I am still in awe

The game against the Eagirls was not only about winning. It is Nom. 1 in the NFL aest. It was much more then that.

OK, I half to announce something: Ms. Busty half left me. I it saddens me but the library lady keep me sane.
OK, back to football. I learnt something in that game.

The Cowboys might be for reals. Yes they half left me in disrepair many time in late December and I half suffered in meine room, a candel for illumination and a spare desk where when the library lady lend me her lapdance top I can write and think.

The cowboys could half folded. They didnit. The defense bent a lot but did not break when it counted.
Tears flooded meine eyes when the boys walked off the field and I can finally belief they won.

Meine Cowboys bent but did not folded. This is major. This is groundbaking and stuff.
Listen to gimmie: this team might be for reals. they half moxie.

I fear I might wake up on afternoon and I only dreamed the cowboys snatch defeat from a victor. I also fear I might walk up to the library lady and not Ms. Busty but that is another tissue for meine eyes.
This be a team on the ascension and not the dissention.
Jason keep being shrewd and stuff and coach Marinely keep finding plugs.

3 cheers for the team who don't give up!

would you say the library lady is also chesty?
would you say the library lady is also chesty?

She must be very chesty because it appears he's spending most of his time at the library staring at it.
It's odd, but a long time coming. This teams has matured along with Romo and Garrett, and I actually feel like this is the first year that I consider it a veteran team (mentally, as the team has a lot of youth).

Yes, sir. And as you said, this team is young. They are definitely playing like a more veteran team than they actually are, overall.
haiatus. one more word for the library lady to look up she is getting tired of it. where do you find these words?

I took that one form one of Gimme's misspelled words from the past. I actually have no idea what it means.:)
The game against the Eagirls was not only about winning. It is Nom. 1 in the NFL aest. It was much more then that.

OK, I half to announce something: Ms. Busty half left me. I it saddens me but the library lady keep me sane.
OK, back to football. I learnt something in that game.

The Cowboys might be for reals. Yes they half left me in disrepair many time in late December and I half suffered in meine room, a candel for illumination and a spare desk where when the library lady lend me her lapdance top I can write and think.

The cowboys could half folded. They didnit. The defense bent a lot but did not break when it counted.
Tears flooded meine eyes when the boys walked off the field and I can finally belief they won.

Meine Cowboys bent but did not folded. This is major. This is groundbaking and stuff.
Listen to gimmie: this team might be for reals. they half moxie.

I fear I might wake up on afternoon and I only dreamed the cowboys snatch defeat from a victor. I also fear I might walk up to the library lady and not Ms. Busty but that is another tissue for meine eyes.
This be a team on the ascension and not the dissention.
Jason keep being shrewd and stuff and coach Marinely keep finding plugs.

3 cheers for the team who don't give up!

Literary genius.
She up and R-U-N-N-O-F-T??? :(

It is complecated. Let me say this: when one mans cannot fulfil the lifestyles of the rich and famous and one womans wants the life of the rich an famous then the two ships in the nite sail past. that is how the library lady put it but she might half interior motives. she ax me about my 401k all the time.
GimmetheBall, your writing style is.................unusual.

Well i read Homer and bukowski and the East End kids are clever. Here is one it is funny: One of the Kids say, he say: "Those are beutiful flowers!" And the other one say, he say: "You cannot put catshup on flowers!" LOL.
The library lady gift me ribbons all the time for perservering the books and magazines.
Have to be honest here. I'm ready for the term "Moxie" to die.

That is all...........
GimmetheBall, your writing style is.................unusual.

I am remanded of the quote from "Paradise Kingdum" where the girl ax the boy about the dead dog, "Was he a good dog?" And the boy answers, he answers "Who is to say?"

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