First impressive Jaylon video

Are you saying that @waldoputty and I have below average reading skills?

If you say he said it I'll take your work for it, but even in this thread I didn't see him specifically say that he is a Doctor; although, I'm sure I have not seen every page of the thread.

Perhaps pay better attention is a better outlook. I looked back on google and you can find him talking about it on this site from 2005 when it first opened. The staff of this site corroborates it. He is an MD.
Hmmm...I don't have a picture. But I'll get one next time I'm at her house.

The injury was about 12 years ago. 4 months in a complete vegetative state. We were told to put her into long term nursing care, but we brought her home.

About 4 months after coming home she started to track us with her eyes. Then, within a few months, she started waking up. It was like watching a kid grow up on fast foward. She was learning to walk with in the year. Talking. ..reading. .and writing. Many, many trials and struggles and surgeries since then.

How far has she come now?

She is married and has a 5 year old girl.

She forgoes the AFO most of the time. Her gait with or without the AFO is fairly heavy. Jaylon doesn't move like crystal at all...but he sure looked like he did last april.

Very impressive recovery. What is even more impressive is that your family didn't put her in the long term nursing care and instead brought her home. I have no doubt that she wouldn't have recovered like she did had you guys not brought her home.

Kudos to her, you and your family. I couldn't have a higher opinion of you all.
Very impressive recovery. What is even more impressive is that your family didn't put her in the long term nursing care and instead brought her home. I have no doubt that she wouldn't have recovered like she did had you guys not brought her home.

Kudos to her, you and your family. I couldn't have a higher opinion of you all.

Thanks for the kind words.

I raised my niece and nephew when my sister took off. Since they were babies, actually.

Bringing Crystal home was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But I'm convinced, and was then, that if we didn't bring her home she wound remain in that "persistent vegetative state" forever. She we took turn watching the breathing machines and working with her. Wore all of us out.

The point in sharing all of that is that her doctors really had no idea how much or even if she would recover. They told us it wasn't likely. But they had no idea and none of them could have guessed at the progress she would make, even though they had worked personally with her for months.

No Internet doctor knows if Jaylon will recover or when. His real doctors don't even know for sure.

So, we just watch for signs. I'm hopeful. I always think things will improve. Jaylon moves pretty dang good and he's only a year out. I think he will be on the field this fall. I think he will be a beast.

But the truth is I don't know any more than his doctors, the Internet doctors or even Dr. Who.

But I believe because I always do. :)
Given the injury he suffered seeing him going through these types of drills is very encouraging. My gut feeling is he will be ready to go by the time the team hits the OTA
Hmmm...I don't have a picture. But I'll get one next time I'm at her house.

The injury was about 12 years ago. 4 months in a complete vegetative state. We were told to put her into long term nursing care, but we brought her home.

About 4 months after coming home she started to track us with her eyes. Then, within a few months, she started waking up. It was like watching a kid grow up on fast foward. She was learning to walk with in the year. Talking. ..reading. .and writing. Many, many trials and struggles and surgeries since then.

How far has she come now?

She is married and has a 5 year old girl.

She forgoes the AFO most of the time. Her gait with or without the AFO is fairly heavy. Jaylon doesn't move like crystal at all...but he sure looked like he did last april.

Your courage, strength, compassion, love and endurance are to be commended. :clap:
Your issue dingo is that you treat your conclusions as the infallible truth.

Secondly, his foot was not dropping abnormally in that video (and he wasn't on a trampoline genius). Both feet are articulated downwards the way your feet point forward when coming down.

I'll agree with you that I'll take Dr. Cooper's prognosis over Chao's but it's glib to dismiss his professional opinion outright. We got a guy on this board some folks believe is a medical doctor giving actual percentages of how far along Jaylon is in his rehab. That's equally hilarious as it is disturbing.

As far as your evaluation of me, don't try to turn this into a "we vs. you" dynamic. My issue is with you being a blowhard and I'll continue to call you out when you act that way. Your "I don't allow others sense of inferiority..." bit is nothing more than a dim-witted appeal to "haters" when you're called-out.

I'm not sure why a poster who is apparently a doctor should be discounted for voicing his opinion about a medical issue on this message board. It would be about the same as asking a lawyer what the chances are of a certain jury verdict in a case like OJ Simpsons. Of course we don't have all the info but there is a significant amount of info available for people to form an informed opinion especially if they have knowledge of that particular field.
All I see is that you have degraded the conversation to this and have abandoned merit. Your latest ruse of googling a random AFO was rife in failure so now you have devolved into straight ad hominem, "Don't trust Fuzzy. He tries to talk smart," you say. :facepalm:

I can just see you watching Bill Walton on a telecast and getting worked up about his word choice.

