FEATURED Morning Pops!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Yeah, those things aren't cheap, for sure. I had two whisper generators, Honda Whisper Generators 3000 watt. I used them for camping etc. Long story short, when we were moving from our old house to the new one, they got stolen. Generators are not cheap so never replaced them. Hell, I might not ever replace them, don't know. But they are nice to have handy for sure.
The one I was looking at is a Generac 8000 watt. Enough to run my whole house if needed.


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Good morning Pops and friends. I got all my plants in the ground yesterday and would like to declare it as work. There was no fun or joy in avoiding ant piles, watching out for snakes or digging up grass roots and uncovering earthworms. The only positive was it's not hot yet. I have got to stop ordering flowers. I'm still mad at myself from yesterday for creating work for myself. I'm speaking to myself but in chilly tones. Yeah, I caught it and plan to reciprocate in kind. I don't know who I think I am talking to me like that.

While on break from the back yard, I started hearing a loud unfamiliar sound that would die and restart. My poor neighbor was in his back yard trying to get his pawn shop hedge trimmer to work. I offered him mine and he was happy to take me up on the offer. I'm sort of very popular with my male neighbors because I have all the fancy yard tools. This one comes into my garage with reverence and eyes shooting around at all the gizmos. Another one that moved fell in love with my battery operated pole saw. He didn't think they'd actually cut. He was holding it and gazing lovingly upon it like a woman with a big diamond in Jared's.

Today is the day that Bailey and I will venture forth into the great unknown to make a bank deposit and get more Raising Cane's fried chicken (it's her favorite). I hope people haven't forgotten how to drive. I heard that! Yeah, I'm talking to me! I know that I know how to drive, but I don't know if I can trust me. I haven't killed me yet, so shut up!

The one I was looking at is a Generac 8000 watt. Enough to run my whole house if needed.
Runny, you need the Ronco Handy Dandy Super Fantastic Electrostatic Mondo Gnarly Generator. But wait! There's more! Act now and we will throw in a 2019 Calendar and a half eaten Almond Joy candy bar! Order now and we will knock 50 cents off the price. But wait, we're not done! If Dave is still on a diet, we will have a whole Almond Joy tomorrow. Act now!

Have a good day everyone!


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and friends. I got all my plants in the ground yesterday and would like to declare it as work. There was no fun or joy in avoiding ant piles, watching out for snakes or digging up grass roots and uncovering earthworms. The only positive was it's not hot yet. I have got to stop ordering flowers. I'm still mad at myself from yesterday for creating work for myself. I'm speaking to myself but in chilly tones. Yeah, I caught it and plan to reciprocate in kind. I don't know who I think I am talking to me like that.

While on break from the back yard, I started hearing a loud unfamiliar sound that would die and restart. My poor neighbor was in his back yard trying to get his pawn shop hedge trimmer to work. I offered him mine and he was happy to take me up on the offer. I'm sort of very popular with my male neighbors because I have all the fancy yard tools. This one comes into my garage with reverence and eyes shooting around at all the gizmos. Another one that moved fell in love with my battery operated pole saw. He didn't think they'd actually cut. He was holding it and gazing lovingly upon it like a woman with a big diamond in Jared's.

Today is the day that Bailey and I will venture forth into the great unknown to make a bank deposit and get more Raising Cane's fried chicken (it's her favorite). I hope people haven't forgotten how to drive. I heard that! Yeah, I'm talking to me! I know that I know how to drive, but I don't know if I can trust me. I haven't killed me yet, so shut up!

Runny, you need the Ronco Handy Dandy Super Fantastic Electrostatic Mondo Gnarly Generator. But wait! There's more! Act now and we will throw in a 2019 Calendar and a half eaten Almond Joy candy bar! Order now and we will knock 50 cents off the price. But wait, we're not done! If Dave is still on a diet, we will have a whole Almond Joy tomorrow. Act now!

Have a good day everyone!
Thanks Doll! If that were half a Mounds, I'd take you up on that offer, but I don't feel like a nut.... maybe next week.


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Evening Pops and everyone.

Hmmm...haven't been watching the news (or doing much of anything if I'm being honest) so not sure what is happening outside... storm sirens are going off like crazy! Maybe I'll get caught up in a storm similar to Wizard of Oz (I really dislike that movie) and my cares will all blow away! A girl can dream.

I hear the river is rising again. Seems like we just got past last year's flooding. Those poor restaurants and other businesses downtown here are still recovering and some just finished their rebuilds over the past couple months and had to shut their doors, some for good, because this virus mess. The combination of the two has absolutely killed some of these businesses and they've given up.

Tomorrow marks one week until closing. I wonder what else will be missing from the house when I do my walk through they day before. It is what it is. I let my guard down and trusted someone again. That's what I get and why I'm joining the ranks of the female version of Curmudgeons/REclusive PErsonS. CREPES for short:D.


"We Are Penn State"
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and all those "starved" for a great dining experience at your favorite restaurant.

With little or no fanfare, we closed on the Montana property yesterday. It is amazingly scary what can be done via the internet and secure, electronic signatures. Gone are the days of appearing in person at the title company.

