With all due respect, this is the type of comment that I find puzzling. There is not one thing that Garrett has done as a head coach that would justify saying he is anywhere near the kind of coach Lovie is. You can have a good talking game but there comes a time where you have to back that talk up, and Garrett simply hasn't.
Believe me, nothing would make me happier than eating crow on this, nothing, but I just don't see it happenning.
Well, there's plenty that Garrett has done that there is to like and compare to Lovie. You guys just want to look at someone's won/loss record, SB rings, yada and refuse to look at what the guy has done for this team to date. You can't evaluate a young coach who has no skins on the wall the same way you do someone who's been around awhile.
One reason I used Landry was not just to refute someone's argument about time singularly as a judgment. Everyone wanted Landry run out of town because he just couldn't win. Clint knew better because he saw what it takes even though Landry had yet to do it. Well, maybe Garrett has 'it' and maybe not. But you can't evaluate the guy over the last year and a half because he's not had a decent defense to put on the field. That's why I say he gets another two years as long as I'm seeing progress in enough areas.
Someone asked what do I see.
OL rebuilt to the point its pretty good. Free is now one of the better tackles in the league and Smith ain't bad. We have a C. There is some depth there although I still nervous about that.
Romo is continuing to develop as a QB. Sure he had a down year last year stat wise but that can happen when you're asked to carry the team. Dez has become a force in the league. WR is a strength now instead of a joke and that's without Austin on the field. TE continues to be a strength and although a lot don't like Escobar he has talent and so does Hanna. RB looks better although Murray can't stay healthy. Dunbar and Randle are players although still young, unproven and with some warts.
LB is a strength instead of a running joke. Huge. DL looks like crap but you can't hang Ratliff on Garrett. Ware or Spencer either. You can credit Garrett with Hatcher though. There weren't many here who saw how good Hatcher was but the coaches did and have since Wade early on. And Garrett brought Marinelli here and he's been DL coach of the year AFAIC. You can laugh at Kiffin but we went from one of the worse teams in the league in TO to one of the best. While S is still a concern it is better with Church and the coaches did see that potential. And Wilcox is going to be a player. You can't fault the coach for not having more resources to work with. I'd say they've done as good as they can with what they have which isn't much on D right now. Can't blame Garrett for Claiborne unless you know he drove that pick which AFAIK he didn't. He didn't drive the Carr pick either although that was ok talent wise just not money wise.
Overall talent and depth have steadily risen since Parcells got here and has accelerated since Garrett has been head coach. Esp at the bottom of the roster but at the top as well.
You can find fault in Garrett with the in game decisions and all know that. Are you going to fire him over that? And ignore the rest of the good things.