Eagles now SUSPEND T.O. (***Ultimate TO Thread***)

On Pardon the Interruption and ESPN radio, they are saying rumours are circulating that Dallas is working on a deal for TO.... :lmao2:
Waffle said:
I wonder if '50cent' still has the stomach defend T.O. after this latest episode. :eek::

I didn't know he was offering his defense services. Was he saying everyone has a right to get as much money as they can even though they are locked into a contract?
You have got to be kidding me. ESPN is a bunch of hacks and clowns. I cannot stand Kornheiser or his little whiney puppet Wilbon. :rolleyes:
Dear God,

Please endow your loving servant Roy Williams with the strength and speed to break TO's other leg this season.

Thy will be done. Amen.
T.O. is under contract and I do not want to take on another 30+ WR with mental baggage. No way do we give up draft picks for a punk.
Well then if they're saying it then it must be true - because we all know a Parcells-run team leaks info like a three dollar canoe
Portland Fanatic said:
Wow...what a tough way to start a season...possibly without last years three top WR's. Begining of the end??? Yes I know they are the cream of the NFC East.....right? They have a great front office and Reid.....Hmmmmmm.

TO may have been even more of a cancer then we originally thought...I have a feeling if no TO, Freddie would still be there...TO taught him that being cocky was the way to go...now look at him...and TO.

I feel so bad for them BIG EVIL GRIN

Seriously...what do you guys think? IMO this is the begining of the end of their reign.

With an upgraded nfc east and nfc in general, I believe there unadultered beating of the nfc conference is over. They are still contenders with McNabb, Westbrook, and J. Johnson's defensive schemes, but its going to be a heck of a lot harder for them. As far as this year I think they might take a step back, but have many pieces in place where a free agent or two and a solid draft puts them right back in the mix.
NO WAY...Parcells has removed the cancers from this team...That must be TOTAL BS...
Oh yeah. To philly,one kicker who thinks he sees dead people.

To Dallas, one out of work water boy who will be stepping and fetching for the cool, clean quality H2O for the Coach.

HeavyHitta31 said:
No lies, heard from two different ESPN sources. I cant see it happening.

I'm watching PTI and they were simply speculating where T.O. could end up if the Eagirls traded him. Dallas was mentioned as a "far fetched scenario" but they thought Parcells would be one of the few guys who could handle Owens.
We're more likely to trade all our draft picks to Denver for Jerry Rice, than this ever happening.
Pretty sure that they didn't imply Cowboys were working on getting T.O. I think that they were speculating as to who possible suitors would be if he were to be traded, and who could possibly keep T.O. in check. They brought up Daniel Snyder because he always wants any big name free agent, and then they said maybe someone like Parcells could handle him. Don't worry, I do not think Jerry or Bill are that stupid...
The Iggles clear cut dominance is over. They may still be the best team in the NFC, but not by much. We are on the ascend, and the Iggles have topped out and are slowly falling back to earth.
the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
I didn't know he was offering his defense services. Was he saying everyone has a right to get as much money as they can even though they are locked into a contract?

He basically said T.O. was really no different than Irvin or Keyshawn, and he even compared him to Emmitt on his original threat of holding out of Eagles camp.

He says the ONLY reason we all hate T.O. is because of the "Star" incident. He basically concluded that we are all a bunch of hypocrites and if T.O. were a Cowboy, we'd all love him. :rolleyes:

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