CFZ If we want serious playoff success, we can’t continue this

The refs are born into a country where 50% of the entire place HATES the Cowboys. It's not even conspiracy its about the human brain. Anyone who thinks the refs are robots and don't call games based on their up bringing is the actual conspiracy theorist.

The only person who ever walked this planet that could call a fair unbiased game is Jesus. Everyone else is doing there best to act like they aren't biased one way or the other. The fact that even offends you probably means you'd call 10 penalties on the Cowboys yourself.
The recent eagles game is a prime example.
No it’s not and it was explained to you why. Two penalties on extra points that did nothing to alter the outcome aren’t equal to penalties that sustained or ruined drives. If you can’t understand why those aren’t equivalent you’re incapable of engaging in a discussion of penalties
The refs are born into a country where 50% of the entire place HATES the Cowboys. It's not even conspiracy its about the human brain. Anyone who thinks the refs are robots and don't call games based on their up bringing is the actual conspiracy theorist.

The only person who ever walked this planet that could call a fair unbiased game is Jesus. Everyone else is doing there best to act like they aren't biased one way or the other. The fact that even offends you probably means you'd call 10 penalties on the Cowboys yourself.
Thing is, you're assuming that the refs can't be professionals and set aside any biases to perform their jobs - all 7 of them on the field at the same time. Every time I hear that, I think of it as straight up projection. I mean, pilots have biases too by your definition but if they hate a particular airport, are they going to wildcat it and not land there when it's their job to do it for an airline, or even higher up the chain, a pilot in military combat on a rescue mission he or she hates doing for a particular country they despise? But for an in-depth examination, you should consult with the poster here who claims to have actually officiated sports and reports that there's no time to even consider biases because you're doing your best to not mess up and attract scrutiny from bosses/coaches, etc., much less actually take time to plot something out with those variables at play. But we believe what we believe ..... cuz we're biased, I guess. Lol.
The refs are born into a country where 50% of the entire place HATES the Cowboys. It's not even conspiracy its about the human brain. Anyone who thinks the refs are robots and don't call games based on their up bringing is the actual conspiracy theorist.

The only person who ever walked this planet that could call a fair unbiased game is Jesus. Everyone else is doing there best to act like they aren't biased one way or the other. The fact that even offends you probably means you'd call 10 penalties on the Cowboys yourself.
I've highlighted this many many times but people still refuse to acknowledge. As if referees are the only segment of the human race that is completely beyond reproach.
Thing is, you're assuming that the refs can't be professionals and set aside any biases to perform their jobs - all 7 of them on the field at the same time. Every time I hear that, I think of it as straight up projection. I mean, pilots have biases too by your definition but if they hate a particular airport, are they going to wildcat it and not land there when it's their job to do it for an airline, or even higher up the chain, a pilot in military combat on a rescue mission he or she hates doing for a particular country they despise? But for an in-depth examination, you should consult with the poster here who claims to have actually officiated sports and reports that there's no time to even consider biases because you're doing your best to not mess up and attract scrutiny from bosses/coaches, etc., much less actually take time to plot something out with those variables at play. But we believe what we believe ..... cuz we're biased, I guess. Lol.

I've never seen a penalty thrown by all 7 refs. When that happens your argument will work.
I would be interested in a statistical study that looks at player's penalty history in college vs. the NFL. I'll bet there's a strong correlation.

If the team makes intelligence and discipline more of a priority in player acquisition, the penalty situation will improve.

Some penalties are inevitable- the occasional holding or PI, but these pre-snap penalties are just dumb.
We cannot continue to be #1 in penalties . As of today, the Cowboys continue to lead the league in penalties averaging nearly 9 penalties a game. We are tied with Ariz with 69 accepted penalties but Ariz has done it in 10 games while the Cowboys have done it in 9. And it’s the pre-snap penalties that are the most egregious. We are second only to the hapless bears in pre-snap penalties. Over 1/3 of the called penalties are pre-snap. That’s not a ref conspiracy.

