FEATURED Morning Pops!


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and check out the thread this Friday.

Speaking of Which, Happy Friday Everybody!

Sounds like folks are enjoying a nice day around the Country. That's good, go out and do that!

RW, how you hanging in Buddy? Sounds like you guys got it bad in your neck of the woods. Hope you are staying safe my friend!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how are you all doing?

Everybody, gonna post this and leave you with it on this Fine Friday. Everybody, enjoy the weekend but stay safe, be well!



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Morning Pops and friends. I may as well be honest with you, my brain needs a tune up. I keep trying to engage it so I can interact with you, but it's like the wheels aren't gripping the belt. This could simply be a case of not enough caffeine or I really wasn't ready to wake up.

I spoke to one of my neighbors yesterday as the nice weather beckoned us outdoors. I can usually put the beckon on ignore, but there were things needing done. Still are if I'm going to languish in A/C this year which is a high priority of mine. Oh yea, the neighbor. She said she's been crying over the isolation. I sort of gave that small dog cocking it's head look and must have pissed her off. Another neighbor's small child got loose while I was pressure washing my patio. The kid called for me with zero comprehension of pressure washing being a thing. I waved at her twice but that wasn't good enough for her. Then she screamed at the top of her lungs (crap!) several times until she got the attention of her parents and was pulled inside. Today I found a large chunk of concrete in my yard where she'd been climbing the fence at. I finally grasped the true meaning of "good fences make good neighbors". I'm thinking I need a nice little Berlin wall here.

I should pressure wash the driveway today. Best to catch myself while my brain is slipping gears before it gets back on track and finds me something else to do. Just some things I can do while I have the time.

I have to 'fess up, Leon. I've been slightly envious of your time on the beach.... ok sort of jealous... alright, downright green with envy. Now I feel terrible that you must trade sand and surf for concrete and asphalt. It's just not right!

Montanalo, all we can do is wish you luck with Montana. The neighbors will miss living so close to Gene Kelly in a bathrobe with his back up cats.

Have a Good Friday everyone!


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Montanalo, all we can do is wish you luck with Montana. The neighbors will miss living so close to Gene Kelly in a bathrobe with his back up cats.

Thanks, @Xelda. Hopefully, our current neighbors will miss us -- rather that, than for them to be overjoyed with our departure.

Speaking of neighbors, the nearest town to the property in Montana has about 800 people and is 15 minutes away. Very quaint... but it does have a really good micro-brewery and grill. We had lunch there once and I started a conversation with the owner/brew-master. He welcomed us to the "neighborhood" and then stated that while he was originally from New Mexico, he had lived in Montana for almost 30 years. While the home-grown locals are friendly, he indicated he is still perceived a "newbie"

In my best Ricky Ricardo voice, "Aye, yai yai!". Hopefully, my wife's warm, Russian personality will win them over. :)


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and check out the thread this Friday.

Speaking of Which, Happy Friday Everybody!

Sounds like folks are enjoying a nice day around the Country. That's good, go out and do that!

RW, how you hanging in Buddy? Sounds like you guys got it bad in your neck of the woods. Hope you are staying safe my friend!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how are you all doing?

Everybody, gonna post this and leave you with it on this Fine Friday. Everybody, enjoy the weekend but stay safe, be well!

Didn't have a run for me on Wednesday or Thursday, and rather than subjecting my arthritic spine to to joys of standing on concrete for 8 hours, making big piles of lumber into little piles of lumber and little piles of lumber into big piles of lumber, I decided to use a couple of vacation days. Then today we're shut down....Not a lot going on in the lumber business up here. They called me with a run for Monday, fortunately, but I'll get no overtime out of it. But 40 hours of work is better than unemployment.


"We Are Penn State"
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WOAH! Did my butt eat my swimsuit?


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Welcome to the Weekend! I took advantage of the first sunny day we've had in weeks here. I got ambitious and mowed my front and back lawns (almost half an acre) and my "back forty" field, which is almost half an acre too. Then I pruned the lower branches off two oak trees and a vitex tree.
Xelda, thanks for the thoughts.


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Morning Pops and all y'all. Well, yesterday was interesting as some people, quite a few actually, decided they'd had enough and there were golf carts all over the place and people at the putting course that's been closed for 3 weeks. It was more like normal for just a few hours in the afternoon and 5 planes came in.

I don't know what that little act of defiance was about but those people, 4-6 per cart, were having a better time than usual and hoopin' n hollerin' and just for a short time, the energy returned to this place.

As I sat there, waving and adding a hoop here and a holler there, with my libation and stogie in hand, I was really aware of how much I'd missed that and why I decide to stay here. I live alone but don't consider myself lonely but this has had it's effect on that and I need that energy. I realized just how much I had missed that yesterday.

This is going to be one of the strangest Easter weekends some have ever experienced. And that cuts both ways. Some gathered and took that for granted but there will be a renewed appreciation for some and a chance to make that day more special for some as well.


Regular Joe....
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Didn't have a run for me on Wednesday or Thursday, and rather than subjecting my arthritic spine to to joys of standing on concrete for 8 hours, making big piles of lumber into little piles of lumber and little piles of lumber into big piles of lumber, I decided to use a couple of vacation days. Then today we're shut down....Not a lot going on in the lumber business up here. They called me with a run for Monday, fortunately, but I'll get no overtime out of it. But 40 hours of work is better than unemployment.

Sure is!


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit today.

I hope everybody is off to a great weekend.

