Hey, your stupid is as you do...

Can you now spell linebacker?
I played linebacker at the US Air Force Academy and the Falcons played Tennessee in the Sugar Bowl...and then at Texas A&I where my Javelinas were National Champions in NAIA.
Please do tell me your knowledge of the sport.
Gil Steinke was the Head Coach for A&I and had been on the Giants staff along with Vince Lombardi and Tom Landry. He gave me my scholarship there in Kingsville,
Eugene Upshaw had been drafted by the Raiders in the first round from there...yea, Hall of Fame and 19 years NFL Player Association President. When he kicked off for the Javelinas, the crowd would chant: 'Field Goal, Tuck...' He then would part the uprights!
From the same team I played with were 5 future Pro Bowlers: DE Ernest Price - Detroit; CB Levi Johnson - Detroit; CB Eldridge Small - Giants; CB Dwight Harrison - Buffalo; TE David Hill - Los Angeles Rams...
Later, Darrel Green was drafted by Washington from there and only played to the age of 42. Still very fast.
John Randle was a walk on with Minnesota...from A&I as well. Yea, Hall of Famer as well.
Karl Douglas, the first black quarterback drafted by the Indianapolis Colts the draft following the release of Morrel and Unitas, was dropped after an Exhibition game...he was black!
The very first AFC drafted Houston Oilers was Sid Blanks from A&I. Sid was the very first black player in the Lone Star Conference...
Son, as to you, you are an arrogant trash mouthed idiot.