FEATURED Morning Pops!

Yeah, it's easy to suggest answers to their problems but I feel for them. I mean, I think everyone should have a backup generator no matter where you live. For any reason. However, this is a rare case and I think it's got more to do with the State leaders not being prepared. The lesson for me in this case is be prepared regardless, sometimes you cannot count on others to bring you comfort.
Ohhh, and when I referenced “my family of whiners here” I meant my bio family where I live, not you folks in this thread.
I agree fully with that whole concept of only being able to take off just so much but being able to add layers as needed... and have voiced that specific thing to my family of whiners here. What I don’t envy is those folks south of where I am that are dealing with a lot of odd freezing weather and worse, the power outages. That’s no joke when your state isn’t prepared to handle that load.

Good morning Pops and friends. It’s been quite a week. The coldest night in decades and someone decided to implement controlled power outages throughout the area. I wonder if the decision makers were included in the power outages? Just found a busted water line which is pretty common right now.
Guess I need to run to Lowe’s and see what supplies they have left. I heard it was pretty busy yesterday. Wish me luck!
Have a good one friends. Keep warm!
Morning Pops and Power to the People! At least this people has his power back and my little old co-op serving the Hill Country came through a hell of a lot better than the larger ones serving Austin. I was unable to post here using my cell as a hot spot and the power going on and off consistently, in fact, that and the cold were the only things that were consistent. Couldn't even make chili and that's what winter is for in the south. Now I know why they have the chili cookoffs in July and August. Lose power just put the pot on the sidewalk.

I was able to intermittently stream TV from Austin and that was both infuriating and heartfelt with the stories of selfishness, stupidity and people standing tall. This morning a battalion Fire Chief was giving out his personal cell number and all of his people, not in rotation, were delivering clothing, food and providing transportation to shelters for those in need. The man brought tears to my eyes.

On a personal note, speaking of the whining. Here I am all pissed off about the power and the inconvenience of it all when one of the Austin TV stations plays an audio of a lady who's power has been off for 18 hours, the temp in their house was in the low 40's and she and her husband have COVID and he started chemo 3 weeks ago. I just hit my knees in shame and said "God, why are you taking so long to give me patience and tolerance"?

It is in times like these that we see the best and worst in people, all depends on what we want to find. Finger pointing and calls for investigations are already happening and it will get ugly but I choose to remember that Fire Chief and that lady.
Afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. It's been the big sleep around here. I put in about 14 hours last night and I'm ready for a nap again. I heard post Covid's go through brain fogs and exhaustion. I tried to post earlier and couldn't think of a thing to say, so I waited.

As far as summer goes, I marvel at the people who love summer. For the life of me, I don't know why. We have 9 months of the stuff here. I think y'all already know how much we hate summer in the south. You can catch our top ten hits again this year. With a few shameless extras that don't rhyme or have a good beat (our record company made us do it) on the I Hate Summer CD of our greatest hits.

Xelda wails her way through Why's It So Hot and Crank the AC Up.
Coachadoodles cuts loose on Screw That Lost Salt Shaker and his #1 hit You Can Find Me At Leon's (Beach House).
RGV belts out Turn The Oven Off and This Piece of Sidewalk is for Cooking On.
ABQ adds his flavor with Too Hot For Clothes and I Can See Fine From Inside.
Leon's bluesy vibe of Got To Get Back (to my beach house) and Move Over Coach.

All for the unbelievably low price of $1.99, but wait if you order in the next 5 minutes, we'll reduce that to $.99.
Just went on mandatory water boiling here as the treatment plant is without power. There's a hospital in Lakeway, a suburb of Austin, that is without water, any water except the bottled water the staff is bringing in.

That patience and tolerance request is going out again. I am so angry at the people who have totally mishandled this and are already lying and deflecting blame.
Just went on mandatory water boiling here as the treatment plant is without power. There's a hospital in Lakeway, a suburb of Austin, that is without water, any water except the bottled water the staff is bringing in.

That patience and tolerance request is going out again. I am so angry at the people who have totally mishandled this and are already lying and deflecting blame.
If this doesn't end soon, can we look forward to you throwing your cap into the ring? You'd make one heck of a good politician and an interesting one too. They'll make a movie about it!
And I’ll vote for you to be his running mate X...just don’t know who’s going to be the “vice” just yet ...
I think it should be all inclusive "vice", why make people choose. "A vice for every person", that will be our motto.

Which reminds me, went to Home Depot and told the man I needed a vice grip because I just couldn't hold onto one and kept skipping around too much, think I can count on his vote too. I was worried about the DIY vote too.
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I think it should be all inclusive "vice", why make people choose. "A vice for every person", that will be our motto.

Which reminds me, went to Home Depot and told the man I needed a vice grip because I just couldn't hold onto one and kept skipping around too much, Think I can count on his vote too. I was worried about the DIY vote too.
I'll supply the motorcade and security ;)
Morning Pops and everyone.

Legit... I’ve got room at my house if you are in need and wanna head north. Water, heat and other amenities. Illinois is just a day’s drive. We’re getting a balmy 21 degrees today. Compared to yesterday’s -15 it should feel like Spring. You need to be able to pass a background check tho.
Morning Pops and everyone.

Legit... I’ve got room at my house if you are in need and wanna head north. Water, heat and other amenities. Illinois is just a day’s drive. We’re getting a balmy 21 degrees today. Compared to yesterday’s -15 it should feel like Spring. You need to be able to pass a background check tho.
How much room, asking for a friend?
Morning Pops and everyone.

Legit... I’ve got room at my house if you are in need and wanna head north. Water, heat and other amenities. Illinois is just a day’s drive. We’re getting a balmy 21 degrees today. Compared to yesterday’s -15 it should feel like Spring. You need to be able to pass a background check tho.
Just a few more hours northwest to the Big Sky state of MT
Morning Pops and everyone.

Legit... I’ve got room at my house if you are in need and wanna head north. Water, heat and other amenities. Illinois is just a day’s drive. We’re getting a balmy 21 degrees today. Compared to yesterday’s -15 it should feel like Spring. You need to be able to pass a background check tho.
You know we can't leave our driveways right now without having an accident.

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