Ex-Virginia Tech quarterback donates $10K to families

ArkCowboy;1461346 said:

i am thinking the glorification of meager efforts is a questionable endevour, but ot each his own!

just offering some perspective

and maybe by his making it public, more will step up and follow suit. those who do NOTHING but 2nd guess and critisize really make things hard for those trying to make a difference.

perspective back at you.
Crown Royal;1462585 said:
It says that they are supposed to give a certain percentage of their pay for charity, and that 10k isn't enough when a psycho goes on a killing spree at said athlete's alma mater.

It's like a universal law or something.

Thank goodness we've unraveled this mystery.
smarta5150;1461746 said:
If you did I would pat you on the back.

I once bought a chee burger at a McDonalds drive through for a homeless lady.

i once handed a mcdonalds application to a guy on the street corner with a sign saying "will work for food". that got wadded up and thrown back at my truck.

beggars is one thing - victims are totally different.
CanadianCowboysFan;1462580 said:
He could have made the donation silently, no one forced him to open his piehole and tell the world he gave $10,000.00.

He is starting a foundation for the families of the victims how the heck can he get the word out if he keeps his mouth shut? What he is doing is a very good thing it is too bad you’re more concerned about the amount than the fact that someone is standing up and trying to make a difference in these people lives in their time of need.
Kilyin;1462009 said:
No, but I don't make a hundred million dollars a year to play a game. I may donate some money before all is said and done. I'm just a little leary of all the con-artist scams going around. Do I get my own press release if I donate a 20-spot?

Besides, there's more than one way to look at this. Here's my take. This is all about damage control. Do something good in an effort to make people forget about the 'water bottle', the fact you're a terrible QB, etc.

You may disagree, and that's fine.

then what have you done to help? if nothing, then say the same and shut up.
Bleu Star;1462088 said:
Who's throwing him under the bus??? We're on an internet forum discussing the potential motive behind it. There's no NBC, CBS, FOX, or otherwise here. We haven't called any press conferences to discuss his motives. As one poster stated, the guy likely spends triple the amount he donated on strip clubs, phat chains, and trips below the border. Kudos for donating. Kudos for at least appearing to be sparking others to do so as well. No kudos on the $5.

This is the perfect way to repair an image that has been dragged through the mud with only Ronny to blame.

Way to go agent. Bravo on the suggestion. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

what if there was no motive but a bunch of whiney a-holes around here who question everything to the N'th degree and while they once again do NOTHING to help with a situation, they feel it's ok to be judge and jury on what people ARE DOING to help.

there's always the crowd who will refuse to give people the benefit of the doubt and despite one doing something positive, they'll still find the negative and ensure it gets equal "air time".

found a whole lot of people i can safely ignore in life. sometimes it would matter but since the people now on ignore simply do nothing but whine and complain, i won't miss 'em.
Danny White;1462158 said:
Far more important than the money will be if Vick helps rally the VT community.

He's hugely important to that school, and he can play a role in helping rebuild their spirits and their sense of community.

Vick's success and profile at VT gave that school a real sense of pride while he was there, and that has carried over in the subsequent years as well. I'm sure if you asked most people what they thought of when they think of Virginia Tech, they'd say "Michael Vick." That's clearly not the case any more, though.

Vick can play a real part in helping his school through this crisis, and I hope that he does. I think this donation is a good first step, but I hope he contributes in ways other than money as well. To be perfectly frank, how much money do the victim's families need because of this? I know some of the professors' families have lost their providers, but for the most part, it's families mourning the loss of their children and money won't help bring that back at all.

HIGH FIVE to ya man.

i wish people who try to help were supported. but too many in our society want to question it, call it out as "selfish" for that person, and tear 'em up. why should anyone stand up and try to make a difference in this world or for someone when so many will question it just the same?
I think he gave 10k just so the moral police would pat him on the back and say “well done”.
dbair1967;1462236 said:
its even more idiocy to glorify somebody for throwing pocket change around and using it as a publicity stunt

the guy has a 130 million contract and even if he paid the entire 10k himself (and most likely didnt if you read the article) it amounts to a whopping 300 dollars and change per family...

he's still a punk


which is $300+ more than they had before he made the effort. you sound like if you were one of the victims, you'd throw it back in his face because it wasn't enough.

that is about as sad and pathetic as it can get.
numnuts23;1462610 said:
Let me see:

50 yr. career vs. 12 yr. NFL career ......... I see your math...but don't get your logic :confused:

Don't get yours -- he's not going to make anywhere near that amount of cash outside of football -- he'll likely live on that for the rest of his life.

He make 100 mill over his lifetime, you'll make 2 mill, unless you get a better job

Again, make your check out for $200 -- or actually more, since you think he didn't give enough.
Crown Royal;1462634 said:
This thread is making me ashamed to be human.

it does make you want to line up the whiners and just do a 3-stooges slap across all their faces at once.

someone tries to help -there's an ulterior motive to it.
someone wants to make it better than it was - it's not enough.

the saddest part is that those who whine and call it into question the most are the one who DO NOTHING when *something* needs to be done.

well, nothing but whine and set the human race back a few generations in stupidity.
iceberg;1462626 said:
HIGH FIVE to ya man.

i wish people who try to help were supported. but too many in our society want to question it, call it out as "selfish" for that person, and tear 'em up. why should anyone stand up and try to make a difference in this world or for someone when so many will question it just the same?

