I hate that we are playing for something


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LOL at 'we will lose'. I love the guarantees from people like you on here. If we play like today in the playoffs we might win. We score 13 points against the Saints and won. Played like this against the Eagles and won. We've played this this a lot and won. So you're wrong.
You had a unbelievable defensive performance against the saints. We also converted 50% of 3rd downs and kept them off the field
Today we converted 3-9 and that is the real difference that you are missing
You can’t keep putting good teams back out there
We beat the eagles the same way. We sustained drives and had over 45 min TOP
Today we lost TOP bad
When we’ve beat teams we’ve overcame out worst in the league red zone offense by sustaining drives and keeping their offense off the field
You are missing what we have to do to win
And if we play like today we won’t win a single game in the playoffs that I guarantee


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You had a unbelievable defensive performance against the saints. We also converted 50% of 3rd downs and kept them off the field
Today we converted 3-9 and that is the real difference that you are missing
You can’t keep putting good teams back out there
We beat the eagles the same way. We sustained drives and had over 45 min TOP
Today we lost TOP bad
When we’ve beat teams we’ve overcame out worst in the league red zone offense by sustaining drives and keeping their offense off the field
You are missing what we have to do to win
And if we play like today we won’t win a single game in the playoffs that I guarantee
Might get another unbelievable defensive performance against another team. Just because it happens once doesn't mean it won't happen again. You have a narrow mindset when it comes to things that happen. Like they can't happen again. Even if they don't happen again we're in the playoffs and we have a chance. That's all any of us can ask for. Everything else about how we got here and how we looked and all this other **** you are talking about doesn't matter now.


NFL Historian
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We struggled today barely beating the worse defense in the league. We also got out yarded to make things worse.

Some of you may bash me and say I'm ungrateful and we won, but you are really BSing yourselves if you think we will even win a home playoff game with these flaws.

This is probably the worse winning season I have ever experienced.

Seriously the situation the cowboys are in right now is like being on Death Row, and knowing that in 3 weeks you will take your final walk to the electric chair to seal your fate.

And I haven't even gotten to the thought of extending a disappointing Dak and lack of firing Garrett which is the real problem that needs to be taken care of.

This team didnt prove to us nothing today against a team with the worse defense. All it proved is that they will more than likely lose to any of the bottom teams in the post season.
Oh, poor you.

I’m sure you’ll get through these intolerable times.


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preach it StarBoyz...after Titans game they had to rush me to the ER...because i had slit my wrists and cut my jugular....well boyz...GORICO drinks the Cowboy Kool-Aid today....playoffs is a brand new season..everyone starts off 0-0....and i have the refs on my side this year...i see them hopefully being paid off by Jerry to continue being incompetent against the other teams....and all of Dak's fumbles will bounce right back in his hands....and all the opposing backfield db's will slip and fall trying to cover our guys....and our O Line will experience being "morphed" into the Greatest wall in cowboy history...and Zeke will think he is at the largest buffet in the world....and our Defense will make the 85 Bears and the 2000 Ravens look weak...and our receivers will put Jerry Rice to shame...and our kicker will set new NFL record with 70-yard FG....and Garrett will look like a combination of Lombardi and Beliceck and the Big Tuna all rolled into one...And...NO...I Never....fantasize over the top

I'm glad the season turned around but I havent seen anything that makes me think this team can make a run. Not trying to kill anybody's buzz


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Might get another unbelievable defensive performance against another team. Just because it happens once doesn't mean it won't happen again. You have a narrow mindset when it comes to things that happen. Like they can't happen again. Even if they don't happen again we're in the playoffs and we have a chance. That's all any of us can ask for. Everything else about how we got here and how we looked and all this other **** you are talking about doesn't matter now.
It’s not gonna happen if the offense plays like today


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I'm glad the season turned around but I havent seen anything that makes me think this team can make a run. Not trying to kill anybody's buzz
starboyz---no man you aint killing my buzz...the truth is the cowboys have not really played consistent ....their offensive woes of bogging down in red zone are very concerning...maybe they can get a jolt?...


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starboyz---no man you aint killing my buzz...the truth is the cowboys have not really played consistent ....their offensive woes of bogging down in red zone are very concerning...maybe they can get a jolt?...

I'll be quiet lol


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Just get to the playoffs and anything can happen.

