FEATURED Morning Pops!


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The title of the video literally means "thick dance". I would have translated it as "dancing large" :)

A few years ago, my wife and I were vacationing in Bali - a Russian favorite - when a man of equally large dimensions strolled down the beach. In front of us, sunbathing, was a young lady in, what could only be described as,a dental floss bikini. As he passed by, he literally sucked his entire gut into his chest and proceeded to flirt with her while seemingly holding his breath. It was an amazing display of breath control.

Although we couldn't hear their discussion, I entertained my wife by voicing both the large fellow and the tiny bikini lady's conversations. I am easily amused.

Well played, nice touch making it about the conversation and the guy holding his gut in while checking out the tini wini kini. Did your wife notice how long you were holding your breath while voicing their conversations. Good effect while doing his part of the conversation.


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Well played, nice touch making it about the conversation and the guy holding his gut in while checking out the tini wini kini. Did your wife notice how long you were holding your breath while voicing their conversations. Good effect while doing his part of the conversation.
She really appreciated my falsetto voice.. quite an talent, I might add


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit this Friday.

Well, I have no idea how this weekend is going to play out. I woke up to this vid and I am suddenly in the wilderness. I have no words..........

How is everybody doing today? Wife got home last night, flight was delayed, of course so Dinner went to crap. I had planned on grilling up some steaks and Spuds and Corn on the Cobb. I guess we'll have that today maybe. We ended up just heading straight from the AP to Laguna Burger down on 12th Street and we had a Green Chile Cheese Burger and a Frito Pie Dog. Not what I planned but it's still pretty good.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, what kind of trouble are you all planning for this weekend?

Everybody, the weekend is upon us. Finish up the day, get your weekend on! Just remember, be careful, be safe and be good to people along the way.



Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and peeps.

Well, this was my last full week of work until the week before Christmas. I have a day off each week through the rest of the year, other than that week. Most of the days are days following Cowboys games, so I can watch them all........We have to have priorities; it's what separates us from the animals....Well, that and opposable thumbs...and money....and cell phones...I guess while I'm at it, I should mention cars, toothbrushes, and cooking those animals.


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Afternoon Pops and friends.
The title of the video literally means "thick dance". I would have translated it as "dancing large" :)
I'd call that the scene from Fantasia with a dancing hippo. What possesses certain men to adorn themselves with a Speedo?

Wife got home last night, flight was delayed, of course so Dinner went to crap. I had planned on grilling up some steaks and Spuds and Corn on the Cobb. I guess we'll have that today maybe. We ended up just heading straight from the AP to Laguna Burger down on 12th Street and we had a Green Chile Cheese Burger and a Frito Pie Dog. Not what I planned but it's still pretty good.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, what kind of trouble are you all planning for this weekend?

Everybody, the weekend is upon us. Finish up the day, get your weekend on! Just remember, be careful, be safe and be good to people along the way.

I'm glad your wife made it home safely. THIS is proof positive that you're a Cowboys fan. I couldn't stand Randall Cobb until this year and now I really do like him.

As to what kind of trouble we're going to get into, we've nominated Coach to fill in that blank for the group. His imagination stretches to the outer reaches through time and space. What ever we could think about doing, he can think of something far more interesting.

Runny, I hope this 4 day work week works out well for you. On your off days you can spend one minute thinking about the NY runs and then move on. Maybe get errands done that day so the weekends will be free.

Let us all have a moment of silence for Leon no longer being on the beach....................................... Thank you. Best wishes for Jan with her D & B. Good luck to Dabz on the football picks. I watched part of last night's game and rooted hard for GB to lose. I hope I didn't waste good juju on that. Tony Romo on the Gruden hot line commercial is trying to talk to me about my superstitions. He hasn't had much luck. I wasn't rooting for anyone to win if someone wants to question my football loyalties. I was moved when one of the Beagles took another player out. It looked like the entire team was on the field gathered around him. In my eyes, that's a sign of a healthy team spirit. I would like to acquire the GB kicker so my butt doesn't pucker every time Maher lines up to kick. o_O

I would like to accomplish something this weekend and celebrate a Cowboys victory afterwards. Here's hoping we all celebrate the Cowboys win Sunday night. Happy Friday.


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Good evening Pops and friends. The last several mornings we’ve seen flocks of wild parrots. They are somewhat common around here and are a noisy bunch. Sure wish I could trap one and teach it how to say, How Bout Dem Cowboys!

It’s Friday. Enjoy the weekend everyone.