If we are serious about a deep playoff run, we can’t keep having these penalty problems, Why? In the last ten years, only one Super Bowl winner has finished even in the top 5 in penalties and that was Seattle in 2013. All nine other SB winners finished much lower in penalty numbers.

Here is how each SB winner the last decade finished in penalty rankings:
  • 2013 Sea- finished 1st in penalty numbers
  • 2014 NE- finished 6th in penalties.
  • 2015 Den- finished 14th in penalties.
  • 2016 NE- finished 31st in penalties.
  • 2017- Filly- finished 13th in penalties.
  • 2018- NE- finished 29th
  • 2019- KC- finished 19th
  • 2020- TB finished 27th
  • 2021- LARams- finished 31st
  • 2022- KC finished 28th.
Over the last decade of SB winners, the average penalty ranking for them was 19.9.
If the Cowboys are to be serious contenders in the playoffs, the penalty problems must be reduced.
Love your stuff Bob but this group on CZ, is not capable of not thinking there is not a conspiracy against the Cowboys.
Remember that season not to long ago when Cowboys opponents were not flagged for a single offensive holding for like 9 straight games? There is no force on Earth that will get me to believe that was just coincidence. The NFL screws the Cowboys every chance it gets. I know it has to be chafin Goodell's britches somethin fierce that we will be at home for all three games of the Thanksgiving stretch. Guarantee you we will not see that for another 10 years. Especially if we win all three.
Remember this? :banghead:

If this is still an issue during the playoffs........MM should be fired immediately.

Cowboys tie NFL record for most penalties in playoff game in wild card loss to 49ers​

The Cowboys committed 14 penalties in the loss to the 49ers​

Jan 16, 2022 at 8:45 pm ET•1 min read
Yes, this was the game where we had a former Dallas Cowboy Nate Jones reffing the game, and we STILL couldn't catch a break. If there was ever a game to take advantage of ref bias, it was that one, lol.
No it’s not and it was explained to you why. Two penalties on extra points that did nothing to alter the outcome aren’t equal to penalties that sustained or ruined drives. If you can’t understand why those aren’t equivalent you’re incapable of engaging in a discussion of penalties
I’m referring to the eagles receiving 3 penalties for 56 yards in the last minute of play. Those were not on XP plays. They had 10 penalties for 98 yards in the game. I’m not familiar with what you are referring to ACF but youre welcome to disagree.
No penalty conspiracy makes any sense bc it is in the NFL financial best interest to have the cowboys alive in the playoffs for as long as possible. They are the leagues top draw.
Right. The officiating in the NFL is a mess no doubt. But thinking it is some kind of conspiracy against the Dallas Cowboys in my book is just fanaticism.

If the NFL wanted one team to be in the SB for the ratings and hoopla, wouldn’t it be Dallas?
Right. The officiating in the NFL is a mess no doubt. But thinking it is some kind of conspiracy against the Dallas Cowboys in my book is just fanaticism.

If the NFL wanted one team to be in the SB for the ratings and hoopla, wouldn’t it be Dallas?
Their dream superbowl is dallas pittsburgh and it’s not even close … that’s why i don’t get why half this board thinks the NFL wants to keep us down.
Pre-snap penalties are not arbitrary. We have 26 pre-snap penalties including a league leading 11 penalties for simply lining up off sides. There’s nothing arbitrary about that or the 10 false starts, or delay of game calls.

Yes holding calls on O or D can be arbitrary, but there are 9 teams in the league with more offensive holding calls than us. We lead the league in defensive holding calls with 13, but there are 8 other teams that have 10-12.

And if the argument is “They never call the other team”, the Cowboys are 4th in the league in beneficiary calls, meaning they have had quite a few calls go their way. The recent eagles game is a prime example.
THANK YOU! And @MarcusRock , you seem to be the only sane people left in this matter. Sad.
Their dream superbowl is dallas pittsburgh and it’s not even close … that’s why i don’t get why half this board thinks the NFL wants to keep us down.
They ride Dallas for ratings during the regular season, but Dallas losing on the Big Stage (playoffs) is a best seller. The Super Bowl gets ratings because it’s an event. Trailers, special commercials, food sales/deals, special entertainment, etc., etc.

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