With the gorgeous weather, we've started our annual "spring" cleaning around our current home - trimming trees and preparing the garden for planting. Much to my surprise, I found that I had run over a couple of sprinkler heads adjacent to the driveway. Last fall, I put 2 foot marker poles near each sprinkler head so I wouldn't.. umm, run over them. Forgot to account for snow drifts. :)

We are scheduled to drive to Yellowstone in mid-May. We booked our stay in the park almost a year ago and, to be honest, it is not looking all that great that we will go. It is a shame - we had planned an epic road trip.

Well, the hot tea is ready and there is a beautiful full moon overlooking the balcony. I think the cats and I will head outdoors.

Have a good week everyone!


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Morning Pops and all you little humpsters. Journeyed forth to the HEB this morning and the place was filled with about 50% bandits who think that mask replaces social distancing and the employees are getting stressed out trying to keep people out of their space. I like my space and do not like crowds anyway but now they might have cooties so I think this social distancing should continue for the rest of my life. After that, y'all can do whatever you want just don't let them put anybody else's ashes in the urn with me and cramp my style.

Speaking of HEB, and I was, the rumours (Fleetwood Mac spelling)are out there that 5 of the central Texas stores have employees with it but I can't verify that but I can verify that they were twitchier at this store than I've seen them.

My main reason for venturing forth was to get labs done for my semi-annual check up for my upcoming scolding from my doc about my self indulging lifestyle. The man is persistent and his PA gets ready for when he's going to lecture me about the evils of whiskey and cigars. The PA is a young guy named Austin and he's been his PA for a couple of years and he likes me because I make him laugh.

The last time I was there, my doc did the "how many drinks per week" question and I don't know if he's noticed it or not but my answer keeps increasing and getting closer to the truth. He advised me to cut back on the cigars and whiskey so he got the question back, for which he's admitted he doesn't have a good answer. "Doc, you want me to cut back on the only two vices I have left that make living worthwhile in order to extend my life of depriving myself of the only two things left"? Austin laughed out loud and the doc shot him a look but he was still laughing and gave me that "well, as long as you put it that way" look.

I do not limit or ration myself on these lovely virtues, as I prefer to call them. The one thing that medical people have yet to define but like the phrase anyway is "quality of life". What total BS to be so arrogant to use that phrase for someone else's life. Being alive isn't the same as living.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, pops and pen pals. Another lazy day around the Dixson household. I might break down and do some mowing but nothing is definite so don't hold me to it. The coffee was good this morning and I'm ready to binge watch Netflix if necessary. :laugh: Take care folks.


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Morning Pops and those awaiting another weather alert from me. The rain is moving back in, I do not know if this is the rain from Spain that stays mainly on the plain but it could very well be. Supposed to go from this afternoon through Sunday morning and get cooler, it was 92 yesterday.

I don't know what's going on but the planes have started coming in again. Not up to the usual 5-15 a day during the season but I've already seen 3 this morning. I live right under the approach from the East, which is how they bring them all in. If things are back to "normal" by Memorial Day, should see 40-50 flights pass over on the TH and FR preceding. Maybe more considering how locked in people have been feeling. The resort is still shut down but the traffic is starting to pick up and I think that's the first sign of people being mad as hell and not taking it any longer.

They know there's a time limit to restricting people's movements. And Texans are their own kind of free. I do look forward to seeing those full trams and buses tooling around the resort again because while I do like my solitude, having people moving around me all the time and some action makes me feel good. I can be alone yet not lonely. I also miss the dogs with their heads sticking out of the window because about every third vehicle has one, it's like it's a rule.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all of those who stop in to check out the thread today.

Everyone, welcome to Thursday! Day is half way done and then we are on to Friday!

What is everybody got going on today? Tired of listening to the News, tired of listening to Sports Talk Shows that are discussing nothing at all about sports. Looking for a new Steak Marinade. Want to get some steaks Marinaded and grill em up on Sat.

Looks like it's going to be a nice afternoon today. This is normally a nice time of year here in NM, if the wind isn't blowing. Weather is cool, not cold, not hot. Air is clear because you get wind to blow out any smog etc. What a waste this year. No opportunity to go out and enjoy it.........

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well. Keep your chins up!

Everybody, enjoy the day! Stay Positive and above all, God Bless You All......


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. We have a blue sky this morning for the first time in over a week and it's refreshing. I need to get back into my walking routine. It won't be the same as walking on the beach, though. Have a good day, friends.


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Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

What a glorious morning! I am bundled up in a housecoat and blanket sitting on our balcony watching the day start.

The sounds from the forest are intoxicating: Canadian geese flying north, hummingbirds buzzing about, goofy turkeys scratching in my wife's raised garden (silly turkeys, nothing is planted yet) and, somewhere in the distance, a lone coyote is yipping.

I am trying to remember why I want to move to Montana. Oh yeah, I am happily married and I want to remain that way.

Today is shaping up to be smoked meat day - ribs, brisket and double thick pork chops - we'll be set to ride out the zombie apocalypse.



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Good morning Pops and weekenders.

Colo, the sounds of the forest are indeed intoxicating. I will be getting drunk on the sounds of lawnmowers, trimmers and leaf blowers formed out of a jet engine. I think the resort is getting ready to reopen because the landscaping crew has been busy the last couple of days but they haven't turned the fountains back on yet, at least the two main ones.

Leon, play "The Girl form Ipanema" while you're walking and imagine the gravel between your toes.

The rest of all y'all, carry on with abandon.