guys makes plays blah blah blah. Tell me right now that PC's biggest career moment isn't coming up short, not once but twice, in that loss to the Giants last season.


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Idgit;2177491 said:
No one pays attention to Patrick Crayton? Overreacting to something Patrick Crayton says is probably the #2 passtime on the board. People might not appreciate him, but they pay attention to anything he says so that they can immediately let him know whether or not he should have said it.

Umm, no one that matters. We don't matter that much to Crayton. lol.

I mean no one is asking him to become a spokesman for Nike.

He's forgettable, unless he opens mouth and inserts foot.


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Idgit;2177494 said:
You're right. I didn't read the OP too carefully. Not that I have a real problem with him offering his opinion, either. But it does look like he led the interview onto the topic of GB, regardless of where it was heading.

Whatever your personal opinion of Crayton, he's an elite athlete in the relative scheme of things. He's probably been the best player on his team from Pop Warner until the time he actually made it to the NFL. He's been the team leader and QB in college. He's a starter now on the #2-3 offense in the league last year. He's a solid NFL player. I don't understand why you expect someone like that not to have an ego or an opinion. And I imagine Hurd and Austin will be quite happy to someday get to where Crayton is already.

Of course he has an ego and an opinion.

So do other players that are way past him on the NFL level. Most of them choose to know when to use judgement when speaking about their peers.

Tony Romo could run around talking more trash than anyone in the NFL right now. So why doesn't he? Because he doesn't want to be perceived as a ******* amongst his peers.


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dcfanatic;2177495 said:
And I know the guys makes plays blah blah blah. Tell me right now that PC's biggest career moment isn't coming up short, not once but twice, in that loss to the Giants last season.

He didn't come up short twice against the Giants last season. And even if he did, that wouldn't prove that the guy doesn't make big plays. He had two clutch catches, including the game winner, against Sean Taylor and Commanders a few years back. I'm sure there are plenty more drive-sustaining catches in the record books, but that game stands out for me b/c I remember thinking this guy catches just about everything.

I've already posted for you what his OC has to say about his attitude, but you can go on thinking they agree with you that it makes him look classless and he's about to be replaced if you care to. He'd be snapped up in a heartbeat if he were a free agent.


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dcfanatic;2177499 said:
Of course he has an ego and an opinion.

So do other players that are way past him on the NFL level. Most of them choose to know when to use judgement when speaking about their peers.

Tony Romo could run around talking more trash than anyone in the NFL right now. So why doesn't he? Because he doesn't want to be perceived as a ******* amongst his peers.

Tony Romo says just about everything right in every interview, and there are still people who think he's smug and unfocussed and overrated.

And I bet if you combed through other rosters like you do the Cowboys, you'd find--perish the thought--every team has players who will say what's on their mind when asked. Some people are like that. Some people are uncomfortable giving bs answers to straightforward questions. Some people like going out on a limb. As long as they keep it respectful, the only harm done is to spazzes like theebs.

BTW, you underestimate PC's value as an NFL WR.


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Idgit;2177500 said:
He didn't come up short twice against the Giants last season. And even if he did, that wouldn't prove that the guy doesn't make big plays. He had two clutch catches, including the game winner, against Sean Taylor and Commanders a few years back. I'm sure there are plenty more drive-sustaining catches in the record books, but that game stands out for me b/c I remember thinking this guy catches just about everything.

I've already posted for you what his OC has to say about his attitude, but you can go on thinking they agree with you that it makes him look classless and he's about to be replaced if you care to. He'd be snapped up in a heartbeat if he were a free agent.

He didn't? He dropped that huge 3rd down pass. Then he 'whatevered' on that last pass of the game. That's two from where I stand.

I never said he didn't make plays. I even said he does make plays, blah blah blah. But so far his career defining moment is that Giants game.

I never said I questioned his attitude amongst his fellow WR's either. Great that he gets the guys pumped up. I hope none of them follow suit with him on trash talking just because someone sticks a mic in front of them.

He would be snapped up in a heartbeat. By a team was willing to deal with a guy who spouts off at the mouth every now and then. That's factor in thinking about picking up a 'Patrick Crayton' and that's sad. In a league where there are only so many jobs available why turn anyone off on you because you can't be respectful of your peers? Sounds silly to me.


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Idgit;2177501 said:
Tony Romo says just about everything right in every interview, and there are still people who think he's smug and unfocussed and overrated.

And I bet if you combed through other rosters like you do the Cowboys, you'd find--perish the thought--every team has players who will say what's on their mind when asked. Some people are like that. Some people are uncomfortable giving bs answers to straightforward questions. Some people like going out on a limb. As long as they keep it respectful, the only harm done is to spazzes like theebs.

BTW, you underestimate PC's value as an NFL WR.

Why take a shot at Theebs?

Funny how you use the word 'respectful' in the same sentence when you are taking a shot at a fellow board member. That's called irony.

As for Romo. They respect him though, don't they. Crayton, not so much.

I know you are one of the argumentative guys so I can end on this note and move on to something else.


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dcfanatic;2177502 said:
He didn't? He dropped that huge 3rd down pass. Then he 'whatevered' on that last pass of the game. That's two from where I stand.

I never said he didn't make plays. I even said he does make plays, blah blah blah. But so far his career defining moment is that Giants game.

