Favre vs. Bledsoe


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Rings, rings, and rings. It's all about (and nothing else) winning one. I know I might sound a bit blinded, but SB rings can do that to a man. Until Beldsoe wins one, compare him to Marino or Manning (either one).


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Hostile said:
People vote their own conscience.

You were guilty of premature evaluation, that's all.


Take a lesson from the whale, the only time he gets harpooned is when you comes up to spout.

Now you just have to hit'em with the "If you don't like the noise..." and then you can close this one! ;)


The Duke
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Sarge said:
Seems many are remembering the Favre of the last couple years as opposed to his career as a whole. There as some that consider Favre a top 5 QB of all time. I've never heard anyone say that about Bledsoe.

Favre may not be that much better NOW, but span his career and it's a no-brainer.

That's exactly what is happening. Some have even said so in their answers.

Oh well.


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Cowchips said:
First, I agree that Favre is better.

As for Bledsoe being "average at best", with 3 more "average" 20 touchdown seasons Bledsoe will be fourth on the all time list for passing touchdowns in what is really only 15 seasons. That puts him behind only Marino, Favre and Tarkenton. I'd consider that something more than "average at best" :)

Perhaps you should research before you type ludicrous statements.


So Bledsoe has played a 1,000 years.

Yep. Most of his career he's been average at best. Last year he was the 17th ranked starter in the NFL.

Let's do the math...

Hmm. 32 teams... and he ranked 17th... Hmm.


You've convinced me.

He's below average.

Thanks for playing. ;)


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Hostile said:
Which part?

record vs 10 win teams, passer rating, career W/L record, TD/INT ratio.

i've said it before though- bledsoe didnt have a line for a good part of last season. with TO and a good line (and a running game), he should be fine.


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I voted "Fave slightly better". Please allow me to explain my position.

If you look at the stats Favre has a considerable and undenaible edge, 3 MVP's and a SB is the equivalent of 1-2-3 pin if it were wrestling. But I think you need to look beyond the #'s some.

For me, the situation a QB finds himself can be as critical as his own talent level. A few examples, would Steve Young be a hall of fame member if Tampa had held on to him and not sent him to San Fran? Would Joe Montana be talked about as among the very greatest to play the game if he had been drafted in the 2nd round by say, the Bears instead of by Bill Walsh and the 49ers? Would Aikman be taking the stroll to the hall this year if JJ had hired Barry Switzer out of the chute instead of Jimmy Johnson? You tell me. You could make a pretty good list of this stuff.

My point is show me a hall of fame QB and I'll show you a hall of fame coach and some impressive talent around him. Both Favre and Bledsoe have failed to reach their true potentials (Favre to a lesser degree) for precisely the same reasons- they lost their quality leadership. In Favre's case Mike Holgren moved on after the 1998 season and took away the guy that kept Brett's gambling instinct's in check, and Ron Wolf, one of the league's greatest GM's left after the 2001 season. Mike Sherman isn't the coach Holmgren was for Brett and he was no Ron Wolf as a GM. Brett was still a good player but not the same superstar he had been. Favre's career has kind of a Mickey Mantle feel to it- great but "what if", you know?

With Bledsoe, the situation is even more striking. IMO if Bill Parcells had been allowed to "buy the groceries" in NE when Bob Kraft took over the team and had decided to stay, it's quite possible NE's dynasty would have arrived several years earlier and Tom Brady might be known best in the context of a Drew Henson trivia question. Parcells has said repeatedly that when he got there NE was in by far the worst shape of any team he has been with. In truth although he brought the 96 Patriots to the SB it was not yet a great team, but he was getting closer. GB was a great team. If Bledsoe and Parcells been on the other side of the field with GB and Favre on NE, the results of the game would probably have been the same- GB winning. But then BP left and took with him Curtis Martin and Bledsoe lost his mentor and his running game. The steady improvement Bledsoe had shown to that point stagnated and the talk of him being one of the all time greats quieted. Pete Carroll was no Parcells but the even bigger issue was Bobby Grier drafted like Jerry Jones. Even more so than Favre because of his lack of mobility Bledsoe requires a strong supporting cast. But as we saw last season with Favre, all quarterbacks need help to succeed.

The bottom line for me is Favre was the better player, but IF Parcells and Bledsoe had stayed together I believe Bledsoe would have similar stats and probably more rings to what Favre has accomplished. Of course if Holmgren and Wolf had stayed in GB, Favre might well be thought of as the best ever.

That's one reason why I think people that have the urge to dump on Bledsoe should remember- he and Parcells make a pretty good team. We're a great draft away from being a very dangerous team.


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In 15 seasons, Favre has had a QB rating of 80 or better 10 times, a QB rating of 85 or better 10 times and a QB rating of 90 or better 7 times. His lowest rating was 70.2, which he posted last season. His highest was 99.55. His playoff QB rating is 83.5.