So went over to my Son's house yesterday and we worked on the Swamp Coolers. Well, he worked on them. I drank a beer on the roof. LOL......

But I'll tell ya, it was nice to get out and just sit in the wind on the roof and enjoy the breeze.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all finding a little joy on this Easter Weekend.

I was thinking yesterday what it might be like after all of this Virus stuff is past us and I came to the conclusion that I believe I'm going to feel like a young man again. I think that once this is all over, it's going to feel just like that. Maybe not for a long time but at first, I think it's going to be like tasting freedom after having been deprived of it for awhile. Here is a song that makes me feel young, everytime I hear it. This is what it will feel like, I think.

This is Wes Carr - Feels Like Whoa



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Good morning Pops and Popadoodles! Do you ever feel like you're in a movie and you aren't sure what kind it is? It would help if I could see the title first. Is it a Comedy, I seriously doubt a Romantic Comedy, little chance of Action, please don't be a Drama, Science Fiction, Horror or Western? If it's a TV series, which would make sense, I guaranty it's not a cooking show. Could it be a gardening show with the hostess hating the outdoors? Must see TV there. I was supposed to work in my front yard yesterday but had an uncanny ability to avoid it. I should do a yard playlist. It would have to be all upbeat with little to inspire a dance like Montanalo encounters. I don't need my frustrating outdoor efforts on YouTube.

I hope everyone has a joyous Easter and the bad weather stays far from us all.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Thanks for posting those remarkable photos. We have a potential severe weather alert in our area. Don't know if it will hit Louisiana or not, but this was part of our forecast today:
Severe Weather Outbreak Is Likely in the South on Sunday, Including Threat of Strong Tornadoes, Damaging Wind & Hail
By weather.com meteorologists
less than an hour ago


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Happy Easter! It's a good thing I got my outside work done on Friday. It started raining yesterday right after my walk and is raining again this morning. Plus we have the likely severe weather mentioned above.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Happy Easter Pops and fellow Cowboy fans.

Like many of you, we are bracing for wild weather. In the last 2 hours, the temperature has dropped from about 38 F to 18 F. High winds and snow are expected throughout the day.

Despite this, we are warm, safe and healthly at home.

Regardless your personal believes, we wish you blessings and good health for you and your families


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Happy Easter Pops and all you cute multicolored eggs in the basket. I will debut my combination Easter Bonnet (with all the frills upon it) and mask today for the parade. It's a small parade, one person and two inattentive dogs. It's called a BonnetBandit and if this is a hit, I will have them available for future Easter lock downs. I was too late for this one. Necessity is the mother of invention but I didn't need a combination Easter Bonnet and mask before today. I always look forward to this cross dressing weekend to get the pastels out. The cool thing about this is I can wear it on my head as a Bonnet or pull it down over my face and either adhere to the authorities recommendation or become a bank robber. And since I am cross dressing today, instead of Clyde, I could be Bonnie. The Bonnie BonnetBandit, a long way to go for a short alliteration.

Well, I am tired. At 5:04 this morning, my phone alerted me to a Tornado Warning and to seek shelter immediately. Since I am under orders to shelter in place, I figured where I presently was would suffice but I got up to comfort my little female dog, ChaCha, who is scarred from the thunderstorms in OK, which were the most violent I have ever witnessed. I am scarred from the Walmart in OK but that's a story for another time. And you know there will be more stories coming.

This was the first actual Warning since I've lived here and this sucker put out an enormous amount of rain in a short period of time. This is headed East and should build up power pulling moisture out of the Gulf and people should be bracing for a very powerful storm. When they come through here like that and build, they are real monsters when they move East.

It left behind it a beautiful clear morning and a good day to contemplate Easter and it's meaning of renewed hope at a time when many are in need of that. Most can't gather with others but they can gather them in their heart and actually spend more time thinking about Easter than the Bonnet's, except for the BonnetBandit.

Ron Popiel move over, there's as new sheriff coming to town or should I say Saloon Madame for today?


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who checks in this Easter Sunday.

No Church this morning so I guess I can just watch on TV.

Make this short and sweet today.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, i hope you all have a great Easter.

Everybody, have a great, great Easter as well. Enjoy Friend, Family or, if you can't be with either, then enjoy the Gift that this day represents for all of us.

Gonna leave you guys with this tune.

Big and Rich - Stay Home

Happy Easter Everybody!


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Happy Easter Pops and all you good eggs. I was doing some Olympic quality sleeping when Bailey made a strong push to interrupt my relaxed, spread eagle slumber routine (worth .75 points due to the difficulty level of being that relaxed). She was there to inform me that she'd heard a thunder which was soon followed by more thunders. I was determined to finish my routing and many thunders would not strip me of a gold medal. While in the right sided fetal position of my routine, my phone started making all manner of rude sounds. My routine ended just shy of a perfect 10 because of stupid tornadoes. I turned the TV on and the Weather Channel was saying "Hello. We spy with our little eye a tornado heading your way. Prepare to die at 9:59." Still caught up in my slumber routine, I thought "ok, that gives me 14 minutes to wake up". I looked outside and my wind spinner was shaking and going full throttle. Hmm, that can't be good. It was loud, proud and dark here for a little while, but I didn't die at 9:59.

The sun's out now and I got hungry, so I thought I'd start on lunch. I came to the computer because nothing cooks while I'm watching it. I was here for ... maybe 1 minute and forgot about the stove. Things do cook faster when you're not watching. So for lunch, I'll be having charcoal.

Please be safe and have a good Easter everyone!