I never said I questioned his attitude amongst his fellow WR's either. Great that he gets the guys pumped up. I hope none of them follow suit with him on trash talking just because someone sticks a mic in front of them.

He would be snapped up in a heartbeat. By a team was willing to deal with a guy who spouts off at the mouth every now and then. That's factor in thinking about picking up a 'Patrick Crayton' and that's sad. In a league where there are only so many jobs available why turn anyone off on you because you can't be respectful of your peers? Sounds silly to me.

I don't believe there's a single team that would be turned off on Crayton because of attitude concerns. He comes in, works hard every day, delivers, gets better, if a family man, is never in trouble, has never had a problem with a coach, has never had a problem with a teammate, and that's not good enough for some because they don't like the way he answers questions from the media. Ok.

You can think what you want about the ad lib in the playoff game, but it's silly to hold it against Crayton. Trying to define a guys career by a single drop in a single game that happened to be the last game he played, when the guy has the best or second best (Witten) hands on the team is just silly in my book. Before he's done PC will have many more catches in playoff games in a Dallas uniform. And the unfortunate drop last year will probably not even be remembered by the majority of die-hard fans. It'll be like TO's drop in the Commanders game his first year: people conveniently forget about it when saying PC should be clutch like TO is.


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dcfanatic;2177503 said:
Why take a shot at Theebs?

Funny how you use the word 'respectful' in the same sentence when you are taking a shot at a fellow board member. That's called irony.

As for Romo. They respect him though, don't they. Crayton, not so much.

I know you are one of the argumentative guys so I can end on this note and move on to something else.

It was a joke, if you'd read the rest of the thread. I'm not particularly respectful, anyway. And it's not irony, it's coincidence. And who says I'm argumentative?

It's 2AM, and we're on a message board. Is discussion the point? And I'm complimenting you in another thread, to-boot. Here I thought we were just having fun.


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Idgit;2177506 said:
I don't believe there's a single team that would be turned off on Crayton because of attitude concerns. He comes in, works hard every day, delivers, gets better, if a family man, is never in trouble, has never had a problem with a coach, has never had a problem with a teammate, and that's not good enough for some because they don't like the way he answers questions from the media. Ok.

You can think what you want about the ad lib in the playoff game, but it's silly to hold it against Crayton. Trying to define a guys career by a single drop in a single game that happened to be the last game he played, when the guy has the best or second best (Witten) hands on the team is just silly in my book. Before he's done PC will have many more catches in playoff games in a Dallas uniform. And the unfortunate drop last year will probably not even be remembered by the majority of die-hard fans. It'll be like TO's drop in the Commanders game his first year: people conveniently forget about it when saying PC should be clutch like TO is.

I don't think teams would not sign him because of the trash talk stuff, but it's going to be discussed is all I am saying because it's now his M.O..

I agree he will have bigger catches in games, or at least I hope he does. But right now that game is his biggest moment in the NFL.

That drop T.O. had against the Skins doesn't even come close to Crayton's drop on that third down play. That was a playoff game bro, much much bigger.


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Idgit;2177507 said:
It was a joke, if you'd read the rest of the thread. I'm not particularly respectful, anyway. And it's not irony, it's coincidence. And who says I'm argumentative?

It's 2AM, and we're on a message board. Is discussion the point? And I'm complimenting you in another thread, to-boot. Here I thought we were just having fun.

We were and you know as well as I do you are argumentative, lol.

2am, try 5am - I am in NY! I started watching this Kentucky-LSU classic and it's almost over now. I gotta be up in like 5 hours too. Damn it!

And no it's not coincidence, it's ironic.



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Idgit;2177422 said:
There's the quote I was referencing, for the curious. But what's Garrett really going to say, right? Probably the opposite of what he really means because of whatever convoluted reason I can't be bothered with trying to fathom right now.


"He's been great, a special kid," Garrett said. "He's like I'm talking about, comes to work everyday, a smart football player who loves to play football. Has a confidence about him that really conveys the whole group. And we love that. He loves to practice, whatever role you give him he will be ready to do it, and give you his all to do it."​

"You love his personality and his approach and you like his ability. He had a very productive year for us. You know when you think about Terry Glenn going down in training camp last year and the kind of year we had on offense without a marquee player like that, a lot of that is with Patrick Crayton stepping in and saying hey let's keep going."​

Yeah, that sure does compliment Crayton on his foolish smack talking.

It's obvious now.

Do me a favor and twist it to somehow prove your point.



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you guys defending patrick crayton are unbelievable....he needs to keep the packers, there fans, and aaron rodgers name out of his mouth.....

memo to crayton, the packers were in the nfc championship game, why we added yet another year to our playoff drought tally...and you played a BIG role in it

do you hear randy moss, TO, marvin harrsion, larry fitzgerald sharing their thoughts on aaron rodgers? so what makes crayton think anybody wants to hear what he thinks about the would have thought the egg on his face from last year would sharpen his focus and teach him a lesson....he has not busted a grape in this league and has not earned the right to mock ANYBODY

We are about embark upon the most critical season in the last 12+ years, we do NOT need to provide any bulletin board material, we do not need to advance personal agendas, we do not need to lose focus on what's at stake....because if we do not win a playoff game this year, this team will be shook up