In 13 seasons, Bledsoe has had a QB rating of 80 or better 5 times, a QB rating of 85 or better 2 times and a QB rating of 90 or better 0 times. His lowest rating was 63.7 and his highest is 87.7. His playoff QB rating is 54.9.

I know Bledsoe lovers always say that QB ratings don't tell the whole story, but they do give a decent comparison. It isn't even close. I know that QB ratings don't include, rushing totals, sacks and fumbles. Of course those numbers don't help Bledsoe. Favre's career rating is 86.0, which is almost as good as Bledsoe's best season. Bledsoe's career rating is 77.6.


Virtus Mille Scuta
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joseephuss said:
In 15 seasons, Favre has had a QB rating of 80 or better 10 times, a QB rating of 85 or better 10 times and a QB rating of 90 or better 7 times. His lowest rating was 70.2, which he posted last season. His highest was 99.55. His playoff QB rating is 83.5.

In 13 seasons, Bledsoe has had a QB rating of 80 or better 5 times, a QB rating of 85 or better 2 times and a QB rating of 90 or better 0 times. His lowest rating was 63.7 and his highest is 87.7. His playoff QB rating is 54.9.

I know Bledsoe lovers always say that QB ratings don't tell the whole story, but they do give a decent comparison. It isn't even close. I know that QB ratings don't include, rushing totals, sacks and fumbles. Of course those numbers don't help Bledsoe. Favre's career rating is 86.0, which is almost as good as Bledsoe's best season. Bledsoe's career rating is 77.6.

I agree some people I think want to wish Bledsoe better than he is...and make excuses like had he had Parcells or this or that..etc.. same could be said about any QB like Farve had he had Sterling Sharp and Mike Holgrem and a etc., etc. ad nausem... I mean really who did Sammy Baugh have to throw to...

it is a joke as Bledsoe always needs "if's" to quantify his whole career... and we have heard them all...

IF he had an offensive line
IF he had a Te
IF he had a WR
IF he had had a second WR
IF he had had a third WR
IF he had had a Running back
IF he had had a good Head Coach
IF he had had a good offensive coordinator

poor, poor Bledsoe...:puke:

man just think about how good every QB could be with perfect conditions...


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BigDFan5 said:
Why is this a question? Only the mentally insane would suggest that Bledsoe's career has been anything near Favres career.

Apparently we have few of them posting on this board, thats why :D
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RCowboyFan said:
Apparently we have few of them posting on this board, thats why :D

A few?? Take a look at the top of the page, guy. Almost 60% of the people who voted said Bledsoe was AT LEAST nearly as good as Favre. Better than 15% said he was equal to or better. I think it would be more accurate to say that those who think Favre was much better are in the minority.


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Pretty fair poll, Hos....;)

I mean, post a poll about who's better...the Cowboys QB who just finished a year playing better than many of us expected....or the guy who just got done leading the league in INTs, and is being a little attention ***** about whether or not he's going to play next year...

You post that on a Cowboys board and expect to get unbiased, untarnished votes from everyone. I had to think about it rationally for a minute, because my first inclination was....slightly better. But that's not true at all, and reading through the thread there's a lot of good reasons why not.

If you had posted this thread a year ago, after Favre got done leading the league's #1 offense, and throwing 30 TDs, and Bledsoe was not yet a Cowboy.....you'd have gotten that lopsided result you were expecting.


The Duke
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on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe said:
A few?? Take a look at the top of the page, guy. Almost 60% of the people who voted said Bledsoe was AT LEAST nearly as good as Favre. Better than 15% said he was equal to or better. I think it would be more accurate to say that those who think Favre was much better are in the minority.
You've got a strange way of doing math. Definitely go into politics.


The Duke
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superpunk said:
Pretty fair poll, Hos....;)

I mean, post a poll about who's better...the Cowboys QB who just finished a year playing better than many of us expected....or the guy who just got done leading the league in INTs, and is being a little attention ***** about whether or not he's going to play next year...

You post that on a Cowboys board and expect to get unbiased, untarnished votes from everyone. I had to think about it rationally for a minute, because my first inclination was....slightly better. But that's not true at all, and reading through the thread there's a lot of good reasons why not.

If you had posted this thread a year ago, after Favre got done leading the league's #1 offense, and throwing 30 TDs, and Bledsoe was not yet a Cowboy.....you'd have gotten that lopsided result you were expecting.
Yeah I know, and I didn't do a good enough job of emphasizing career vs. career either.


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Hostile said:
Yeah I know, and I didn't do a good enough job of emphasizing career vs. career either.

The fact that I loathe Favre, (and I'm sure I'm not the only Cowboy fan who feels that way, although the reasoning might be different...) didn't help either in my initial reaction to the poll. Considering the recent Favre to Dallas rumors, it's easy to immediately think Who's Better Now....when that's not what was being asked at all.