FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops, Pops & Xelda. The Lord blessed me with yet another beautiful day. Also, another day closer to football season.

Have a wonderful day my friends!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any and all, who decide to start their day with this thread.

Lots of work to do today, hope all of you are also staying busy.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, have a great day!

BTW Leon, how did you shoot yesterday?
Good morning Pops, Pops & Xelda! The weekend has finally arrived.
Ready to get this day in and over with. Wishing everyone a fun filled weekend, golfing, weeding, cooking out etc... Myself, I'm going to play some elephant soccer.
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Morning, Pops and all you Cowboys fans out there. Happy Friday, folks! I hope you all have an enjoyable day.

ABQ, I had been on a roll before Wednesday. I played only 9 holes two days in a row and shot 39 both times. Then I shot 82 for 18. I was happy with all those because I'm normally in the high 80s. Wednesday I shot 47 on the front and 40 on the back. At least the back nine was good (for me anyways).
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who stop in to visit this thread before they get their weekend started.

Going to the Races this evening, helping out my Buddy. Tomorrow, we got my Uncles 70th Birthday Party and tomorrow night, I am cooking Green Chile Chicken Fettuccine for my Oldest Daughters Birthday. Gonna be a busy, busy weekend for me.

Jobs, stop in and let us know how you are doing my Friend.

Leon, that sounds like you shot pretty well. At least, I think so. The important thing is that you had fun.

dbrp, how does one go about signing up Elephants to play on a Soccer team?

Xelda, I'm too old to try that at home but the women in the Vid is right. That was pretty cool. LOL......

zrin, where you at Buddy?

Happy Friday Everybody!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. May your Sunday be blessed.

ABQ, sounds like you are busy boy right about now. Take care, Buddy.

Xelda, sometimes I feel like that gorilla. I told my wife to buy 50 gallons of milk so I could take a milk bath. She asked me if I wanted pasturized. I told her "no, just enough to cover my belly button. If I want it past my eyes I would just splash it up there."
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. May your Sunday be blessed.

ABQ, sounds like you are busy boy right about now. Take care, Buddy.

Xelda, sometimes I feel like that gorilla. I told my wife to buy 50 gallons of milk so I could take a milk bath. She asked me if I wanted pasturized. I told her "no, just enough to cover my belly button. If I want it past my eyes I would just splash it up there."
Wait! Where the heck did Saturday go??? Ha ha ha ha. Welcome to the weekend!
I'm the first one this morning, thanks to that nap earlier. Good morning Pops and our extra busy ABQ. Hope everything went well and good memories were made.
Morning, Pops and all you Cowboys fans out there. Happy Friday, folks! I hope you all have an enjoyable day. ABQ, I had been on a roll before Wednesday. I played only 9 holes two days in a row and shot 39 both times. Then I shot 82 for 18. I was happy with all those because I'm normally in the high 80s. Wednesday I shot 47 on the front and 40 on the back. At least the back nine was good (for me anyways).
I'm not fooled, Leon. You are sneaking math into the forums and you know math is the devil's language. I do wish you good golf math though.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might decide to stop in at some point today.

I am so tired today but I'm good. Day started earlier so I am coming up for air just now. I hope everybody had a great weekend.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, Zrin, have a great day guys (I know, some of you aren't guys).

Bless everyone!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. My 4 yr. old grandson had a ball helping me mow the back field yesterday with the lawn tractor. It was a joy to see him so happy. Ya'll have a great Tuesday.
Good morning Pops, Pops & Xelda. So I don't forget, here's wishing my Pops in here a Happy Father's day on Sunday. Just keep an eye on that waistline...:p
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who decide to stop in and check out the thread.

Dregs of Summer..... Hot these past few days so doing anything out doors is a chore. Took ABQJr., my Grandson and my Wife to lunch yesterday. Was so hot that I honestly think the soles of my shoes were sticking to the parking lot at Dions. Was fun though!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda and Zrin, how you all hanging in there?

Everybody, have a great day!
Good morning Pops, ABQ, Leon, Dabz, Jobs, Zrin and everyone that visits here. Summer has thrown the door wide open and marched right into the south. Well, it did that shortly after our last cold front. Spring doesn't really grace us with it's presence much any more. To step outside and feel a cool breeze in a tolerable temperature. I miss it. I think I'm just grumpy knowing we're in for 5 more months of summer. Stay hydrated and have a good day everyone.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might stop in and visit the thread today.

Unexpected treat for me today, my Wife took the day off so she didn't leave for work a 5 AM, the Grandson is coming over today for a little while so that's also a nice surprise. Coincidence, I think not!

Still a work day thou so still got stuff to do. Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda and Zrin, have a great day y'all!

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