I don't get it, if so many people on here think of
@leeblair as a troll, why do you even click on his threads? And then after clicking, taking the time to write paragraphs defending your stance? Seriously, if you consider him a troll why go through all that effort?
Lee has history going back to another board and a lot of people are bothered by him. Me? I take him for what he is, he likes to turn people's dials and you guys play right into what he wants. You're actually making him happy while you are ticked off. He's no dummy by any means. Risen used to do the same thing and folks would go nuts. It's like opening a door, throwing in a grenade and walking away. Only difference is Lee replies to the comments where Risen would I guess just sit back and chuckle.
I don't think he's a bad guy at all, I've even agreed with him maybe once or twice. There are two posters on here now that I never click on their threads because I know in my opinion they will be a waste of time for me to read and are generally looking to do the same that Lee does. I don't think either of them are bad guys either, just not my thang.
Sorry for the novel, my afternoon meds are kicking in.