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Good evening Pops and friends. The last several mornings we’ve seen flocks of wild parrots. They are somewhat common around here and are a noisy bunch. Sure wish I could trap one and teach it how to say, How Bout Dem Cowboys!

It’s Friday. Enjoy the weekend everyone.
You should catch all of them to teach them how to say that. People will pay good money for a parrot with excellent taste in NFL teams. On the gruesome side, people elsewhere might pay too just to shut them up.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Welcome to the Weekend! I made it home safely. Now I have to figure out what chores to do first.

I stayed in a little motel/hotel in Nassau called Nettie's Place at Causarina. Before ordering dinner I sat with owner who is 86 years old and has received many awards in her life including two Woman Entrepreneur of the Year titles. She wanted to know all about me and the effects of Dorian on Freeport. She walked in just in time the next morning for me to give her a hug and a God Bless, before boarding my taxi to the airport.

The food at Nettie's was delicious. The cook told me they had small red snapper so I ordered that. It was small enough that I got the whole fish, fried, head, tail and all. The seasoning was terrific and it was fried to perfection, served with rice and cole slaw that was also really good. I had never eaten a whole fish before but once I got the hang of picking the meat off I picked the bones clean. The cook said I ate it like a pro, but this morning, one of the women who worked there asked me if I ate the head. She said to be Bahamian you have to eat the head too. I didn't know there was meat in the head, but she said there was. Next time. Maybe.

Have a great weekend Y'all.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Welcome to the Weekend! I made it home safely. Now I have to figure out what chores to do first.

I stayed in a little motel/hotel in Nassau called Nettie's Place at Causarina. Before ordering dinner I sat with owner who is 86 years old and has received many awards in her life including two Woman Entrepreneur of the Year titles. She wanted to know all about me and the effects of Dorian on Freeport. She walked in just in time the next morning for me to give her a hug and a God Bless, before boarding my taxi to the airport.

The food at Nettie's was delicious. The cook told me they had small red snapper so I ordered that. It was small enough that I got the whole fish, fried, head, tail and all. The seasoning was terrific and it was fried to perfection, served with rice and cole slaw that was also really good. I had never eaten a whole fish before but once I got the hang of picking the meat off I picked the bones clean. The cook said I ate it like a pro, but this morning, one of the women who worked there asked me if I ate the head. She said to be Bahamian you have to eat the head too. I didn't know there was meat in the head, but she said there was. Next time. Maybe.

Have a great weekend Y'all.
I can't give you a like for this. The thought of eating fish nauseates me, and the thought of eating the head reminds me of the 2 Jamaican guys at work who put fish in the microwave, so I can't even go into the break room for the rest of the day.


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Morning Pops and fish head eaters, now I've sucked plenty of crawfish heads but I've never munched on a fish head and won't even eat sardines with them looking at me because there's always one with sad "why did you kill me" eyes.

I'd bet if Hooters replaced wings with fried fish heads, ole Runny fall right into line, smiling and nodding his approval. "Quan Lo, you eat the eye out of that side of the head and I'll eat the eye out of this side and we'll meet in the middle".

Well, I see it's that time on Saturday again when my Hogs line up for the slaughter so I will bid y'all adieu and make this the best weekend of September, this is your last chance.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and fish head eaters, now I've sucked plenty of crawfish heads but I've never munched on a fish head and won't even eat sardines with them looking at me because there's always one with sad "why did you kill me" eyes.

I'd bet if Hooters replaced wings with fried fish heads, ole Runny fall right into line, smiling and nodding his approval. "Quan Lo, you eat the eye out of that side of the head and I'll eat the eye out of this side and we'll meet in the middle".

Well, I see it's that time on Saturday again when my Hogs line up for the slaughter so I will bid y'all adieu and make this the best weekend of September, this is your last chance.
No sir. When the girls eat with me, I tell them if they order any type of seafood, they have to eat it somewhere else, because I can't eat my food if I can smell it. (and if you're thinking what I think you're probably thinking...If it really smells like fish, someone needs to see a doctor.)


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Afternoon Pops and friends. This has to be addressed right away, no eating fish brains!!! That's just nasty and any culture that demands it is one I can live without. Just say "I'm an American AND a Dallas Cowboys fan. No culture that's too lazy to remove the head can force me to do something unnatural like that."

I spent last night working on a playlist for peeling wallpaper, patching the wall and painting it. I must avoid high tempo stuff to avoid a bigger mess than I want to clean. I'm afraid I spent more time on the playlist than I will on the bathroom. It's a small price to pay for a good playlist.