Crazier ****'s happened than a less than optimal team winning a SB. We have some really good things about this team that translates well into the post season. We probably won't win a SB but you definitely can't if you don't make the playoffs.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Yeah, I know...Dak this, JG that...I don't necessarily disagree with those views. But being angry/upset about the Cowboys winning the division? Come on, man.

Let me guess: "Missing the playoffs would get JG fired! Jerry would have to look for another QB (who, of course, would be a future hall of famer)."

We're fans. We get what the team gives us. Take your pleasures where you find them. If you're spending your days rooting for failure, why bother at all? :rolleyes:


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I'm cracking up at the mental image of a judge banging his gavel: "I hereby sentence you, the Dallas Cowboys, to die via division title and a playoff berth at home. Such sentence is scheduled to be carried out on January 2019. Does the defendant have any last words?"

Last words?

Hopefully the coaches ran ball at goal line.

You can proceed with my execution now sir.....


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We are a sick animal that needs to be put down.

Soup man....things aren't that bad...we are 1 QB away from Superbowl contention.....160 yards passing today for stinko Dak...where we going when we cant score....and its not the coaching ....cant coach a Pig to do hand-stands..sorry....


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Soup man....things aren't that bad...we are 1 QB away from Superbowl contention.....160 yards passing today for stinko Dak...where we going when we cant score....and its not the coaching ....cant coach a Pig to do hand-stands..sorry....
You will say anything to defend Linehan and Garrett. A true fool lol.


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For those complaining about us being in the playoffs (which is insane considering that we were no where near playoff worthy a month or so ago, and look at us now), give it a rest! Honestly, I'm just thankful that we're even in the playoffs to begin with. We weren't going to be getting a QB anyway, most likely, this offseason in the draft, so there's no point fussing about that. I think our best chance, and I've said this for AGES, to get a new QB is in 2020. Until then, I think we'll be sticking with Dak in the last year of his contract to see how he does with one year left. So, until then, do pipe down with the negativity and enjoy the journey. We're in the playoffs, and we won the division for the 3rd time in 5 years. That's a brilliant accomplishment, and, as Cowboys fans, we should be absolutely chuffed about it.


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I get it, but when we were 3-5 I doubt you saw this coming as well.

I knew the team had potential. My issues was mainly always the coaches and dak. When I'm at work and a coworker ask me what do I think of my teams chances this Sunday, I always tell them it depends on dak and the coaches.

Every week that is my answer because I know we can win every week if the two flaws make little mistakes.

Imo we are the most talented all around team in the league but when dak and the coaches go we go.

Look what happened at the GL against the bucs, no running Zeke, and when they did the ran the ******* RPO instead of regularly running it up the gut.

And when they pass the ball at the GL it was either bad PC or ******* gadget plays or dak taking a sack.



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Soup man....things aren't that bad...we are 1 QB away from Superbowl contention.....160 yards passing today for stinko Dak...where we going when we cant score....and its not the coaching ....cant coach a Pig to do hand-stands..sorry....

So you honestly believe it isnt linehan!?!

That goalline play today was terrible and you know it. Me or you could have called a better game down there.

You pound Zeke in down there. Not run some stupid *** RPO or gadget plays and waste downs.

Cmon pap you know better than that. Their *** gotta go plain and simple.


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So you honestly believe it isnt linehan!?!

That goalline play today was terrible and you know it. Me or you could have called a better game down there.

You pound Zeke in down there. Not run some stupid *** RPO or gadget plays and waste downs.

Cmon pap you know better than that. Their *** gotta go plain and simple.

Agreed, and I reckon that will likely happen, unless we make an absolutely massive 2011 Giants-style run. I think we'll at least get a new OC, and see how Dak does (or at least that's what I want us to do) with a new OC. However, I'm not going to worry about that for now. I'm just going to worry about enjoying the fact that we are division champs yet again (take that Eagles), and I'll try to enjoy the playoffs as best as I can. I'll worry about my thoughts on that subject after the season ends.


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Agreed, and I reckon that will likely happen, unless we make an absolutely massive 2011 Giants-style run. I think we'll at least get a new OC, and see how Dak does (or at least that's what I want us to do) with a new OC. However, I'm not going to worry about that for now. I'm just going to worry about enjoying the fact that we are division champs yet again (take that Eagles), and I'll try to enjoy the playoffs as best as I can. I'll worry about my thoughts on that subject after the season ends.

Agree. And speaking of eagles, I hope they dont slip into the playoffs. They are starting to amp it up.

Another run in with them would just be too much to deal with.