Educated people point out when words are used improperly, 'fancy' or not. I have yet to see a college campus where they dissuade people from expanding their vocabulary and I have been on more than a few.
You are trying to put me in my place by "picking on me?" :laugh: We already discussed this before. The whole thing about people who do that are really only worried about their own place. You don't seem to understand that prestige is not a zero sum game.

I won't be hitting show ignored content anymore. Ciao.

I found the ignore feature and my life is much happier because of it. You can't argue with someone who isn't willing to listen. I only ignore one poster and it seems like the board drivel has dropped by half. Lol. I am eyeing one or two more posters to put in my ignore bin. I'm telling ya, the ignore feature is very underrated. Lol
I have noticed that it really doesn't matter what the topic is ..... the same half dozen people come in and pour urine all over the topic and ruin reasonable discussion of almost any topic. It really gets old.

I'm not talking about a poster having a legitimate dispute over a passionate topic with another poster, or something like that, it is the same negative drivel no matter what the topic is.

Some members of this board must lead some sort of miserable existence to be so hateful, venomous and vindictive on literally every single topic. It is so bad that when I see a thread topic I can guess the negative slant they will throw on it and how they will attack (not reasonably discuss a topic) and how those few people will derail a thread almost every time.

Spirited argument can be productive. In fact it helps separate truth from fiction. But damn there are about a half dozen people who really aren't bringing anything to the party, ever, except hate and discontent.
He's already started playing the victim. It can be any topic really and he does the same thing every time.

Downplaying that his nerve has started to fire just misses the entire point of what is going on. It is a monumental milestone in his recovery.

I don't know how anyone who has watched that video (who is a Cowboys fan) isn't extremely encouraged by that video. That video shows a guy who may not be 100 percent but he is a hell of a lot farther along than some people ever thought he would be.

Common sense says that the brain is taking to the muscle now. He should get better and stronger every day from this point forward. I'm stoked about what he might do for us going forward.
I don't know how anyone who has watched that video (who is a Cowboys fan) isn't extremely encouraged by that video. That video shows a guy who may not be 100 percent but he is a hell of a lot farther along than some people ever thought he would be.

Common sense says that the brain is taking to the muscle now. He should get better and stronger every day from this point forward. I'm stoked about what he might do for us going forward.

I think he looks like darn good. Even with a brace or tape job he could probably play in a rotation. He's still has several months of rehab so hopefully he will keep improving.
Hmmm...I don't have a picture. But I'll get one next time I'm at her house.

The injury was about 12 years ago. 4 months in a complete vegetative state. We were told to put her into long term nursing care, but we brought her home.

About 4 months after coming home she started to track us with her eyes. Then, within a few months, she started waking up. It was like watching a kid grow up on fast foward. She was learning to walk with in the year. Talking. ..reading. .and writing. Many, many trials and struggles and surgeries since then.

How far has she come now?

She is married and has a 5 year old girl.

She forgoes the AFO most of the time. Her gait with or without the AFO is fairly heavy. Jaylon doesn't move like crystal at all...but he sure looked like he did last april.

Great story.

It illustrates the healing power of a young body.

I hardly ever say never when talking prognosis, and a young athlete will almost invariably exceed recovery expectations.
Don't get me wrong, analysis of specific conditions allows comparison to thousands of case histories, and predictions should be realistic.
But the range of expectations should be considered fairly broad, considering the age and commitment of the patient.

In the case of JS, I'd be looking at the best ever recorded recovery from this type of injury, and predicting that he might be the one to repeat it.

Think about why we love sports and athletes -- it usually includes a sense of supreme accomplishment based on wonderful God-given skills and the highest level of commitment. We want to be constantly wowed by that, and sometimes are disappointed by a perception of deficient effort or preparation. Some rail against one-time marvelous athletes because of failure to meet expectations, while it's likely that the individual in question is giving more effort than any of us could sustain.

Scot, your niece's story is quite inspirational, like so many athletes' backgrounds.

We can all learn a lesson about faith and perseverance.
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I found the ignore feature and my life is much happier because of it. You can't argue with someone who isn't willing to listen. I only ignore one poster and it seems like the board drivel has dropped by half. Lol. I am eyeing one or two more posters to put in my ignore bin. I'm telling ya, the ignore feature is very underrated. Lol

I have suggested the same to Fuzzy many times.

Fuzzy has ignored some of them. He stated that he then checks on the ignored content :lmao:
Great story.

It illustrates the healing power of a young body.

I hardly ever say never when talking prognosis, and a young athlete will almost invariably exceed recovery expectations.
Don't get me wrong, analysis of specific conditions allows comparison to thousands of case histories, and predictions should be realistic.
But the range of expectations should be considered fairly broad, considering the age and commitment of the patient.

In the case of JS, I'd be looking at the best ever recorded recovery from this type of injury, and predicting that he might be the one to repeat it.