Have a good Saturday my homies.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Afternoon Pops and friends. This has to be addressed right away, no eating fish brains!!! That's just nasty and any culture that demands it is one I can live without. Just say "I'm an American AND a Dallas Cowboys fan. No culture that's too lazy to remove the head can force me to do something unnatural like that."

I spent last night working on a playlist for peeling wallpaper, patching the wall and painting it. I must avoid high tempo stuff to avoid a bigger mess than I want to clean. I'm afraid I spent more time on the playlist than I will on the bathroom. It's a small price to pay for a good playlist.

Have a good Saturday my homies.
That's what I was thinking: By the time you finish your playlist, you could've been done......Next time just put it on random.....unless you have to have music that's germane to the activity, like Alan Jackson's Hole in the Wall.


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That's what I was thinking: By the time you finish your playlist, you could've been done......Next time just put it on random.....unless you have to have music that's germane to the activity, like Alan Jackson's Hole in the Wall.
I get so involved in the music that it can dictate how well or poorly the job will be. Without music, my mind wanders off and I get bored much faster. Music keeps me on track. Up tempo music can have me slinging paint out into the hallway. It's right across from the A/C vent so I don't want to sand a poorly patched job either. So much trouble to get into and so little time after the playlist is done.


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Evening Pops and everyone.

Been an interesting couple of days. I'm going to vent here, not for sympathy, but out of shear anger and distress. Thursday starts with news that my close friend with the cancer in his sinus cavity (neuro blastoma) (this is my main battle buddy) had possibly fallen and been disoriented the night before and has slurred speech. The decision was made by Noon on Thursday to place him in hospice care being told he likely had less than 30 days (my heart starts breaking...). Wife is told to get the kids in to see him while he's still able to respond to them. Friday comes and he is totally unresponsive (my heart is now coming apart in pieces...). I know what's coming and it's coming fast. This morning I'm getting food ready for this weekend's get together with the daughter and getting ready to leave fur the airport to pick her and the beau up and I get the message my friend (his name is Mark, by the way... only fitting he has a name) has passed away (heart. shattered.) I can't even begin to tell you how important we were to each other in this journey. It wasn't supposed to end this way. Damned doctors know how to cure this monster and for the sake of the almighty $ they and the pharmaceutical companies just won't let it happen. There's too much money to be made and I'm so angry about being used as a guinea pig and countless lives being lost while others get rich. We were supposed to finish this fight together. Now I stand alone. EVERYONE I know with cancer has died but for myself and one other friend that just got her diagnosis. I don't mind saying the survivor's guilt is tough to bear and I don't know how to handle this. I think I need to talk to my doctor. I'm losing my mind.

I have to try to focus on tomorrow.

Sorry for the long vent. I needed to.

Goodnight all.


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Evening Pops and everyone.

Been an interesting couple of days. I'm going to vent here, not for sympathy, but out of shear anger and distress. Thursday starts with news that my close friend with the cancer in his sinus cavity (neuro blastoma) (this is my main battle buddy) had possibly fallen and been disoriented the night before and has slurred speech. The decision was made by Noon on Thursday to place him in hospice care being told he likely had less than 30 days (my heart starts breaking...). Wife is told to get the kids in to see him while he's still able to respond to them. Friday comes and he is totally unresponsive (my heart is now coming apart in pieces...). I know what's coming and it's coming fast. This morning I'm getting food ready for this weekend's get together with the daughter and getting ready to leave fur the airport to pick her and the beau up and I get the message my friend (his name is Mark, by the way... only fitting he has a name) has passed away (heart. shattered.) I can't even begin to tell you how important we were to each other in this journey. It wasn't supposed to end this way. Damned doctors know how to cure this monster and for the sake of the almighty $ they and the pharmaceutical companies just won't let it happen. There's too much money to be made and I'm so angry about being used as a guinea pig and countless lives being lost while others get rich. We were supposed to finish this fight together. Now I stand alone. EVERYONE I know with cancer has died but for myself and one other friend that just got her diagnosis. I don't mind saying the survivor's guilt is tough to bear and I don't know how to handle this. I think I need to talk to my doctor. I'm losing my mind.

I have to try to focus on tomorrow.

Sorry for the long vent. I needed to.

Goodnight all.
I feel I need to respond if, for no other reason than I have been in your shoes. A good friend of mine - who is therapist - told me a long time ago that it is alright to be angry, it is alright to vent... provided it is focused, provided you know why your angry. And, above all, there is no need to be apologetic.

Wish I could offer you more words of wisdom and comfort.