Morning Pops and Power to the People! At least this people has his power back and my little old co-op serving the Hill Country came through a hell of a lot better than the larger ones serving Austin. I was unable to post here using my cell as a hot spot and the power going on and off consistently, in fact, that and the cold were the only things that were consistent. Couldn't even make chili and that's what winter is for in the south. Now I know why they have the chili cookoffs in July and August. Lose power just put the pot on the sidewalk.
I was able to intermittently stream TV from Austin and that was both infuriating and heartfelt with the stories of selfishness, stupidity and people standing tall. This morning a battalion Fire Chief was giving out his personal cell number and all of his people, not in rotation, were delivering clothing, food and providing transportation to shelters for those in need. The man brought tears to my eyes.
On a personal note, speaking of the whining. Here I am all pissed off about the power and the inconvenience of it all when one of the Austin TV stations plays an audio of a lady who's power has been off for 18 hours, the temp in their house was in the low 40's and she and her husband have COVID and he started chemo 3 weeks ago. I just hit my knees in shame and said "God, why are you taking so long to give me patience and tolerance"?
It is in times like these that we see the best and worst in people, all depends on what we want to find. Finger pointing and calls for investigations are already happening and it will get ugly but I choose to remember that Fire Chief and that lady.