Hey! (Over from the "official forum" and here to seek a new home)

I came over also.
Edddddiiiiiieeeee, great to see you. I pronounce your name like Topo Gigo did Ed Sullivan's. Not sure why I do that and not sure I want to know why.

If you want to get full membership with likes and threads, start posting out in the Fan Zone, one of our crew got full after 34 posts and one of our crew, name withheld, spent too much time in the New Members Forum and didn't get his until this morning. And the Like Fairy is just like the Tooth Fairy except you don't have to offer up a bicuspid as tribute. You go to sleep without likes, you wake up with them. Is this a great world or what?
Edddddiiiiiieeeee, great to see you. I pronounce your name like Topo Gigo did Ed Sullivan's. Not sure why I do that and not sure I want to know why.

If you want to get full membership with likes and threads, start posting out in the Fan Zone, one of our crew got full after 34 posts and one of our crew, name withheld, spent too much time in the New Members Forum and didn't get his until this morning. And the Like Fairy is just like the Tooth Fairy except you don't have to offer up a bicuspid as tribute. You go to sleep without likes, you wake up with them. Is this a great world or what?
I missed your humor Coach,so here I am.:)
lol. I just got a copy of the new English thriller..." How not to fall asleep while watching soccer" No doubt you have already enjoyed it.:thumbup:
He fell asleep reading it. Next time make sure he gets it before the game starts.

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