Its.....'I'm not any good at winning but I am at making money so you should still consider me to be great.'
Horrific. I really haven't been this disgusted in a long while.
Exactly, and my fandom with this team is starting to dangle. It was at a medium level, but I'm slowly starting to give up on this team. I'll always stay on this board, and I still intend to be a Cowboys fan, but the comment that Jerry made guts me and makes me wonder why I still support this club. It's clear that he doesn't care. It's clear that we probably won't win any time soon because all the FO wants to win is the Forbes Bowl, and Stephen looks worse. Yet, I still plan to stay a Cowboys fan as long as I can stomach it. This is the first time I've truly questioned my fandom. I'm not bailing, but I can't help but question it, you know?