CZ POLL If you could change only one, would you change Quarterback, Coach or Ownership?

Which of the three options would you change if you could only make one come true?

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Dan Patrick interviewed Dob Sturm on his show this morning. The entire interview can be heard and seen below but the video starts at the 3:14 mark where Patrick poses the question. Some people will automatically say all three or even more but I respect Sturm for sticking to the question and giving an answer. I agree with him 100%.

Dak no question about it he's a choker like romo


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If Dak stays, nothing changes.
It's that simple.
The Cowboys condone the way he's played and the way he's choked every year.
And Jason Garrett 2.0 still runs the team into the ground.

The Fonz

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Would it make any difference to you if the choices were:
  • Tiny Tim
  • Bob Cratchit
  • Ebenezer Scrooge
I ask because, while the three options above are from A Christmas Carol and the poll's options are three real people, both the thread question and its premise are complete make believe. Fantasy. Not real. Imaginary. Pure fiction, like Tiny, Bob and Scrooge.

There is no right answer. However, any vote is based neither upon fact nor contextual consequence. It is just a What If You Had The Power question. No one here has that power regardless of whomever they choose or do NOT choose.
In this case JJ by a mile


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Well I would get rid of Jerry with the hope the next GM would immediately get rid of mccarthy. But if the next in line is Stephen, what does it really matter?


1st Round Pick
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If you want the team to go deep into the playoffs, they have to make the playoffs first. This team will not make the playoffs without Dak. God bless your heart for appointing yourself the speaker for "anyone" but I'll pass on you speaking for me. Dak has to do better in the playoffs but we won't even get there without him.
You’re delusional if you think the overwhelming majority of Cowboys fans don’t share my opinion about the regular season. Sorry bud.

Accident waiting to happen has been confirmed over and over and over.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Well I would get rid of Jerry with the hope the next GM would immediately get rid of mccarthy. But if the next in line is Stephen, what does it really matter?
Bold> Good question. Maybe Dan Patrick did not consider your perspective when he posed the question to Bob Sturm? Perhaps he and Bob Sturm did not think it was relevant since it is extremely likely that the removal of a team owner would be replaced by another team owner, who would not retain the previous team owner's family as executive of their newly purchased franchise?

Patrick is getting up there in age. He may not give as much weight to tiny consequential details like he used to. I blame the Dan-netts myself.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Dan Patrick interviewed Dob Sturm on his show this morning. The entire interview can be heard and seen below but the video starts at the 3:14 mark where Patrick poses the question. Some people will automatically say all three or even more but I respect Sturm for sticking to the question and giving an answer. I agree with him 100%.

Is this a trick question?
Jerry controls the other 2 positions
So this Choice is obvious.


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I would have voted Jerry but we all know that ain't happening and we all know McCarthy is coming back, so I am rooting for the only possible outcome that would give me any semblance of hope, getting rid of Dak!
And how can you say that??? You get rid of Dak-whose your guy that's going to give you hope?????? Dak gave you hope at 12-5. Name your hypothetical q.b. that's going to get you 12-5???? I get you don't like Dak but you just screaming in the wind because you have nothing better. Give me something better. What's your plan???? Anybody can vent but if you can't even come up with one scenario that makes Dallas better by getting rid of Dak. All you doing is venting. But vent on....


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If Dak stays, nothing changes.
It's that simple.
The Cowboys condone the way he's played and the way he's choked every year.
And Jason Garrett 2.0 still runs the team into the ground.
If Jerry stays involved w/ the team, nothing changes.


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And how can you say that??? You get rid of Dak-who’s your guy that's going to give you hope?????? Dak gave you hope at 12-5. Name your hypothetical q.b. that's going to get you 12-5???? I get you don't like Dak but you just screaming in the wind because you have nothing better. Give me something better. What's your plan???? Anybody can vent but if you can't even come up with one scenario that makes Dallas better by getting rid of Dak. All you doing is venting. But vent on..
The Cowboys can go 17-0 and out score their opponents 48-0 in all 17 games and they will still lose in the wild card round because our QB is a Front Running QB who likes playing with a big league, to pad his stats.
He couldn’t make a play for us if we needed him to, even if he had a gun to his head!

Chuck 54

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I cannot vote because I’m okay with all three, not that there aren’t better options at all 3 jobs.
I just do not see this team doing anything until someone commits to fixing the defense. Yes, I believe you cannot win without a running game, so that requires fixing too, but you cannot win with a garbage finesse defense that cannot control the interior. That’s why the adage has always been that you build a good defense from the inside out because the finesse positions mean nothing if you cannot take away the run.

Our DTs and LBs are among the absolute worst in the NFL. Every time we look at a DT, we question his pass rush potential, not his ability to take on double teams, to shed blocks and make tackles. We want our LBs fast and able to cover and blitz, not satisfied with the bigger thumpers who take on blocks, have instincts and live to hit RBs. The design is flawed. That is not a defense that can even compete in playoff football or against the better teams.


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The Cowboys can go 17-0 and out score their opponents 48-0 in all 17 games and the will still lose in the wild card round because our QB is a Front Running, playing with a big league, stat sucking QB!
He couldn’t make a play for us if we needed him to if he had a gun to his head!
That would apply to the whole team. Thus until you fix this. You can holler Dak until the cows come home. Even if Dak had put up 40. We still would of lost......You serious????? Blaming one guy for this mess of last Sunday :facepalm: :laugh:You weren't saying this before the Packers game....Our defense played like this in DC we would of lost the last season game....If you counting on Dak...Dak or bust in any game?? Good luck with that and probably 28 other q.b's in the league.


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You’re delusional if you think the overwhelming majority of Cowboys fans don’t share my opinion about the regular season. Sorry bud.

Accident waiting to happen has been confirmed over and over and over.
You're delusional for thinking the majority of Cowboys fans share your opinion about the regular season. I'd even add it's downright narcissistic to think that highly of your own opinion. God bless you for saying what you think, however. Say it with your chest! Just don't assume the majority agree with you.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Is this a trick question?
Jerry controls the other 2 positions
So this Choice is obvious.
I doubt Dan Patrick posed it as a trick question. Rather, I believe he asked Bob Sturm the question of a Dallas fan what they considered would be a short and long term hypothetical solution that would get the franchise back on track.

Please remember one thing. Dan Patrick has regularly questioned the logic of having a GM/owner in Dallas. So, it makes sense he would ask Sturm the question.

I bet Patrick would get a chuckle reviewing this poll. It would certainly help clear up any uncertainty for him how Dallas fans in general feel about the franchise underachieving during both the past few seasons and for decades.
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