Think about why we love sports and athletes -- it usually includes a sense of supreme accomplishment based on wonderful God-given skills and the highest level of commitment. We want to be constantly wowed by that, and sometimes are disappointed by a perception of deficient effort or preparation. Some rail against one-time marvelous athletes because of failure to meet expectations, while it's likely that the individual in question is giving more effort than any of us could sustain.

Scot, your niece's story is quite inspirational, like so many athletes' backgrounds.

We can all learn a lesson about faith and perseverance.

I appreciate your words and I agree. ALL of my information is either anecdotal or specifically related to TBI and the related studies I read following her accident. Your information is from a medical background. I totally understand that.

However, if you ignore the small sample size, I've been right 100% of the time that I've disagreed with medical professionals about a patient's prognosis. :)

I've determined, based on my intense and completely bias-free study of a 19 second grainy internet video, that Jaylon will have a complete recover...rewrite the history books...transform the team and how the game is played forever more. :)

But I really am hopeful.
In before all the haters say " He still wearing that brace."

Some of you try and spin hate into everything. There isn't a Cowboys fan out there that isn't pulling for Smith but there's going to be some doubts about the level of play he's going to be able to reach after that injury. We took a real gamble drafting him where we did and we did it because we're hoping he can recover and become an elite player. I can only think of one player, Willis Mcgahee who became a solid NFL player after a devastating college injury that caused them to fall in the draft and he probably never became as good as he could have been had he not suffered that injury. No where have I said Smith can't become a great player but he is battling some long odds coming back from that injury. We didn't draft him to be a JAG, we're banking he can become an elite player and until we see him in pads, practicing football and making plays we're not going to know where he is as "football player."

Some are reading way too much into that video, which is typical of FANS. Some already have him in our ROH after seeing it. It's amazing the conclusions some have come to based off his foot drop and toe postion. lol I don't make predictions or come to any conclusions with players battling back from injury. I'm in a wait and see mode to see where he is come OTA's and training camp, that will be the true test. When and if we start hearing reports he's looking good in training camp and we see him make a play in preseason that's reminiscent of the kind of plays he was making in college, that's when I'll start getting excited about him and his potential.
I have noticed that it really doesn't matter what the topic is ..... the same half dozen people come in and pour urine all over the topic and ruin reasonable discussion of almost any topic. It really gets old.

I'm not talking about a poster having a legitimate dispute over a passionate topic with another poster, or something like that, it is the same negative drivel no matter what the topic is.

Some members of this board must lead some sort of miserable existence to be so hateful, venomous and vindictive on literally every single topic. It is so bad that when I see a thread topic I can guess the negative slant they will throw on it and how they will attack (not reasonably discuss a topic) and how those few people will derail a thread almost every time.

Spirited argument can be productive. In fact it helps separate truth from fiction. But damn there are about a half dozen people who really aren't bringing anything to the party, ever, except hate and discontent.

I've noticed that it really doesn't matter how passionate someone is about the Cowboys, if they choose to give honest, candid opinions it's looked at by FANS as pouring urine on a topic and being hateful. You can't give one honest opinion on this board without it being twisted it into something it's not. Anyone trying to be a voice of reason on FANS boards better duck. lol Being realistic is a negative slant here. Your MO is to make "guarantees" so how about providing a "guarantee" (quote) you've made that panned out? :cool: Coming here acting like you know the future and accusing others of hating and pouring urine on topics because their opinions are too objective and realistic for what you see in your crystal ball is pretty amusing.
I've noticed that it really doesn't matter how passionate someone is about the Cowboys, if they choose to give honest, candid opinions it's looked at by FANS as pouring urine on a topic and being hateful. You can't give one honest opinion on this board without it being twisted it into something it's not. Anyone trying to be a voice of reason on FANS boards better duck. lol Being realistic is a negative slant here. Your MO is to make "guarantees" so how about providing a "guarantee" (quote) you've made that panned out? :cool: Coming here acting like you know the future and accusing others of hating and pouring urine on topics because their opinions are too objective and realistic for what you see in your crystal ball is pretty amusing.
My crystal ball sees you eating crow.
My crystal ball sees you eating crow.

You must have gotten your crystal ball at a garage sale because it continues to fail you. lol It has you eating crow all the time and if Smith doesn't end up being a spectacular player like you predicted he would you'll be eating more crow. I won't be eating any crow because I haven't made any predictions or come to any conclusions on Smith. You're just one of those who follows me around with an agenda. Show me where I made any predictions on Smith? Provide a quote. :thumbup:
You must have gotten your crystal ball at a garage sale because it continues to fail you. lol It has you eating crow all the time and if Smith doesn't end up being a spectacular player like you predicted he would you'll be eating more crow. I won't be eating any crow because I haven't made any predictions or come to any conclusions on Smith. You're just one of those who follows me around with an agenda. Show me where I made any predictions on Smith? Provide a quote. :thumbup:
Jaylon Smith is the biggest waste of a high 2nd round pick of all-time.

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