I agree. Vick deserves the heat from stupid things he may have done and he clearly has taken his share of heat. In this case he has stepped up and did a good thing and I think that should be recognized as well. I have been a tough critic of Vick as an NFL QB and my feeling about his ability as a QB has not changed but in this instances he had done the right thing and that should be acknowledge as well.
Crown Royal;1462634 said:
This thread is making me ashamed to be human.
Wonder how many of the ones finding fault are "christian." :rolleyes:

They would have seen the woman with two coins of very little value at the temple and said "keep your change, hag."

It's not about showy displays.
superpunk;1462643 said:
Wonder how many of the ones finding fault are "christian." :rolleyes:

They would have seen the woman with two coins of very little value at the temple and said "keep your change, hag."

It's not about showy displays.

I am not a Christian, but I have been considering that parable since this thread came up the other day.

The point was that those who told her to keep the change were the pharisees, the rich temple lords who gave a lot, although they themselves were rich.

They then ridiculed the old lady who gave nearly all she had for tithe.

Christ then reprimanded them, showing them for the fools they were.

Now - some in this thread will say that Vick is like the pharisees - giving little in relation to his worth, but then they will have missed the point of the parable.

Christ didn't claim that they were immoral for not giving enough. It was for their ridicule of the old woman, who gave all she had.
WoodysGirl;1462125 said:
That's how I saw it. People seem to miss the fact that he set up a support foundation. And that he was one of the first people sought out for comment.

Folks are so caught up on the "small" amount he contributed, but no one knows whether he's planning to donate more in private. I don't know that he will, and I don't know that he won't.

But I think he did a good thing. And with as many VA Tech athletic alums as they have. If they all drop $10k in the pot, those families will be well supported.
I really don't think that he will donate more in private. But I do think that he will donate more. But whether he does, or not, it's noone's business but his own.

I also think that his generosity will encourage others to give. And for all of the posters complaining about the amount he is giving, how much are you sending in?

I'm not a Vick fan, but I'm impressed he stepped up. Some may say he stepped up to help with his public image, but it doesn't matter why he stepped up. All that really matters is HE STEPPED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crown Royal;1462651 said:
I am not a Christian, but I have been considering that parable since this thread came up the other day.

The point was that those who told her to keep the change were the pharisees, the rich temple lords who gave a lot, although they themselves were rich.

They then ridiculed the old lady who gave nearly all she had for tithe.

Christ then reprimanded them, showing them for the fools they were.

Now - some in this thread will say that Vick is like the pharisees - giving little in relation to his worth, but then they will have missed the point of the parable.

Christ didn't claim that they were immoral for not giving enough. It was for their ridicule of the old woman, who gave all she had.

LOL, well I don't think it went exactly like that.

The important part was that Christ was able to see what was in her heart, and her motivation. The amount she gave was inconsequential. Since noone here has those qualifications (ie reading of hearts), I'd think they would give Mr. Vick the benefit of the doubt.
Was it 10,000 dollars for each victim/family? 10 grand won't cover the funeral cots for all those people...I wonder if VTech will also put up some money for this unforseen tradgedy..Either way, it was a nice gesture by Vick, though if he gave more that would have been nice. (Not that I rate his worthiness by money given, but rather that funerals are so expensive and I don't think the families should have to pay for them.)
So the guy is getting ragged on for not donating enouth money?



Its never enouth for some people ........ its like that Southpark episode about beggers.
Crown Royal;1462651 said:
I am not a Christian, but I have been considering that parable since this thread came up the other day.

The point was that those who told her to keep the change were the pharisees, the rich temple lords who gave a lot, although they themselves were rich.

They then ridiculed the old lady who gave nearly all she had for tithe.

Christ then reprimanded them, showing them for the fools they were.

Now - some in this thread will say that Vick is like the pharisees - giving little in relation to his worth, but then they will have missed the point of the parable.

Christ didn't claim that they were immoral for not giving enough. It was for their ridicule of the old woman, who gave all she had.

my brother and i got into a discussion like this one and normally i smoke him on a lot of this cause i try to put a lot of thought into it. i was talking about religion and Gods gifts to man - saying things like "God has so much, how come he can't give more" and taking that stance.

he turned it around and said that "nothing" by one may be everything to the one it's given to.

perspective and point of view.

those who are critisizing are only seeing it from a "vick" point of view and relating it to his parties, his "possee" and his overall income. but what about those who were effected? maybe at $300 and some change to each person, it's not much.

but it's a start and to some, it could mean a whole lot more by the gesture than the $.

in the end vick likely did more than anyone who's bagging on him now. yet for some reason those bagging on vick get some form of comfort for taking people down for whatever reason.

usually jealousy of his $, his opportunities, his fame...get over it.

the man is trying to help. if more would shut up and do the same imagine what this world could accomplish.

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